Power of the Park – #IvyPark

Let’s kick this off celebrating the brilliance of Beyonce’ .

Yes, I said it and no it’s not worship… it’s celebration. It’s inspiration. It’s empowerment. Now, let me share with you why.

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It’s been 37mins that the cover of Elle was shared via internet. 35mins since Bey posted via instagram pics of the shoot and introduced #IvyPark as a hashtag and new instagram page… check out these results:

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yea… 25k of us already are followers and there is only ONE picture posted!

The cover of Elle is not only breaking news but literally breaking the internet!


And not only is it Elle for US but UK also!


Now let’s share the brilliance of Beyonce’ , business mindset and branding!

Beyonce’: Known for music that gets you moving physically and sometimes mentally as well due to what some consider as the recent controversy of her lyrics and video to Formation.


The celebrated truth is that she is unapologetically her. She chooses to be who she desires and does not ask the permission of you. Regardless of any backlash received, she is still doing her and refuses to address any of it. This alone is a brilliance many of us strive for our entire lifetime.

When was the last time you did something that caused a reaction but you kept moving not caring what anyone had to say?

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Carry on 🙂

Now “back to business”: Bey reminds us to keep our business mindset up. Look at what she’s done over the past 60 days:

  1. Performs epic routine, song and nationally talk about performance at Superbowl Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.16.21 AM
  2. Launch NEW song and Formation clothing line at the same time… capitalize on the opportunity Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.07 AM
  3. Teases with Elle cover and NEW active wear line Ivy Park 14 days prior to it’s launch date in stores! Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.57 AM

Not only is she about her business, she works it quietly then drops it effortlessly. This is something to learn. Know how to just WORK!

Stop talking about it and just work about it! 

Tweet: Stop talking about it and just work about it! ~CoachK #formation #slay #businessbabe

And on to Branding: The power of branding award goes to Beyonce’ . With the introduction of a clothing line 14 days to launch date, introduction to new instagram page and having 25k followers in less than 30mins, this shows the power of right content and being visually appealing to the eye.

Truth is, her branding works because:

  1. Beyonce’ is clear about her unique value proposition
  2. She knows her goal (simply to dominate and inspire along the way)
  3. Bey knows her target audience
  4. She is loyal to herself first
  5. Pays attention to the details
  6. Stays relevant

These are just a few of what makes her branding work. She stays relevant by knowing her audience (Intro to getting your Summer Body ready with Ivy Park), what’s going on in the world today (Formation) and keeping trendy with a unique flare!

If you disagree, I’m sure it’s more of a personal dislike versus respecting the truth and hustle. Either way, your opinions are welcomed.

I’m inspired by #IvyPark Not simply by the brand or Beyonce’ but the immersive experience received when watching the trailer. It inspires me to reflect back to what my park is. This has ignited a fire and I’m ready to burn it up!

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Monday Motivation – Confidence

confidence:a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something


This #MotivationalMonday is all about #LivingIntentionally with confidence! Confidence is the key to getting *ish done!

From owning your own business to raising 3 kids under the age of 5… Confidence in knowing you can do it, will allow you to do it and do it well.


What could you do if you possessed the confidence to do so?

Do you need a boost to help you get there? Well, if you are in the Port Arthur, Tx area… get coached for FREE!

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Starting the week of February 8th, I will host a FREE 8 week course on Mondays entitled “Confidence K.I.C.K” to help you kickstart your confidence and go boldly after your dreams!

Email me for more details: BookCoachK@gmail.com

Remember… Confidence is the key to unlock God’s full potential already placed inside of you!

Go get it!!

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Texas and The City Barnes & Noble Book Tour!!!

Texas and The City Book Tour kicked off Aug16th in Beaumont, TX and here are the results:


It was great turn out and inspirational event. Many people came out to support and all were sure to get their autographed copy of Texas and The City! Check out some photos from the event below:



Being from a small town and bringing my first stop of the book tour back home gave the opportunity for loved ones to come out and support. Was so happy to see Momma Tena below to come out and share support and of course one of the worlds best hugs 🙂


It was so exciting to speak to so many different people. I was told I inspired them just by sharing a summary of my book. This is my ultimate goal. Already heard a review from someone via FaceBook who read my book after purchasing it Saturday and said it was truly inspirational. So many are interested in reading the sequel… Guess that will come soon 🙂








After selling out the General Manager at Barnes and Noble shared with me how I was the first ever at that location to sell out of all books during a book signing. He said he was inspired by my engagement with everyone who came in and how I had a team of people to assist in making this event successful. Well… with a background in retail… I can’t help but bring the seller/presenter/manager/motivator out of me. This is who I am and this is what I do! I didn’t expect anything less. Thank You Beaumont Barnes and Noble for having me! Next stop Dallas, TX! Check out the flyer below for more details. 



Thank you family for supporting me and helping make this a successful event!


Click the dates below to receive more information and to attend in the city of your choice! Look forward to meeting you and sharing inspirational stories! Never give up on your dreams!

BN @ Lincoln Park in Dallas, TX Aug. 23rd

BN @ Sunset Valley in Austin, TX Aug. 30th




KCL Thought of The Day


KCL Thought of The Day


KCL Thought of The Day
