Brunch with Me?

I’m so excited to share my upcoming event entitled:

Seek-Speak-Soar Empowerment Brunch


Joined by some amazing women of God, this event is sure to be one that will empower you for greatness! Purchase tickets today!!

This brunch is created to enrich, evoke, and empower women and their teens within the community to confidently seek God for His purpose over their life, teach them to speak aloud the promises He shared in a positive affirming way and soar greatly into the predestined journey after proper planning.


Cherisse Plair is the founder of 3 Words Ministries, a ministry with a mission to equip people with the right tools to build a strong foundation based solely on the word of God.

Antoinette Staples is the founder of W.E.N.G.S. and is on a mission to Encourage, Inspire, and Empower women all over the world. 

This event is going to be power packed and will inspire not only the women of this generation but also the teen girls of our future.

If you are interested in becoming a Sponsorship Partner, please click the coordinating package and sign up today!!

Platinum Partner Pay NOW          Gold Partner Pay NOW          Silver Partner Pay NOW

If you have a small business and would like to highlight your business as a vendor at the event, WE WANT YOU!!


With this community event bringing many women and teen girls together, we are extending vendor opportunities to local business owners. If you brand aligns with God’s message of women & teen empowerment, we want you! For a small fee of $40, you can secure a table during Seek Speak Soar Empowerment Brunch 2016. Vendor opportunities are limited so please act fast.


If you are interested in just joining for this amazing teaching, purchase a ticket for you and be sure to purchase one for your teen girl too! BUY NOW 

You can check out more information here: ——>SeekSpeakSoar<——


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Lemonade, Tea, Me & Bey


Beyonce’ dropped yet another amazing visual album and the world stopped… then carried on. 🙂


Although I absolutely loved her transparency, ability to showcase she is as human as the rest of us and creativity, I am using this forum to share how you too, can turn the lemons in life into lemonade and proudly carry on!

Here are the top 3 lessons (yes there were more) I learned from Lemonade, were able to relate with and so can you:

  1. NO ONE IS EXEMPT TO EXPERIENCE THE TRIALS IN WHAT WE CALL LIFE! In the words of the one who was once my “husband in my head” and now painting clouds purple as he passed on to glory, Prince “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life.” Truth is, we ALL go through it. But only a few will choose to grow through it. Beyonce’ shared her trial and how she’s grown and you can too. Whatever that thing is whether it’s marital problems, infidelity, insecurities, childhood trauma, or even health scares, sweetheart, you are not the first nor will you be the last. Pick up your bed and walk free. Cry, become angry, scream, pout, question and do whatever you need to let it out, but most of all, be sure to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
  2. DON’T ALLOW IT TO “INTERRUPT YOUR GRIND!” Simply stated, *ish happens. Keep it moving. Bey shared how distractions, even those considered to be your husband can interrupt the plans God has for you if you are not careful. Do things in His will and never lose sight of the end prize. I have to be transparent and share, I fell into this trap for almost a year and when I heard those words “interrupting my grinding” all I could do was jolt up from the lying down position I was in and say in my Kevin Hart voice “wait… I wasn’t ready!” But the truth is, I needed to hear that. NOW… it’s about what I will do with that boost of inspiration. Come on now ladies, get in formation and follow suit! Don’t let anyone or anything interrupt the plans He has for you. Know your purpose and never stray away from it. If you get coins along the way, that is just an added blessing 🙂
  3. FORGIVENESS, FREEDOM AND MOVING ON! When life hands you lemons, make the best lemonade, forgive those who’ve done you wrong, own your freedom and once again, keep it moving! Forgiveness is the key to it all. Many times, why we get stuck is because we forget to forgive. Forgive the one whose wrong you, forgive what has happened to you and forgive yourself for what you’ve done to you including the extended pity party you threw. Own your freedom and let NO ONE take it from you. From family to social media to being captive to un-forgiveness, take your freedom back! “Freedom, freedom, I can’t move! Freedom, cut me loose!” 


So this is the Lemonade and Tea from me with learnings from Bey!

What are yours?

P.S. If you are needing some help in turning your lemons into lemonade, reach out to me, The Confidence Coach today for your FREE 30 minute Consultation!


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Be sure to share your learnings below!

Power of the Park – #IvyPark

Let’s kick this off celebrating the brilliance of Beyonce’ .

