Life Lessons Continued…

More life lessons shared:

Check out more podcasts here: CoachK on

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Life Lessons 5


Don’t fall for the traps of social media, magazines and television that states there is a specific kind of beauty. You are uniquely beautiful, made in His image and He doesn’t make any mistakes. Love who you are! Know your worth! Accept your flaws and don’t let go!

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Life Lessons Continued

Continuing on sharing my 35 Life Lessons that I know to be true as I lead up to my 35th birthday during this month. Here is life lesson #3 and #4:


#4 is all about not being afraid to stand up for what you believe in. From cancer, racial profiling, domestic violence, speaking out on sexual abuse to standing up for your rights and work that you believe in… NEVER be afraid to stand up for it!


Confessions of a Confidence Coach!

Hey there, guess what…

birthday calm

And as usual, I like to reflect on my past year but this year, I’m doing it a little different. I’ve decided to not only reflect on this past year but to reflect on my entire life! I call this my:

Confessions Base

Confessions of a Confidence Coach!

Each day throughout my birth month I will share thirty-five life lessons I know to be true from my thirty-five years on this earth. I will blog about it, podcast, vblog or whatever I feel to share the message. This is my way of giving back to the masses. I’ve decided my 35th year will be the year of transparency. My hope during this process is that my life lessons will help you to reflect, share your truth or even allow you to gain an aha or piece of inspiration from my life to continue on your journey.

Here is Life Lessons #1:


Throughout my life there have been times where I’ve shined brightly, showcasing my talents and being a bodacious leader. Then there have also been times I did not. I dimmed my light so those around me could be comfortable. My lesson is… “you should never dim your light for the comfort of others.”

Each of us were given a specific gift. In Ephesians 4:1 “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” This to me shares we are ALL giving a specific calling and it’s our duty to walk worthy in it no matter what others say. Never allow your light to be dimmed simply because it makes others uncomfortable. You are not living for them… your life is for HIM and that’s what matters most.


“The ‪#‎bible‬ is the ‪#‎answer‬ key to it all”
This is soooooo #true for me. No matter what the situation may be, I can ALWAYS find the answer in the B I B L E📖😘
Stay ‪#‎prayedup‬ and know ‪#‎godsgotthis‬ ‪#‎nothingtohardforgod‬‪#‎nevergiveup‬ ‪#‎trusttheprocess‬ ‪#‎read‬ it helps! ‪#‎morningmotivation‬‪#‎wordsofwisdom‬ from ‪#‎CoachK‬ ‪#‎activateyourfaith‬ ‪#‎bossbabe‬

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