Life Lessons 5


Don’t fall for the traps of social media, magazines and television that states there is a specific kind of beauty. You are uniquely beautiful, made in His image and He doesn’t make any mistakes. Love who you are! Know your worth! Accept your flaws and don’t let go!

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CHIC TIP: Fashion


Make your style memorable! From finding your right hue, wearing a mix of vibrant colors to adding a statement piece or conversation piece to your look are all ways to make your style memorable.

Check out these great street style fashionistas that are making their style memorable:

Adding print to the mix:



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Choosing bold colors:

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Here are my Top 10 Essentials I feel we all should have in our closet:

Top 10 Essentials

How are you making your style memorable?

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A sample of tomorrow

Confidence Banner


Confidence K.I.C.K
It’s been stated by Mark Twain that “In order to succeed in life you need two things; ignorance and confidence.”

This course is going to help you gain the latter of the two… confidence.
What is confidence? It’s “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”  Many studies have shown that those with confidence accomplish way more than those that do not possess confidence at all. Confidence also is “generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.”

When you possess the confidence within one self, you have firm trust that you can and will accomplish anything.
You can compete in your first ever triathlon. You can open your dream publishing corporation, run for president or even become a stylist to the stars. With self-confidence… nothing can stop you. And you know the beauty to this… EVERYONE possesses confidence. That’s right, everyone. The issue comes because not everyone has tapped into their self confidence and realized what lives within to go after their dreams. Confidence K.I.C.K will help you unlock that confidence that lives within and propel you to go after what’s rightfully yours.

Each day for the next 28 Days you will receive the tools necessary to unlock the confidence that lives within. I will share guided meditations that will allow you to tap inward to unlock your confidence, envision empowerment with affirmation statements, assist you in redefining failure, go deeper in understanding what confidence is, and even give you confidence activities to assist you along your way.

Here is the day by day breakdown:

What is Confidence K.I.C.K. & How it Benefits you

Know who you are & Who are you destined to be

3 What are your needs from confidence?

Posture… got it?

5 What Meditation got to do with it?!

6 Say, Believe, See 4 Minute Guided Meditation

7 Affirming it All with Envision Empowerment

8 Ignite what already lives within

9 Feed, Nurture & Watch It Grow

10 Say NO Confidence Activity

11 What does HE see

12 I am…I am…I am 4 Minute Guided Meditation

13 Confidence Consistency & Redefining Failure

14 Party for one…yes you’ve won!

15 Confidently Speaking

16 Body Language Diary

17 Articulate Eloquently

18 Speaking in Gibberish Activity

19 I speak life 4 Minute Guided Meditation

20 Strength Speaks Confidence Activity

21 Confidence in That Affirming Attitude

22 Give, Give, and Give again

23 Keep it moving!

24 Embrace your Uniqueness

25 Use Criticism as a Learning Experience

26 Chakra Confidence 4 Minute Guided Meditation

27 Do it Proud Confidence Activity

28 Spread the love

There is still time for additional participants. Spread the word with someone you know and let’s help bring confidence to all who are in need.

Let’s partner together and give your Confidence the K.I.C.K needed to become who you are destined to be!
Sign up HERE!!!

Chic Affirmation


Chic Affirmation


KCL Thought of The Day


KCL Thought of the Day


Tuesday TEN

me Tuesday10

Happy Birthday To ME!!!

Check out 10 reflections from my past year!

1. Launched and completed #thesmileproject 

Last year I decided on my birthday to share a reason why I smile EVERYDAY for one full year and I did it! I had so many supporters around the world and so happy it impact many peoples lives!

2. Launch of KCL App!

First time to do an app and loved everything about it. Although its no longer active, trying it out was a good experience. Who knows what the future may hold… Maybe I’ll reactivate it or revamp it!


3. Free trip to Hawaii! 

My hard work pays off! With the help of a wonderful team I am rewarded with a free trip to Honolulu, Hawaii! So many great experiences… To many to recap but thankful for it all.

4. Took the leap and left retail!

Decided to finally follow my dreams, pursue my passion and allow my talent to be turned into a business! Launched Keepin Chic LLC!


5. Moved from the crazy weather of NY back to home state of Texas!

I was so over the weather… although I enjoyed the moments and the opportunities… It was time to return home.

