Things I want to complete during my life… in no particular order (BOLD means completed and you can view some of the pics above)

  1. Take Dance lessons: Salsa, Ballroom, Belly:-)
  2. Complete & Publish Book (Texas and The City 04/24/14)
  3. Launch Keepin’ Chic
  4. Participate in 5K (4/11/10)
  5. Create multiple streams of income
  6. Write greeting cards
  7. Re-learn Spanish FLUENTLY
  8. Bungee jump or equivalent (free falling 1/17/09)
  9. Study yoga for 3 months minimum
  10. Motivational speaking
  11. Ride on a yacht (5/7/13)
  12. Learn Martial Arts
  13. Visit Canada (4/25/09)
  14. Visit Brazil (carnival in Rio before Lent)
  15. Visit Dubai (4/17/13)
  16. Design my clothing
  17. Live in NY for a year (moved 9/4/12)
  18. Live in UK or travel there frequently with work
  19. Skydive!
  20. Be an esteem coach
  21. Learn to Ice Skate (9/2012)
  22. Visit Vegas (birthday bash 11/2010)
  23. Become a certified life coach
  24. Give up something for 40 days!
  25. Take weekend excursion alone
  26. Open IRA & CD
  27. Host and Entertain fun events (Game night, movietini night…)
  28. Learn to speak French and Italian fluently
  29. Empower others to fulfill God Given Purpose
  30. Start a blog
  31. Publish autobiography Texas and The City!
  32. Study Psychology Currently studying to get Masters in Psychology at Regent University!
  33. Have 1 on 1 with Bishop Jakes
  34. Have/Adopt a child God blessed me with Creed on 6/9/17!
  35. Build meaningful relationships
  36. Learn to Scuba dive
  37. Visit Chicago (10/2011 with Vickie for her 15th B-day)
  38. Go to a NFL Game (08/2008)
  39. Build my own empire
  40. Build college fund for godkids
  41. Meet and talk with Oprah
  42. Learn to cook like a chef in Tuscany
  43. Teach seminars
  44. Get a tatoo
  45. Take a trip with best friend
  46. Study different cultures and religions
  47. Go 3 months without TV (STILL GOING without started 07/2012)
  48. Throw leading ladies luncheon for women in my life
  49. Plant a tree
  50. Help build homes for Habitat of Humanity or similar
  51. Learn Marksmanship
  52. Practice/Learn kick boxing
  53. Build recreation for youth in PA
  54. Take a pottery making class
  55. Adopt a pet
  56. Go horseback riding
  57. Build foundation D2DB Teen KICK Ministries!
  58. Invest in sister’s business
  59. Drive a boat (08/2008)
  60. See a Broadway show 03/18/2013)
  61. Get certified at CPR
  62. Go Natural (07/2009)
  63. Take a wild adventure (hiking, mountain climbing)
  64. Complete a triathlon/adventure race
  65. Complete a full marathon
  66. Help someone in need
  67. Fly in a helicopter
  68. Ride a camel
  69. Build a school
  70. Start a talk show or video blog on living your best life!
  71. Swim with the dolphins (02/25/14 in Hawaii)
  72. Go ziplining (08/24/12)
  73. Learn to cliff dive
  74. Achieve goal income by 30
  75. Volunteer at children’s center or hospital
  76. Trace family tree
  77. Start an enrichment group Blend in for What?!™
  78. Take a spa vacation (03/2012)
  79. Do freelance writing
  80. Create a legacy
  81. Travel and explore the world!! China, Bail, Africa, Crete, Aruba, Australia, Croatia, India, Barcelona, Tel Aviv
  82. Go on a road trip
  83. Give a heartfelt surprise to someone 09/09/14
  84. Fly in a hot air balloon
  85. Throw a mega party
  86. See famous monuments: Alhambra in Spain, Opera house in Australia, Taj Mahal India, Pyramids in Egypt
  87. Design my home
  88. Experience bringing in the new year in a different country
  89. Ride an elephant
  90. Publish 3 books/workbooks in one year
  91. Be passionate about a cause Blend in for What?!™
  92. Own a beach house
  93. Re-vamp my wardrobe
  94. Become a wine connoisseur
  95. Become Certified Meditation Coach
  96. Create a meditation room
  97. Publish book of poetry
  98. Earn million before or by 40
  99. Make exercise a regular habit 
  100. Study photography

7 thoughts on “Life LIST

    1. Absolutely not Teneshia 🙂

      Life is meant to be lived…
      Write out those things you’ve always dreamed of doing and watch how the law of attraction will bring them to you!
      (I’m speaking from experience)

  1. I used to have a list like this years ago but I got discouraged when someone made an offhand comment about it, and I just gave up on it. I still have the list. I’m going to go back and look at it to see how many things I’ve accomplished and how many I still want to accomplish. So glad I came across this. Thanks for sharing!

    1. So happy you are going to revisit your list Latrisha! Never give up on your goals because of someone’s opinion. We all are entitled to our opinions but we are also entitled to NOT respond to them 😉. Be confindently you!

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