Yes, I said it and no it’s not worship… it’s celebration. It’s inspiration. It’s empowerment. Now, let me share with you why.

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It’s been 37mins that the cover of Elle was shared via internet. 35mins since Bey posted via instagram pics of the shoot and introduced #IvyPark as a hashtag and new instagram page… check out these results:

ivypark inst

yea… 25k of us already are followers and there is only ONE picture posted!

The cover of Elle is not only breaking news but literally breaking the internet!


And not only is it Elle for US but UK also!


Now let’s share the brilliance of Beyonce’ , business mindset and branding!

Beyonce’: Known for music that gets you moving physically and sometimes mentally as well due to what some consider as the recent controversy of her lyrics and video to Formation.


The celebrated truth is that she is unapologetically her. She chooses to be who she desires and does not ask the permission of you. Regardless of any backlash received, she is still doing her and refuses to address any of it. This alone is a brilliance many of us strive for our entire lifetime.

When was the last time you did something that caused a reaction but you kept moving not caring what anyone had to say?

bey gif

Carry on 🙂

Now “back to business”: Bey reminds us to keep our business mindset up. Look at what she’s done over the past 60 days:

  1. Performs epic routine, song and nationally talk about performance at Superbowl Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.16.21 AM
  2. Launch NEW song and Formation clothing line at the same time… capitalize on the opportunity Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.07 AM
  3. Teases with Elle cover and NEW active wear line Ivy Park 14 days prior to it’s launch date in stores! Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.57 AM

Not only is she about her business, she works it quietly then drops it effortlessly. This is something to learn. Know how to just WORK!

Stop talking about it and just work about it! 

Tweet: Stop talking about it and just work about it! ~CoachK #formation #slay #businessbabe

And on to Branding: The power of branding award goes to Beyonce’ . With the introduction of a clothing line 14 days to launch date, introduction to new instagram page and having 25k followers in less than 30mins, this shows the power of right content and being visually appealing to the eye.

Truth is, her branding works because:

  1. Beyonce’ is clear about her unique value proposition
  2. She knows her goal (simply to dominate and inspire along the way)
  3. Bey knows her target audience
  4. She is loyal to herself first
  5. Pays attention to the details
  6. Stays relevant

These are just a few of what makes her branding work. She stays relevant by knowing her audience (Intro to getting your Summer Body ready with Ivy Park), what’s going on in the world today (Formation) and keeping trendy with a unique flare!

If you disagree, I’m sure it’s more of a personal dislike versus respecting the truth and hustle. Either way, your opinions are welcomed.

I’m inspired by #IvyPark Not simply by the brand or Beyonce’ but the immersive experience received when watching the trailer. It inspires me to reflect back to what my park is. This has ignited a fire and I’m ready to burn it up!

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#FabFridays- Sexiness, more than what you wear!


Modest is the new sexy!

The bare-it-all is truly over-rated and although there is greatness in the woman who is comfortable in her own skin, there is equal greatness in those that can show sexiness without the need to bare it all.

Did you know there was such a thing? Let me share how to do that.


Sexy is shown though:

  1. The eyes – SMIZE!!! (Tyra-ism which means to smile with your eyes)smize1
  2. Smile on your face! A smile is so welcoming, warm, enchanting and yes even sexy at times. Keeping your lips exfoliated, soft and kissable along with your teeth properly cared for… get a brighter whiter smile ladies (and gents) and then add the right shade of lipstick and welcome sexy! Some top choices for lip colors are the right nude for you and red. A red lip is always sexy!

    3. The Hair – How you wear your hair can be sexy as well and it will not require you to be barely there either.

    4. Create it with Color – All black dress with a pop of red, wearing all red or maybe even wearing the royal color purple can showcase sexiness.blackjadore redredwhite

5.  Own YOUR style. when you confidently wear whatever your choose, sexiness can equate to it simply because you believe you are. Below are some modest fashionistas (1. Anam Shahid 2. Nadira Abdul Quddus) that have great style and can also be considered sexy.

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What are some ways you showcase sexiness without baring it all?

Please share!

KSP sig



Hey There fellow follower, supporter, creative being and fashionista…



The New Year is fast approaching and with a new year, there are new things to come! Kisha’s Chic Lessons is currently looking for writers who are passionate about helping others in the areas of Fashion, Fitness, Food and Finance!


Are you a queen of any? Do you stay up on current trends, know what’s hot and what’s not… Are you able to share great tips in an inspiring and uplifting way?

