GIVE BACK! Our Teens deserve it!


I’ve been teaching a course at church entitled Teen K.I.C.K.

TEEN CK Course

This week we completed and shared our vision boards. These girls were so empowered to share their desires for the future.

Here are some pics from tonights event:

This is just a taste of what will occur during my first Teen K.I.C.K. Conference August 27th!

I have been charged by God to give back to our youth and that’s exactly what I will do.

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This conference is for teen girls only. The focus is on building and igniting each girls confidence to live boldly as Christ intends for them.

The young sophisticated confidence in our girls is dying.My God-given purpose is to enrich and empower while reviving what the enemy intended to die.

Will you help support this conference in being the very best possible?

Please check out here for more info and donate today!!

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Monday Motivation… Get Coached!

Looking to give your confidence the kickstart needed to open that small business, kickstart your career or even just kickstart your life?

Well, here is your opportunity!


Confidence K.I.C.K.start™ 

This interactive presentation will help you:

K. Know who you are and who you are destined to be

Get to the Core (assessment to find your purpose)

Who are you destined to be (How are you impacting and changing the world positively?)

• I. Ignite what already lives within

Discover what’s within

Feed, Nurture, Grow the gift

• C. Confidently speaking because body language speaks louder than the words

Speaking Non-verbally

Speaking Eloquently

• K. Keep it moving! Don’t let one life situation erode the confidence you’ve built

Overcoming obstacles


Join me July 19th & July 21st for this Continuing Education Course offered at Lamar Institute of Technology. I want to help you kickstart your confident living!


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What are your Goals?


This quote is so true.

I can speak from experience, when I share those things that I consider my goals, it seems I’m more prone to completing them. It shares as a level of accountability even if no one is saying anything to me. It is also considered to be a part of the “Law of Attraction” as what we put out, we can be sure to receive in return. So with that being said, what I share, opens the door of opportunity to assist the goals being accomplished.

You never know who is watching and with #PositiveVibesOnly believe that God strategically places people to cross your path at the right time in the right season. One of your goals may be to speak at an upcoming Women’s Conference. By sharing this as your goal publicly. someone may read it and extend the opportunity. #ijs

I dare you to try it!

SHARE your goals below and let’s become accountability partners. In the midst, you just may receive an opportunity or two.

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Live Intentional – Wellness

Happy January 4th everyone!!

Jan Wellness

As stated in the previous post, each month for 2016 will have a specific focus in order to #LiveIntentionally ! This month is all about wellness.

For January week 1 – It’s all about Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

With this definition, I will share tips each day this week that will help reduce the stresses of life and will help you work productively.

Today is all about breathing


Breathing is one of the quickest easiest ways to relax, release stress and gain clarity to become more productive.


Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate . For the fancy noses out there, try pranayama breathing, a yogic method that involves breathing through one nostril at a time to relieve anxiety. The technique’s supposed to work the same way as acupuncture, balancing the mind and body (and possibly eliminating the need for a tissue).”



Try this today and share your experience. Remember, every tip ties back to Living Intentionally. When we take the time to just breathe, we give ourselves to enjoy more things in the moment. We open ourselves up to give our best selves and because of this, we will do things with intent that will cause our lives to blossom!

Breathing opens yourself to God’s blessings.

Job 33:4“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Recognize the breath God has given you and live intently, on purpose and on fire for what HE has for your life!

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It’s 2016… Live Intentionally!

Many Blessings to you and yours for the year of 2016 and beyond!!


It’s a New Year and another opportunity for you to live out your purpose! Being transparent, 2015 definitely had many more valleys than mountains but To God be the glory as it ALL works for the good of HIM!

This year, I have decided to live with intention and I want you to join me on this journey.

Live Intentionally Base

Each month I will focus on one specific area to live with intention. I believe if we take the opportunity to enjoy the moments, find purpose in it all and truly live with intention, we will find accomplish many more goals and truly live our best lives!

This is the opportunity to build a circle of accountability while being encouraged along the way with great tips from none other than Coach K!

Here are the focus for each month:

JANUARY – Wellness

FEBRUARY – Confidence

MARCH – Organization

APRIL – Clarity

MAY – Growth

JUNE – Self

JULY – Family

AUGUST – Learning

SEPTEMBER – Reflection

OCTOBER – Breathe



Take a minute or five or thirty and think about those things in 2015 you didn’t get the opportunity to finish or those things you wish you could do differently. Then, recognize since you are still living, you have the opportunity to turn them into real goals for 2016. Write them down, give a rough time frame, and begin to take action steps all while surrendering to Jesus, letting Him lead you. Let’s prayerfully take action and live intentionally. We can do this together with laser focus and I’m here to help encourage along the way with a specific focus each month.

So to kick it off… please be sure to join me starting January 4th to get tips and encouragement from me for Wellness! Let’s live with intention each and every step of 2016!

Jan Wellness

Be on the look out! Much more to come!!!

Get ready to #LiveIntentionally

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Life Lessons Continued…

More life lessons shared:

Check out more podcasts here: CoachK on

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Wearable Inspiration

Hey There!

I’m so excited to announce my t-shirt line. It’s entitled:

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MotoTees is wearable inspiration created by yours truly… Kisha of Keepin’ Chic LLC.

MotoTees believes you can positively affect someone’s life even without saying a word. Wearing tees & tanks with positive and uplifting words will ignite a generation where we focus on fulfilling our God given purpose, spreading more light versus negativity and be the encouraging word that someone is in need of.