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6. My book is published!!!

Texas and The City“! I followed my dreams and wrote a book in a years time then published it and launched it!


7. I’m hired for speaking engagements!

From social meet up groups to colleges, people are asking for my services and I’m enjoying every moment of it. SO BLESSED!

8. My book tour!

So after the launch of my book, I planned a Texas and The City Book tour and sold out 3 out of 5 stops. Very exciting for first published book and there is more to come next year.

9. Partnership with Blend in For What?! Campaign that I feel passionately about! Join the Movement!

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10. He came along…

So this happened… I opened my heart to the possibility of love and it came like a wrecking ball. I’m so excited to what will come this year with who I know I’m destined to be with.

me and he

Cheers to last year and to what will be an even more amazing year this year!


KCL Thought of the Day


KCL Thought of The Day


KCL Thought of The Day


Tuesday TEN

10 beautiful ambassadors of Blend in for What?!™  and why you should join the movement!

I spoke on this movement just yesterday and because I’m so passionate about it I had to share more. Becoming an ambassador for this brand is more than sharing what your beauty is… You are also assisting in creating your own standard of beauty. You are teaching girls all around to own their uniqueness and get out of trying to fit in with what society says you should be.

BIFW Ambassadors10

1. ASHLEY BLAINE FEATHERSON You can find this actress showing her beauty in upcoming anticipated film “Dear White People”. This actress, vlogger and writer is based in LA and states beauty is: “an inner and outer quality that will never ever go out of style.”


2. PAMELA JENKINS Creator of Koils by Nature is a native from South Carolina who focus on natural skin and hair care. To Pamela, beauty is: “being in love with the person you see in the mirror. Flaws and all!”


3. SABRINA BOISSIERE is a NY naturalista and one half of the event planners for  Natural Partners in Crime. To Sabrina beauty is, “being confident in your own skin.”


4. DEAYA “DIRECT” SMITH This Texas chic producer for the Tom Joyner Morning Show is an author and motivational speaker who states beauty is, “Dressing up is how I happen to the day, before the day gets a chance to happen to me.”


5. VICTORIA SANDERS is a wardrobe stylist and costume designer located in California. Her blog VicStyles is inspirational and teaches women “to think outside of the box.” To Victoria, “confidence is key”.


6. ANGELA MCCRAE is a contributor for the and medial professional with NBC Universal. She believes beauty is, “the true essence of being comfortable in your own skin and owning it!”


7. MERISSA V. GRAYSON is an attorney dedicated to assisting clients to achieve their goals. She has a 3-part book series The Business of Co-Parentingand believes beauty is, “being who you aren’t afraid to be when no one is watching.”


8. TAYE HANSBERRY is the blogger of Stuff She Like and this blog is dedicated to everything fabulous! From food to fashion and beauty, Taye shares her perspective on things in a stylish way. For Taye, beauty is, “going with the way you feel.. jumping in 100% with your heart and knowing that we all, no matter who we are, have to work at it.”


9. ZARA GREEN owns a blog, The Grown Zone which focus on helping you become a better you. This chic speaker and author is all about personal growth. Zara has a great webinar initiating in October entitled “Ignite your Individuality” which teaches you “how to harness the amazing power of your hidden motives”.


10.  ARKEEDAH MCCORMICK is a lifestyle and fashion blogger for This lady gives readers all things fabulous with a fresh take on fashion news! To her, beauty is “Embracing everything that makes you unique.”


Reasons to become an ambassador is because this is not just a normal campaign, it’s a movement to encourage your girls and women around the globe to own their uniqueness and “to be their own standard of beauty.” Be sure to check out the website for more info and spread the word!


Blend in for What?!™


Blend in for What?!™  Campaign is “A social initiative centered around acknowledging self-worth, building confidence and teaching women and girls to be their own standard of beauty.”

With Blend in for What?!™ we believe that girls all around the world should know:

BIFW quote

…exactly as you are. No reason for us to try and blend in with others.

With the explosive desire to fit in the mode and young girls exchanging their respect for attention, it’s time to take a stand and take back what we define as beauty! Your beauty is not defined by just your body parts. Check out how some of the Ambassadors of Blend in for What?!™ defined their beauty:

BIFW Ambassadors

Celebrity Stylist FELICIA LEATHERWOOD believes Beauty is:

“anything that gives you the highest feeling of gratitude and appreciation.”