Well, we want you‼️ We’re looking for the fashion blogger who would like to expose NEW content through

It’s a great way to share your expertise with the world and get seen on multiple platforms.

If you are interested, send samples of your best work, relevant to current style trends to with “F4 BLOGGER” in the subject!

Look forward to working with you.

KSP sig

Meet Me in Costa Rica!



retreat promo

Click below to sign up:

Promo pay button


Today marks our 15 day promo in which we will also share 15 reasons to join us in Costa Rica! Here is #1:


Investing in you is so important. So many times we give to everyone else… our children, our husbands, our jobs, our friends, our family… but we forget to invest in what is our most valuable asset: OURSELVES! When we choose to take time to invest in ourselves so much is given back to us. When we take care of our personal self and health, we live longer, stress less and are able to give more to the things and people we love. If you don’t invest in yourself, you find yourself drained, stretched too thin and not having the energy to give your best self to others.

Take a week off this fall and join us in Costa Rica for a transformational journey! You will receive daily three meals, life coaching, meditation, yoga, fitness, nutritional coaching and so much more! You will walk away feeling renewed and ready to take on any obstacles thrown your way!

Join E3Retreats in Costa Rica at an amazing promotional offer of just $995! We would love to see you there!

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KCL Proverb


Tuesday TEN


This is your year! I’m sure you’ve heard this multiple times already in the first 12 days of the year. Well, not only do I believe in this statement, I am going to share with you a great way to invest in yourself that will assist in this being “YOUR Year!”

your year

One of the best ways to invest in yourself and your passions is to get educated in the field you are passionate about, find a great mentor/accountability partner and spread your gift to the world.

Using myself as an example, last year was great. I published my first book, had a book tour where I sold out 4 out of 5 places and was booked for multiple speaking engagements all within 4 months of me leaving my full time day job to pursue my passion of being an author, Life Coach and Motivational Speaker. My new career of pursing my passions was looking great! Then things came to a halt due to me taking on full time care of my granny. Now with a new year in place, I’m back to pouring into my passions. One way I am pouring into my passion is to attend Marshawn Evans Daniels  upcoming Make Money Speaking Tour and I’m sharing 10 reasons why you should attend also!



1. What better way to learn than from someone who’s done the work! Marshawn has a proven track record of building her brand and living out her purpose.



2. Marshawn has published multiple inspiring and informational articles for world known companies



3. She is known for her many appearances in media outlets

4. Godfidence Business School is “WHERE WORLD-CLASS SPEAKERS GENERATE A WORLD-CLASS INCOME™” so why not learn from the Make Money Speaking Tour



5. The testimonials shared via website are enough to inspire anyone to partake in services

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 2.47.58 PMScreen Shot 2015-01-11 at 2.52.26 PM 6. Marshawn is offering the opportunity to learn “the business and branding secrets of speaking for pay” at a very low cost of $45!



7. Marshawn’s motto just makes sense:


8. Marshawn offers amazing and insightful advice via social media so just imagine what you will get when in her presence!


9. Her Brand Class is just a peak of brilliance that you would get from Make Money Speaking!



10. She is a woman of faith! Marshawn is not afraid to share her faith and because of this, God continues to reward her.

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Please be sure to check out Make Money Speaking Tour dates and invest in yourself by attending.

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Wear It Wednesday

Thank you Michael Kors for this amazingly chic transitional line!

This Wear It Wednesday is dedicated to Pre-Fall 2015! It’s been stated on Fashionistyle that “Michael Kors has gone girly — sort of. For transeason, he said he riffed ‘on what I would call clichéd feminine things that I would never touch, like bows and pearls, but looking at them in a very graphic way.’ ”

Here are some great looks:

Images from WWD

What are some of your favorite looks?


Tuesday TEN

give self


It’s a New Year which means we should make things new within our lives as well. This first Tuesday of 2015 I want to focus on how to keep yourself first.

With that, here at 10 ways to give back to yourself throughout this year with whatever you encounter. Remember, if you don’t take care and give to yourself, how can you ever fully give your best to others?


1. Make meditation a priority! Creating a daily routine that includes time to meditate, self-reflect and pray is one of the best things you can offer yourself. Whether its four minutes and twenty-five, there is always time in the day to dedicate to yourself for meditation, prayer and self-reflection. When you do this, it creates clarity. It also gives you a deeper meaning to life and you appreciate the moments of what are to come much more. Try it… I promise you won’t regret it!

