Tuesday TEN ~ Enrich your life!


1. Take a moment and Give Thanks for Today! – Humility will enrich your life daily.

Give Thanks

2. Stay active! Keeping the blood flowing will increase longevity, creativity and this will flow into better living.


3. Read something good! From funny to inspirational… any reading even for 20 mins will enrich your life. And if you’re interested in a good read try Texas and The City


4. Give something of yourself to someone else. Share your gift with the world.

5. Turn off the distractions for at least one hour! Social Media, Cell Phone, TV… all of it. Shut it down for one hour of your day and you will be amazed how much you will accomplish and how great you will feel.


6. Be true and honest with yourself. Be true about what’s working or not for you in your life, and be honest about whatever change is needed.


7. Write about it. Keeping a daily journal is a great enrichment choice. It allows you to reflect on the greatness of your day and is also used as a tool to review in the future to reflect back on what you’ve overcome!


8. Treat your body well. Drink lots of water, eat well and keep yourself healthy. This will keep you energized to live your best life each day!


9. Be creative! Paint, take photos, decorate your home, draw, color in a coloring book or even take up pottery making… Doing something creative each day will enrich your life!


10. S M I L E There is always something to smile about! Share it with the world… it will make a difference in your life! Join the movement and share why you smile: www.chicsmileproject.tumblr.com



Do you have other ways you enrich your life daily? Be sure to share!