Model and Blogger NIKIA PHOENIX believe Beauty is:

” knowing who you are, accepting your flaws, and still shining bright for everyone to see. Why hide what you’ve been blessed with?”


Youtube Blogger DENISE WATKINS beliebe Beauty is:

“Organic. Lovely. Modest. Timeless. Classic. Wholesome. Graceful. Poised. Healthy. Natural. Godly.”

To me, Beauty is: varied… it can be many things but the one thing it can never be is UNSURE! Freckles, Red hair, Curly and Coiled, size 22, or size zero but above all… completely confident in the skin they are in and never unsure of what they represent.

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You want to share what beauty is to you? Become an Ambassador HERE!

BIFW become

You will find great content with Blend in for What?!™ thoughts via FaceBook by clicking HERE

Check out the topic discussed on Friday:

“Appreciation or Exploitation”

Today on The Talk the ladies had a conversation about pop culture’s current fixation on “the booty” and whether we as women are simply appreciating, or exploiting, our bodies.
From Nicki Minaj having over 177MILLION views for Anaconda to JLo and Iggy Azalea‘s Booty video, many have become obsessed with fitting a certain mold by getting Butt Injections, Implants and taking surgical and non surgical methods to enhance the booty and obtain fame.
Let us underscore that Feminism and the desire to be treated as equally as men in all areas, including sexual expression, is important. But we do pose the question:
Are we simply having fun by embracing curves or are we selling ourselves short with the exploitation of our bodies? Is it important to want folks to desire our brains as well as (or, in place of) our butts? OR…Should folks just lighten up?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

BIFW beauty

 Blend in for What?!™ goal is to motivate 100,000 women and girls to take the Blend in for What?!™ beauty pledge by December 31st so on January 1st we put the world on notice as we take over owning our uniqueness and celebrating everyone’s beauty.

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Join the movement #blendinforwhat100k by taking the oath, following on Instagram and Facebook and SHARE WITH OTHER BEAUTIFUL WOMEN who refuse to Blend IN!

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~Kisha Simmons

Blend in for What?!™  Team Member

KCL Thought of The Day


Tuesday TEN

With the temperature continuing to rise in Texas I thought I’d share some summer style and beauty tips for the fashionista!

Summer style and beauty tips

There are plenty of tips for Summer Style but here are my 10 favs.

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Share some of your tips!


Throwback Thursday Tribute

Throwback Thursday Tribute

Known for her golden feathered style locks, big smile and sun-kissed skin, this Throwback Thursday tribute is celebrating the Texas born beauty… Farrah Fawcett. 

Farrah became an international success from her iconic red swimsuit poster.This was the beginning of becoming a household name. She starred as private investigator named Jill Munroe in the first season of the television series Charlie’s Angels. And this is where her name became one to remember.

Although the icon poster with Farrah in the red swimsuit sold over 12 million units, she repeatedly resisted requests for nudity throughout her career. Then at age 48, she decided to pose for the one and only Playboy nude. She’s posed for Playboy previously but with no nudity until 48.

As Charlie’s flirty and fun Angel, women all over wanted to become more like her.  Although known for her beauty, Farrah didn’t stick to roles that embodied this. She took on challenging roles and allowed her talent to shine even brighter than her beauty.

Farrah Fawcett has won numoreous awards and in 1996, Fawcett was ranked No. 26 on TV Guide’s “50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time” list. She earned her first Emmy from the role in   The Burning Bed which was the highest rated television movie that season.

This 1970’s icon wore swimsuits better than anyone during that time. Check out some of my favorites below:

Although Farrah lost the battle to Anal Cancer in 2009 , her legacy will live on forever. Who could ever forget the girl that made swimsuits sexy, natural hair envious and a big smile infectious. She was and will always be a beauty icon to remember.

If you would like to donate to Farrah’s foundation, please visit


Throwback Thursday Tribute

Throwback Thursday Tribute

Iman!…Model, Actress, Activist, Entrepreneur, Beauty brand name and much much more! We celebrate this living style icon during this Throwback Thursday Tribute.

Iman, the Somalian beauty was discovered by photographer Peter Beard at the University of Nairobi. She was the desired model in the late seventies and eighties and graced the runway with her unique look, flawless skin, gorgeous face and infamous long neck.