Here is a great example of 4 minute meditation from one of my favorite people Rebekah Borucki BexLife:

2. Be childlike and play a little! Don’t take things to seriously. Be childlike and get outside to enjoy some play time. Ride a bike, roll down a hill, laugh until you cry, hell, laugh at yourself OUT LOUD… whatever it is, enjoy it as if there are no worries in the world just as children do. Some of my favorite moments are when I’m teaching my nieces and nephews how to turn cartwheels in the yard or playing games with them. It relieves so much stress.


3. Celebrate your success. Big promotion or small obstacle you’ve overcome like the fear of escalators… no matter the size of the success and no matter if others don’t see it as a success as you do, take the moment to celebrate it and tell yourself job well done. Remember, you do not need permission from anyone else to celebrate yourself!



4. Turn off from social media for a few hours a day. If you are bold enough make it a full day or even a week. Give yourself a break from the minutia of others lives they create on social media. Take a break from the drama. 🙂 I love the article about 7-day Smart Phone Detox from Popsugar! I think we as people forget we didn’t always have this accessibility… don’t become a slave to it.

smartphone detox


5. Don’t take your phone to bed! This goes in hand with the previous way to give back to yourself. Sleep is a necessity… whatever the email, text and notifications from Facebook are can wait until the next day. ENJOY your bed time with a good book, the bible, soothing sounds of nothing and above all SLEEP!

silent mode

6. Express yourself creatively. Dance, sing, perform at open mic, take a pottery making class, write or even paint an abstract canvas! Just do something at least once a week that allows you to tap into your creative side. There is no way you can stay stressed out if doing this. Art can be very therapeutic.


7. Detox when necessary! I believe in completing a health detox after holidays, sometimes once per season or whenever I feel my body needs it. Releasing toxins from your body is a BIG THANK YOU from your soul to your ears. You release stress and inherit peace. Detox is not just for removing addictions…detox is to purify your body from all impurities, stress, promote elimination from intestines and so much more. Check out more HERE.



8. Get a full body massage at least once a month. Depending on your daily life stress you may want to do more. While living in New York I would get my Thai Body Massage every other week and it relieved so much stress and revitalized me. (NOTE… you don’t have to break the bank for this service to yourself. Look into local massage schools where you can go and offer a donation to the students. They are learning but still great!)



9. Share why you are grateful each day! Create a grateful journal and write those things you are grateful for.


10. Pay attention to Posture. Simple yet most impactful way to give back to yourself. Trust, you will notice the difference in the way you feel, react, smile and deal with less stress with the straightening of your back.



These are my top ten but I would love to hear some of the those things you will do to give back to yourself.


Happy New Year!!!

It’s 2015 and you’ve made it through!


Now the question is… what will you do with it?

You’ve celebrated last night to bring in the New Year and now it’s time to get to it! Remember…

every moment count

Some have written out goals, made resolutions or even created vision boards but above all of this, you need to underscore the importance of doing what you said you are going to do each and every day this year. You must APPLY action toward whatever that goal is. Break it down into digestible chunks to set yourself up for success and not failure. Ways to achieve this is to not speak so broadly of your goals but get specific on one action that will eventually make a huge impact.

Here’s an example:

Your goal is to lose 30lbs by March but keep it off for the entire year, well your digestible “APPLY IT ACTIONABLE” would be to commit to working out 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. (This is how you will be able to see your goal come to fruition)

Apply It Action


What’s better than the “Apply it Actionable” ? The answer is an accountability partner! Do you have one? If not, reach out to a friend that you know will hold you accountable or better yet, make the public your accountability partner by sharing with the world via social media what your goals for this year are. I have a good friend who wrote an article on “Power Moves” versus the mundane resolution list and I absolutely love it! Check it out here: 5 Power Decisions for Women to Make in 2015 it’s by Jasmin Brand. Be sure to follow her work. Lot’s of greatness to come in 2015!

With that being said, I will share my 5 power moves and conclude with wishing each of you well as you journey through what will be an amazing year!

2015 is all about me Paying it Forward! With this being said, below are my 5 power moves with most being ways I will pay it forward so that I will not only impact my life but the lives of others!



