It’s 2016… Live Intentionally!

Many Blessings to you and yours for the year of 2016 and beyond!!


It’s a New Year and another opportunity for you to live out your purpose! Being transparent, 2015 definitely had many more valleys than mountains but To God be the glory as it ALL works for the good of HIM!

This year, I have decided to live with intention and I want you to join me on this journey.

Live Intentionally Base

Each month I will focus on one specific area to live with intention. I believe if we take the opportunity to enjoy the moments, find purpose in it all and truly live with intention, we will find accomplish many more goals and truly live our best lives!

This is the opportunity to build a circle of accountability while being encouraged along the way with great tips from none other than Coach K!

Here are the focus for each month:

JANUARY – Wellness

FEBRUARY – Confidence

MARCH – Organization

APRIL – Clarity

MAY – Growth

JUNE – Self

JULY – Family

AUGUST – Learning

SEPTEMBER – Reflection

OCTOBER – Breathe



Take a minute or five or thirty and think about those things in 2015 you didn’t get the opportunity to finish or those things you wish you could do differently. Then, recognize since you are still living, you have the opportunity to turn them into real goals for 2016. Write them down, give a rough time frame, and begin to take action steps all while surrendering to Jesus, letting Him lead you. Let’s prayerfully take action and live intentionally. We can do this together with laser focus and I’m here to help encourage along the way with a specific focus each month.

So to kick it off… please be sure to join me starting January 4th to get tips and encouragement from me for Wellness! Let’s live with intention each and every step of 2016!

Jan Wellness

Be on the look out! Much more to come!!!

Get ready to #LiveIntentionally

KSP sig

Chic Affirmation


Texas and The City Barnes & Noble Book Tour!!!

Texas and The City Book Tour kicked off Aug16th in Beaumont, TX and here are the results:


It was great turn out and inspirational event. Many people came out to support and all were sure to get their autographed copy of Texas and The City! Check out some photos from the event below:



Being from a small town and bringing my first stop of the book tour back home gave the opportunity for loved ones to come out and support. Was so happy to see Momma Tena below to come out and share support and of course one of the worlds best hugs 🙂


It was so exciting to speak to so many different people. I was told I inspired them just by sharing a summary of my book. This is my ultimate goal. Already heard a review from someone via FaceBook who read my book after purchasing it Saturday and said it was truly inspirational. So many are interested in reading the sequel… Guess that will come soon 🙂








After selling out the General Manager at Barnes and Noble shared with me how I was the first ever at that location to sell out of all books during a book signing. He said he was inspired by my engagement with everyone who came in and how I had a team of people to assist in making this event successful. Well… with a background in retail… I can’t help but bring the seller/presenter/manager/motivator out of me. This is who I am and this is what I do! I didn’t expect anything less. Thank You Beaumont Barnes and Noble for having me! Next stop Dallas, TX! Check out the flyer below for more details. 



Thank you family for supporting me and helping make this a successful event!


Click the dates below to receive more information and to attend in the city of your choice! Look forward to meeting you and sharing inspirational stories! Never give up on your dreams!

BN @ Lincoln Park in Dallas, TX Aug. 23rd

BN @ Sunset Valley in Austin, TX Aug. 30th




KLL Week 40

Celebrate your wins

As I planned for this TGIM I realized that next week will make a full year I’ve been doing this. How exciting!

I’m extremely SICK which is why I can’t tape today but thankfully, I can still write:-)


So many times we forget to stop and celebrate along the journey. I will admit, I struggle with this too and have to remind myself to do so. No matter if the win is big or small… a win is a win and a celebration is still necessary. I read something that sparked a thought, it said “Small Wins Prepare You for Big Wins”

“Wouldn’t it be awful to win a big prize, and not receive it because you didn’t know what a win notification looks like, or where to find a notary for your affidavit?

Small prizes help prepare you for big wins by teaching you what to expect when you win a prize.”

