Guarantee Yourself!


When was the last time you guaranteed you?

I was listening to Eric Thomas today for my daily personal development and I feel in love with something he said. He shared how we demand our money back on a specific thing when it states “30-day money back guarantee” and doesn’t deliver on it’s promise, but we don’t even do the same thing for ourselves. When was the last time you went hard for yourself? For your craft? How often do you stand behind your words, keep promises and follow through to your God-given purpose? It’s time to start now!!

Confidence is about being certain of something. A guarantee is a formal promise or assurance of something. I pose the question today of “Do you, guarantee you?”

Check out this great click from the Hip Hop Preacher and share what will you do differently today to focus follow through on what God has asked you to do with your life!!

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Share below how you will guarantee yourself!

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KCL Thought of the Day


Tuesday TEN

TT Blog1


Ten Phenomenal Bloggers that will inspire you to continue on your journey!


1. Flourish in Process by Elizabeth Jayne Liu is kick-ass at it’s finest. Her Monday Dares are so transparent, vulnerable and highly inspirational. She bares her soul as she navigates through life and I just can’t get enough of her!


2. Abiola Abrams the amazing Self-Love Coach, Love Columnist and Empowerment Speaker gives inspiration continually on her blog Sacred Bombshell Living. She is a transformational coach and her insight is empowering.


3. Road to Making It by Charlotte Broadbent gives poignant punches of inspiration! From 12 second #MondayMotivational to short blog posts on Reaching for The Stars, this blog gives the bit size inspiration needed to continue your day.


4.  I absolutely love Gala Darling! This blogger, trailblazer, speaker and female enthusiasts encourages all to embrace radical self love. Her style is showcased throughout and  she inspires you to adore your life!


5. (in)Courage is ran by 36 bloggers and all offer uplifting life lessons and insight. One of my favorite posts is Trust the Path.


6.  Marie Forleo is AMAZEBALLS!! If you’ve never heard of her, trust… once you are introduced, you will continue to follow her work. She states how she is here to add more value to your world and she does just that! She is a business strategist and offers brilliant yet understandable advice.

Marie Forleo

7. Kris Carr blog is the home of Crazy Sexy Wellness. She encourages women to become the “CEO of their health” while addressing topics of health, happiness, and spiritual wealth. Everything she speaks of, even travel tips are shared to inspire and educate you.

Kris Carr

8. Connie Chapman is a certified Life Coach that encourages dreamers to discover a new way of living. She has a 90 Transformational Project that is full of inspiration to continue on your journey. This is a must do!

Connie Chapman

9.  The Writeous Babe Project is a blog by Javacia Harris-Bowser and it offers wellness and female empowerment. I absolutely love this southern breed beauty. She inspires women to achieve their goals through sharing relatable advice.


10. Penelope Trunk is an entrepreneur, with four start ups and shares advice in 200 newspapers. She blogs on career, relationships and parenting. I love her post “You can’t get respect until you know what you want to be respected for“.



Because I am an inspiration junkie, these are not all the blogs I love… these are just ten off the list.

Check these wonderful women out and share some of your favorite inspirational bloggers.