1. Social Media Takeover! The obsession with big butts, flashy cars and materialistic nonsense is over-rated and out-dated! Let’s get back to inspiring those to become better individuals, inspire them to go after their God-Given talents and become who they are destined to be! I plan on doing this by taking over social media with my inspiration initiative. Be sure to follow me as I give uplifting, positive yet entertaining words of wisdom on a daily basis while also being transparent about my life. (Why be transparent? Well, who wants inspiration from someone who never faces or have faced any issues or failures??? What’s the inspiration in that?!) FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER

2. Daily Affirmations: I will share with the world 365 daily affirmations to assist on your journey to becoming great! Each affirmation will be posted on Instagram and here on my blog. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and I will definitely follow you back! #teamfollowback


3. InstaMotivation: Follow me on Instagram for 15sec video inspiration! It will post every Monday for what I consider #MondayMotivation or what I’m known for saying… “TGIM!” This will assist in keeping you charged for the week to come.

4. Invest in Me! Per Jasmin’s power moves I’m stealing this one. It’s necessary for me to give back to myself as I give to others. Besides, if I’m not the best me, how can I offer you the best? Being transparent, last year started off really great with my book and business launch but as my granny took ill and I went there to be her right hand aide, I allowed stress and depression to take over and gained 27lbs in 4 freaking months! SO NOT COOL! I’m back on the track of gaining my health back and it’s not just because it’s a new year, it’s because I owe it to myself! How will I do this, well my bitesize chunk is 30 minutes of cardio each day for 5 days a week along with better food choices as I travel the world. 🙂

and lastly…

5. Give my gift to the world! Although I do many speaking engagements and I’m a Life Coach, I want to impact more and I will do this by offering free training and workshops throughout the year. Be sure to look for them! Below are the months to expect free virtual workshops:

  • February (28 Days to a Confident YOU)
  • April
  • June
  • September
  • November

Please share your goals with your “Apply It Actionable” for this upcoming year… I would love to be an accountability partner for you!

Loads of Love,

The Confidence Coach


Wear it Wednesday



As I get ready to enter my journey on the open road, I dedicate this Wear it Wednesday to Ways to Travel Chic!


When traveling, I love to be comfy chic. For me it’s always about choosing fabrics that are breathable, has stretch and looks effortless chic. Call me what you want but to me, there is a way to still make sweats chic and not careless! Check out some of road warrior looks that I will definitely adapt.


One of my favorite tips: Layer up! It’s easy to remove when warm and a perfect option to add on when crossing over states not knowing what the weather will bring.



Lightweight Joggers and track pants from ASOS are great for the road warrior! They are comfortable yet can be paired with a leather moto jacket to elevate the look. Only $34.11!!






Another great way to travel the open road is to bring items that are interchangeable. Items that you can wear multiple different ways allow you to pack minimally and still be stylish!




How can you go wrong with basics and a splash of color?



I love the bottom looks! Minimize what you bring but once again make it interchangeable for all events. LOVE THIS!






My goal is to get at least fifteen looks in one duffle bag out of maybe ten items. Let’s see if I reach my goal. 🙂

What tips do you have to share?


Wear it Wednesday



With wind chills steadily dropping and some experiencing seven feet of snow already, it’s only right to share some chic coats for this season!

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Share some of your favorite chic coats for this winter.


Wear it Wednesday

With my birthday 5 days away, I’m thinking of ways to reinvent my style for the new year. I decided to dedicate this Wear it Wednesday to “Ways to Reinvent your Look” with hopes to inspire you as well as get some feedback from you. Be sure to share other ways you choose to reinvent your look if it’s not listed below.

Woman with shadow in background dancing

Anytime I think about reinventing my look the first place I go to is my hair!

I think cutting your hair or changing the color can be so liberating and it will change your attitude and look instantly!

Some styles and colors I’ve considered are:












Every time I look at Tanika Ray‘s hair, I release the cut bug and want to continue on my hair growth journey.

Another way to reinvent your look is to focus on your skin. Taking care of your skin and creating a skin routine is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You older self will thank you!


Over the past 3 years I’ve become addicted to Chanel products for my daily facial routine. I will say, I do believe in using different moisturizers for different seasons and even day versus night. Taking care of your skin will definitely reinvent your look.


Also… I do believe in keeping my lips kissable! Be sure to try out my lip scrub and lip balm duo! Purchase by clicking HERE or on the photo!

Lip Collage2


Try a new hue….. step out the black box and try something new.





