Wear it Wednesday

With my birthday 5 days away, I’m thinking of ways to reinvent my style for the new year. I decided to dedicate this Wear it Wednesday to “Ways to Reinvent your Look” with hopes to inspire you as well as get some feedback from you. Be sure to share other ways you choose to reinvent your look if it’s not listed below.

Woman with shadow in background dancing

Anytime I think about reinventing my look the first place I go to is my hair!

I think cutting your hair or changing the color can be so liberating and it will change your attitude and look instantly!

Some styles and colors I’ve considered are:












Every time I look at Tanika Ray‘s hair, I release the cut bug and want to continue on my hair growth journey.

Another way to reinvent your look is to focus on your skin. Taking care of your skin and creating a skin routine is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You older self will thank you!


Over the past 3 years I’ve become addicted to Chanel products for my daily facial routine. I will say, I do believe in using different moisturizers for different seasons and even day versus night. Taking care of your skin will definitely reinvent your look.


Also… I do believe in keeping my lips kissable! Be sure to try out my lip scrub and lip balm duo! Purchase by clicking HERE or on the photo!

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Try a new hue….. step out the black box and try something new.





Simply by adding on the accessories can reinvent your look!
acc3acc2acc1Lastly I think of releasing the makeup or trying something new with it. I’m not one to wear it but when I do, I try to keep it fresh. But how cool would it be to do something unexpected?!



What are some ways you will reinvent your look?


Blend in for What?!â„¢


Blend in for What?!â„¢  Campaign is “A social initiative centered around acknowledging self-worth, building confidence and teaching women and girls to be their own standard of beauty.”

With Blend in for What?!™ we believe that girls all around the world should know:

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…exactly as you are. No reason for us to try and blend in with others.

With the explosive desire to fit in the mode and young girls exchanging their respect for attention, it’s time to take a stand and take back what we define as beauty! Your beauty is not defined by just your body parts. Check out how some of the Ambassadors of Blend in for What?!™ defined their beauty:

BIFW Ambassadors

Celebrity Stylist FELICIA LEATHERWOOD believes Beauty is:

“anything that gives you the highest feeling of gratitude and appreciation.”


Model and Blogger NIKIA PHOENIX believe Beauty is:

” knowing who you are, accepting your flaws, and still shining bright for everyone to see. Why hide what you’ve been blessed with?”


Youtube Blogger DENISE WATKINS beliebe Beauty is:

“Organic. Lovely. Modest. Timeless. Classic. Wholesome. Graceful. Poised. Healthy. Natural. Godly.”

To me, Beauty is: varied… it can be many things but the one thing it can never be is UNSURE! Freckles, Red hair, Curly and Coiled, size 22, or size zero but above all… completely confident in the skin they are in and never unsure of what they represent.

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You want to share what beauty is to you? Become an Ambassador HERE!

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You will find great content with Blend in for What?!™ thoughts via FaceBook by clicking HERE

Check out the topic discussed on Friday:

“Appreciation or Exploitation”

Today on The Talk the ladies had a conversation about pop culture’s current fixation on “the booty” and whether we as women are simply appreciating, or exploiting, our bodies.
From Nicki Minaj having over 177MILLION views for Anaconda to JLo and Iggy Azalea‘s Booty video, many have become obsessed with fitting a certain mold by getting Butt Injections, Implants and taking surgical and non surgical methods to enhance the booty and obtain fame.
Let us underscore that Feminism and the desire to be treated as equally as men in all areas, including sexual expression, is important. But we do pose the question:
Are we simply having fun by embracing curves or are we selling ourselves short with the exploitation of our bodies? Is it important to want folks to desire our brains as well as (or, in place of) our butts? OR…Should folks just lighten up?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

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 Blend in for What?!™ goal is to motivate 100,000 women and girls to take the Blend in for What?!â„¢ beauty pledge by December 31st so on January 1st we put the world on notice as we take over owning our uniqueness and celebrating everyone’s beauty.

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Join the movement #blendinforwhat100k by taking the oath, following on Instagram and Facebook and SHARE WITH OTHER BEAUTIFUL WOMEN who refuse to Blend IN!

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~Kisha Simmons

Blend in for What?!™  Team Member