One of my favorite Cosby episodes is when Iman was a guest star:

Unlikely, Iman was not interested in fashion nor modeling and was actually in college when she was discovered. She was more interested in reading Time and Newsweekly. Iman is far more than beauty. She speaks five languages and is a brilliant business savvy woman. When she left modeling in 1989 she set out to expand herself as a brand and has done that successfully now over 20 years.

Iman used her beauty and fame to enlighten the world around her. She took a documentary film crew back to Somalia and leveraged her celebrity to bring more international assistance and awareness to her homeland.

Iman launched her cosmetics line in 1994 for women of color. Her first year of sales were a total of $12 million and after the decision of partnership with Ivax, the next year she grossed over $30 million!

She married rocker David Bowie back in 1992, celebrated 20 years last year and the couple is still going strong today.

Hats of to you Iman… The style icon!



Tuesday TEN

Ten reasons why I love me some Janelle Monae!

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The “easy breezy beautiful…Cover GirlJanelle Monae is a Grammy nominated artist that is currently signed to Wondaland Arts Society and Bad Boy/Atlantic Records. She’s known for her alternative and contemporary R&B style along with a taste of Neo-Soul. It’s an eclectic mix. Her inspirations actually are heavily influenced by Nona Hendryx’s blend of funk and rock. This Chic CHICK has a numerous amount of talent and below are the TEN reasons I love Janelle Monae.

1. She Maintains strong femininity while rocking menswear tailored styled suits
1. She maintains strong femininity while rocking menswear tailored styled suits

2. Her Song and video below Q.U.E.E.N is AMAZING!!!! “While you keep selling dope we gonna keep selling hope!” Simple yet brilliant lyrics! another line I love… “Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am!”

3. Because I can’t get her lyrics out my head!!! “She who writes the movie owns the script and the sequel. So why ain’t the stealing of my rights made illegal?” You better preach Electric Lady!!

5. She's the perfect beauty edition to ConverGirl
4. She’s the perfect beauty edition to ConverGirl

5. Her dance moves are filled with energy. She’s not only mastered the infamous James Brown footwork, in my opinion she does it even better than the legend himself. See for yourself below:

6. Although her signature look involves black and white tailored suits with red lips... She looks even more stunning in variety of colors
6. Although her signature look involves black and white tailored suits with red lips… She looks even more stunning in variety of colors
7. Another look in color... simply stunning
7. Another look in color… simply stunning
8. Now back to her black and white... She has done photo shoots with Karl Lagerfelt and says he is her personal inspiration for her style.
8. Now back to her black and white… She has done photo shoots with Karl Lagerfeld and says he is her personal inspiration for her style. But pays homage to her parents as considering the look her “uniform”

9. The footwork spoke about in #5 is evident and even more relevant in #9. Her 2010 hit Tightrope still will ignite your mood and make you want to dance!

10. Her new album The Electric Lady comes out September 10th and I’ve already pre-ordered it!

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Wear It Wednesdays

Wear It Wednesdays

Celebrating style Risk Takers!

Are you a risk taker??

“Can I get a Refill…” singer Elle Varner is multi-talented artist. With bright colors, fashionable prints and geek chic glasses Elle Varner stands out as a risk taker with creative style! When doing a poll most women try to stray away from prints on the bottom but not this CHIC BEAUTY! She has the courage to rock whatever she wants and she does it well!

Elle Varner Collage

Solange’ Knowles known as a singer, model, dancer, DJ, songwriter and above all fashion risk taker! Even in her video’s she’s shown taking risks such as the fun and quirky video for “Losing You” which was introduced last year. Solange’ is a ChicCHICK that rocks always!

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Jessie J!!! Her name is a risk statement itself! She is a soulful English singer and song writer. Yes this “Who you are” London native style is as loud as her voice and I love them both!


Kanye West… Enough said! He’s a Style Risk Taker to the highest degree. No matter your feelings on his personal decisions, comments and behavior, you must recognize the man has style! The “Good Life” singer is so into fashion that his girlfriends become female versions of him! Don’t believe me… Google it!*:D big grin

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Regardless if you choose to wear it or not these Style Risk Takers above stand out from the crowd… proudly representing their own uniqueness!