Simply by adding on the accessories can reinvent your look!
acc3acc2acc1Lastly I think of releasing the makeup or trying something new with it. I’m not one to wear it but when I do, I try to keep it fresh. But how cool would it be to do something unexpected?!



What are some ways you will reinvent your look?


Tuesday TEN

Solange Knowles… one of my favorite stylista’s was married over the weekend and she did it in such a chic way!


Completely fabulous! Solange vintage yet unique and chic style is one that will be recorded for years to come. It’s completely inspirational to see the disregard for societies tradition and going bold in their own creative direction with the entire event.

Below are my top 10 chic moments to recap from Solange and Alan Ferguson wedding.

1. The Pre-wedding Experience. Events leading up to the wedding Solange and Alan gave a sneak peak of what to expect with the chic white and khaki styled outfits.


2. For the rehearsal dinner on Saturday Nov. 14th she wooed us once again in white but this time an asymmetrical garment designed by Stephane Rolland.


3 & 4. The entire wedding party and guests were asked to wear white and it was done completely chic!




5. Riding in style through the streets of New Orleans


6. And they arrive


7. Just the two… chicly in love


8. Even the DJ QuestLove was chicly dressed in white


9. Like mother like son dancing to “No Flex Zone

10. The gown! Designed by Humberto Leon for Kenzo was a modern take on a caplet gown perfectly accessorized with gold gold arm cuffs by Jill for Lady Grey. STUNNING!



What were some of your favorite moments from Solange wedding?


Wear It Wednesday

Love this post from! They share “7 brilliant ways to winterize your summer clothes” This post is perfect for today as the temperature went from 72 degrees yesterday to 44 degrees today!

Hope you enjoy!

The original post can be found on

“Every #girl should know ways to winterize your summer clothes. No need to break the bank just to have cute clothes for every season! You can combine your summer and #fall wardrobe to make an equally fashionable winter wardrobe! All you need is a little inspiration to get you jumpstarted. I’d loveto share my secrets for ways to winterize your summer clothes. These are tips that have worked for me, so please keep reading to find out what they are!



One of the #best ways to winterize your summer clothes is by adding a jacket. You can wear any of your fun summer maxi dresses by adding a jacket or a blazer for extra warmth. Experiment with sweaters and shrugs too. Even a faux fur vest can add some extra warmth for those chilly days that aren’t quite brisk enough for a coat. Broaden your collectionof jackets and sweaters to have one of each color!


Putting on layers is not only a good way to keep warm, but it’s also very trendy! Try wearing a button up shirt under a sweater, or layer a vest over a tee. Putting leggings or tights under dresses and skirts can keep you warm without sacrificing fashion. Don’t forget you can layer bracelets and watches too!


I love boots! There are so many different styles! I love that I can wear my short maxi skirts in the winter if I wear a pair of boots with them. Even summery, floral printed skinny jeans can look like a fall staple with the right boots. Boots can make nearly any item #look like a winter piece.


Go crazy with tights in the winter! Wear printed and patterned tights, or throw on a solid pair if you prefer. You can even wear your shorts in the #winter if you add a pair of tights under them! Also try layering boot socks or boot cuffs over the tights for an extra fashion statement!


Winter fashion comes with some very cute accessories! Scarves, mittens, earmuffs, gloves, and cute caps are a few ideas of winter accessories you can wear with any outfit. Knitted infinity scarves are cute and warm, and if you get a neutral color you can wear it with multiple outfits. Don’t forget that your style of jewelry can also change an outfit’s appearance from summer to #winter.


Just because it’s mid-winter doesn’t mean you can’t wear that bright blue chevron maxi dress! But try adding a pair of dark brown boots and a jacket to “tone it down” for winter. Season appropriate colors are usually dark for winter and bright for summer. You can bend that rule with the right balance. We all love a nice “pop” of color to our outfits!


Your hair and makeup can change a #look dramatically! Try wearing a dark lip or plum shades of eye shadow to winterize your #face. Hairstyles can also be changed with the season. Go for more of a curl and less of a beachy wave for wintertime. I like to pin flowers in dark reds and browns in my#hair for the winter season!

Just because winter has arrived doesn’t mean you have to pack away your favorite summer clothes. You just have to be creative and figure out a way to convert a summer item into a winter piece! These tips will get you started on the right track. Do you plan to wear any of your summer pieces this winter?”

The original post can be found on  Please be sure to check this site out  for more information and other amazing and informational posts.