So minuscule yet so essential.

Can you imagine finally getting that partnership, launching that book, opening your own corporation or even receiving that right investor and NOT realizing how big of a win that is? We must stop to recognize the small wins in order to receive the larger ones. More found at A Win is a Win

So here are a few wins I celebrate today:

1. I celebrate the inspiration to continue the blog

2. I celebrate my 3,283 following! Small to some but great to me:)

3. I celebrate the launch of additional projects such as The Smile Project and Texas and The City book campaign.

4. I celebrate the blogs that choose to reblog me and gain inspiration from me and even quote me such as “Connect The Cloths

Once again this is just a few but reflecting back, I have many of small wins to celebrate.


What are some of the things you celebrate along your journey?


Wear It Wednesday

Wear It Wednesday!!

Wear your success in style!

Celebrating the beautiful Oprah Winfrey 60th birthday by sharing some of my favorite style moments. 

This media mogul graced our television sets for 25 years and along this journey the evolution of her style became something to watch and even emulate. From thick hair styled flawlessly to monochromatic looks… she serves grace and beauty perfectly.

Here are some of my favorite style moments of Oprah Winfrey!

Starting with the hair. Full, natural and flawless! It was a joy when my co-workers would call me Little O due to my hairstyle and inspirational ways. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE her hair. Seriously…who could ever forget that gorgeous styled head of healthy hair.?

Oprah‘s stylist Andre Walker sent one note back in 1985 and ever since has made hair history. He stated “I’m dying to get my hands in your hair” Well… he’s done a superb job!

As for outfits, I enjoy that her looks have always been figure flattering. Knowing how to accentuate the positive of ones body is not something learned overnight. But throughout life you learn and when you get it right… compliments stay afloat. Here are some of my favorite looks:

Oprah for the Oscars:

I LOVE seeing her in red. Powerful!

Another great thing about Oprah‘s style is that no matter the size, she sashayed in the latest runway looks and made them amazing.

Happy Birthday beautiful lady! Thank you for being such an inspiration and style maven!


Tuesday TEN

Tuesday TEN

Ten ways to invest into YOU!

After speaking with a friend, I had to share more in detail. These are just quick ways to invest more into YOU. Remember your value is worth far more than anything else you are surrounded with. Here are ten ways to invest in YOU!

1. BE HUMBLE Never forget where you came from. Simple reflections each day are the best moments of investing in you. Give thanks, remember when and be humble.

2. Get to know YOU Get to know who you are and what you are destined to be. Know this… purpose is a powerful thing and when you know YOUR purpose… you can release greatness! “Be yourself; everyone is already taken” ~Oscar Wilde

3. Develop your skills Take some additional courses, research and even enroll in workshops to consistently develop your skills. Consistent learning is a great investment for oneself.

4. Nurture your body Care for your body by staying active. When your body is a well oiled machine, your mind will be also. This will then aid in more creativity flowing, time prioritizing and allow you to reap the benefits of investing in you.

5. Hang with like minded individuals Get involved with positive groups of people. Iron will sharpen iron. Surrounding yourself with a positive and encouraging group of people will propel you to consistently follow your dreams, believe in yourself and invest more into YOU.

6. Create a morning ritual Perfect time for productivity. This investment can add so much to your life. More exercise, quiet time, reflection time, or even affirmation time… these are all additions from one investment that pours back into YOU.

7. Get lost in a good book. Simply stated… Knowledge is power and this investment will improve creativity and understanding.

8. Become debt-free! Nothing more rewarding than not having the stress of debt!

9. Celebrate YOU We sometimes become so caught up in the task, next task or big project that we forget to take a moment to celebrate our success. So starting today… Celebrate you and all of your awesomeness!

10. Hire a coach! Whatever your struggle area may be, the right coach will pay off tremendously. A coach will support, encourage, challenge and constantly empower you along your journey of greatness. Looking for the right one… Hire Me!