Wear it Wednesday

With Beyonce’ wearing a Topshop affordable chic dress on the “Black Carpet” for new store opening, it has inspired this post of


Topshop Topman New York City Flagship Opening Dinner This amazing look worn by Queen Bey is only $130! Check out some other great night out affordable chic looks below and get ready for holiday season:


Another great look from Topshop  only $110 that can be paired with bold gold accessories.


Find this lovely long sleeved black dress for $79 at Simply Dresses


Sexy mid-sleeve mini dress only $104


Great faux leather dress from Zara LESS THAN $100 ONLY $79.90



Amazing low-cut jumpsuit with V-Back at Zara $129


Amazing sequin velveteen dress worn by Iggy for Forever 21 ONLY $32.90


LOVE this red jumpsuit for only $68 from Nordstrom


Spice it up with a dress from French Connection only $138


Alice + Olivia dress is only $138 and is perfect for a fun night out on the town


What do you think?? Will you do affordable chic as great as Queen Bey?



Wear It Wednesday

Halloween will be here in 3 days! Do you have your costume yet?

If you are one of those who usually awaits the last minute or don’t have the time to do it until last minute and still looking for ideas, I’ve compiled some below!


These costumes are those that are inspired to spending minimal amounts of money, in some cases none because most of us have these things lying around the house to create these frugal costumes!

Go Nostalgic! 

I’m sure everyone has that old bag of clothes from the nineties stuck in the attic somewhere (and for some still in the closet) that you can pull out and create these looks from!

Fresh Prince and his wacky cousin Carlton! With Alfonso currently showing his dancing moves on Dancing with The Stars, this would be fitting to pay tribute to him.


Or try Dr. Evil and Mini Me… literally 🙂 Make it a family affair with this look by just getting out the blue jean button down and bandana to tie around the head. Then be sure to add stick on numbers to the front to get the whole prison look.


Or make it plain yet powerful with Sticky Stickley from Nickelodeon


Looking for more fun… try these:

Buy a roll of tulle under $5 at Hobby Lobby for more than enough and create a large loofah! And don’t forget to get the string! Watch the DIY video HERE for how to create.


Become Rosie the Riveter by putting on your spouse blue collared shirt, sleeves rolled and a red bandana.


Throw on a lampshade, cut a box and cover it with a sheet for “One Night Stand


Or make it sexy and even become a pop star for a day:

Become Fifth Element with white tube tops and tape. Make it a group effort to become Korban, Dallas and Leeloo.


Do you have a sexy red dress? Become Jessica Rabbit with a red dress and just buy some purple gloves!


Through on your black leotard or body suit, buy some cat ears and become a sexy kitten!

Lastly… so many looks from the infamous Beyonce’ from this past year you can become. If you have the items at home… recreate and become Sasha Fierce!

Rock the short bangs and a wig as Bey in Paris


Make it sexy On the Run with your black body suit and let your man be Jay-Z 🙂


Hope this sparked some ideas! Be sure to share what you plan to be.


Fab Fashion Fridays – Salute to GabiFresh

GabiFresh… the bodacious fashion journalist who turned her hobby into income is an inspiration to all us fashion lovers and bloggers. Why you ask? Well, it’s not just her fabulous style but her incredible business sense, ability to capture a large following and unparalleled confidence!

GabiFresh Title

This fabulous lady has appeared many places from Good Morning America to the MTV Awards. She shows impeccable style and shows that know matter your dress size, you can still wear the news fashions and even better than the norm.




GabiFresh pushes the envelope, provoking thought of being your own standard of beauty. She did a great job at this when doing what she called her #fatbeyonce photo shoot but I called it simple beautiful!


You can check out more of her style, confidence and fabulousness on her blog

She does a great job of interpreting her inspirations and making them her own. I love her “But a Dream…” photo shoot inspired from the set of Zelie for She.


Be sure to follow her on social media!
Instagram: @GabiFresh

Facebook: GabiFresh

Twitter: @GabiFresh

Thanks Gabi… for being a Fab Friday inspiration!


Tuesday TEN

In memory of the legendary Oscar de la Renta, I wanted to utilize this Tuesday TEN to share SOME of my top Oscar de la Renta red carpet looks & celebrity moments.


1 & 2. SJP



Infamous Oscar de la Renta gown given to character Carrie Bradshaw by Romantic Russian Lover Aleksandr Petrovsky just because she was looking at it in her Vogue magazine!


3. He dresses and escorts “momma O” Oprah Winfrey for the 2010 Met Gala

oscar and oprah

4. Jennifer Lawrenceoscar-de-la-renta-jennifer-lawrence

5. Lea Micheleoscar-de-la-renta-lea-michelle

6. Lupita Nyong’o oscar-de-la-renta-lupita-nyongo

7. Kerry WashingtonKerry Washington

8. Who can forget the gold gowns dazzling on the runway in 1996…


9. Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood

10. The beautiful Audrey Hepburn and Mr. De La Renta 



Oscar de la Renta was not only an extraordinary designer but a kind and gentle soul. His legacy will live on. Rest in Peace to one of the worlds greatest. May comfort and condolence be with his family.

What are some of your memorable Oscar moments?


Wear it Wednesday – Scarlet Fever

Oh how I LOVE the fall season! It’s my favorite!

Fall foliage, cool breeze and bye-bye to the mosquito’s down south! LOL! This is such a great time. Check out some cool looks to add to your fall wardrobe in the beautiful fall color of scarlet.


The pop of this hue of red is always great for turning heads. From adding a cardigan or blazer in this color to going bold with scarlet colored pants, this is a great way to jazz up your fall wardrobe.



Throw on an accessory in this color for a small yet bold statement like Nicole Scherzinger.


The lovely Scarlett Johansson lives up to her name and wears it flawlessly head to toe!

The 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' Premiere **USA, Australia, New Zealand ONLY**

Pairing this bright red with orange tint colored blazer over black makes it more focal. Wendy always does a great job showing top style in the seasons popular colors.


Carolina Herrera offers evening looks for fall in this hue from a solid and print option.



What are some ways you will add this color to your wardrobe this fall?

Fab Fashion Fridays! Viola Davis

RP! Amazing article on Viola Davis by Vanity Fair. I had to share for Fab Fashion Fridays.

Viola Davis


Viola Davis How to get away with anything!

Over-the-Knee Leather Boots @ Fall/Winter 2014 Fashion Shows

Fab Fashion Fridays!

Get ready to Fall back in Fashion with over the knee boots for Fall and Winter!
Love this post by Cristina HH.

Wear it Wednesday ~ Animal Print for Fall

Gentle breeze, less of the sneezes and the thoughts of getting cozy are all things that arrive with Fall. Now it’s time to add the fashion into the mix.


I absolutely love animal prints in the fall. Check out some chic styles for fall to help you embrace your animal instincts!

Be sure to share if you would Rock it Or Knock it!

ONLY $60 This Zara Animal Print Tunic can easily go from work to evening if paired with a black boyfriend blazer.


Purchase here: Zara Leopard Print Satin Tunic

Throw on this cute Mango printed cardigan with a white button down, black ankle pants and pop of red ballet flats for fall.


Purchase here: Mango Animal-Print Angora and Cotton Cardigan

It’s always great to add fun prints with your accessories!


How cool is this look below with the Zara Leopard Coat for fall?! Perfect pairing with white denim… yes after Labor Day! Would you rock it?


Gucci offers amazing accessories for fall in animal print such as these stylish leopard boots!

Gucci Shoes

Interested in adding them to your fall wardrobe… click here:

I adore pops of print from the leggings with everything else solid or a cuff to add a touch of fun… all these items below are great ways to add a pop of leopard to the wardrobe!


You can find the sleek handbag from Rabeanco leather bag, $498, , TheCarven cotton tank top, $260, at Saks Fifth Avenue stores, Coat above is from Burberry, We all know the red bottoms from Mr. Christian Louboutin $1,175, at Saks Fifth Avenue stores, The calf hair cuff is from Anna Pellissari $105, And lastly bold silk trousers by Sandro $340,

Here are more chic shoe wear:


One of my favorite trench with a twist is from Burberry  Only the stylish would dare to wear this!


Cavalli styles it up a notch for fall with animal print. Are you a risk taker? Would you rock this?

Roberto Cavalli


Dolce and Gabbana add print to glasses. This would be a chic addition to any look.


If you are looking to go wild for a night on the town try this gown from Roberto Cavalli



And for me… my go to fall animal instinct lies in my scarf! It’s a fave a bring out at any given moment!

Would you rock it or knock it?

What’s your go to animal print item for fall?