Using phrases I typically state as a Life Coach or some of my favorite versus out of the bible, I plan to flood the world with positivity… will you help me?


For all the survivors in the world from kicking cancer’s butt to surviving daily life trauma…

A reminder that it’s because of HIS grace…
Remember to always Own your GREATNESS!!!
From Galatians 3:26 reminder that we are all “children of God through faith”…
For those needing a reminder to never fit in because you are a Limited Edition!
More to choose from: and more to come in the upcoming weeks!
Look forward to your support!
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Speak into the Atmoshpere


Know what Excites YOU!


Choose a side…




Never forget this! No matter what detours you may have taken in life, you can still fulfill your God-given purpose. Never give up… go boldly in the direction of your dreams!

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Hey There!
So I previously shared my retreat with you and guess what… We are now offering it at an extremely low price!
We have been truly blessed with the overwhelming demand and because of it we are able to get more rooms at a cheaper rate! Come join #E3Retreats in #CostaRica this fall!
Promo pay button
You can now book and save over $500!
Please check out the new rate and share with everyone you know!
new PRICE flyer
​*Those already booked have received a refund of residual cost.
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Chic Affirmation

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KCL Proverb


Enough said!

Dare to Go F.A.R.


How far are you willing to go?

Many times in life we have expectations without wanting to do the work but God says He blesses the hands of a diligent worker. We must be willing to put action behind our faith in order to receive our desires results.

What will you do today that will bring you closer to your goals tomorrow??


KCL Proverb


In Pursuit of Happiness


Are you pursuing what excites you? If not, why?

No more excuses… life is too short to be living anything less than extraordinary so if you are not awakening with excitement to fulfill your purpose and living a life a passion, you are not fully living.

Let’s make today and each day after the days we live to be our BEST SELVES!


P.S. If you are looking for a rockstar confidence coach to assist you in living your best self, hit me up for a FREE consultation and let’s pursue what excites you together!

Click —–> HERE <—–

Invest in YOU

Morning Motivation

A quote I saw once stated “If you don’t build your own dreams, someone else will hire you to help build theirs.”

Profound and true.

The question of the day… how often do you invest in yourself?

It amazes me how many people I encounter that are not living out their dreams and how at one point in my life this was also me. In a world where we work, work, work… your dreams can become the back burner to your daily life. But the truth is, when we live this way of working and not fulfilling our dreams, we truly are not living… we are just existing.


I’ve coached many and when we approach this question, many have shared they have struggled fulfilling their dreams because of life responsibilities and needing to make money to survive. Trust me, I have been in this same place also but I will also transparently share, once I made the decision to quiet the hamster wheel of life and actually LIVE… it was the best decision I’ve made thus far. I travel the world, live on my own terms and experience overflowing happiness.

The silhouette of a warrior woman with storm clouds in the background.

How do you get there you ask? Well here are 5 tips to Invest In You and start living out your dreams. 

1. Know your purpose! When you know your purpose it becomes easier to create a plan to execute it. Find out your purpose by seeking God during prayer and meditation asking what are you here to do. You can also ask yourself thought provoking questions to find out what you LOVE to do no matter if you are being paid or not… this will bring you closer to your purpose.

2. Do it in bite-size chunks. You will feel you are moving closer and closer to your God-given purpose if EACH DAY, you do something toward becoming who you are destined to be. This is how you INVEST in you! Examples include, studying more of the craft you want to perfect… writing if you say you are a writer… or even researching the role models in the field you want to pursue to gain inspiration and learnings.

3. Reflect on the small steps. When you reflect on the small steps you are taking toward your goals, this will empower you to continue moving forward.

4. Kick fear in the face!! Don’t be afraid to take the quantum leap! It will be a life changer and you may see some struggles along the way but the end result is happiness greater than you can currently imagine.

5. Reward yourself! When you take the quantum leap or even the baby steps each day then reflect on what you’ve accomplished… reward yourself for being bold enough to go in the direction of your dreams.


If you like these tips but feel you need more coaching to accomplish, reach out to me Your Confidence Coach for a FREE 30 minute consultation and we will conquer this together!

You can also choose to get more intensive training by attending our E3Retreats in the fall in Costa Rica! Click ——-> HERE <——– for more info!

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Chic Affirmation



Confidence Banner



Confidence: the belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance:

question confidence“Confidence is the gateway to success; to the life that you wish to lead and to the dreams that you desire to live.” 

Confidence can contribute positively in your personal and professional life. Statistics state confident people are more successful, advance quickly in life and even have better relationships.

why be confident

“Almost all successes and attainments in life come from your ability to feel certain that you can accomplish what you set out to achieve.”

If this is something you don’t currently posses and would like FREE Training to help you gain the confidence needed to go after your dreams, sign up today on Kisha’s Chic Lessons and share with a friend also. FREE WORKSHOP STARTS Feb 1st.



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Chic Affirmation of the Day


Happy New Year!!!

It’s 2015 and you’ve made it through!


Now the question is… what will you do with it?

You’ve celebrated last night to bring in the New Year and now it’s time to get to it! Remember…

every moment count

Some have written out goals, made resolutions or even created vision boards but above all of this, you need to underscore the importance of doing what you said you are going to do each and every day this year. You must APPLY action toward whatever that goal is. Break it down into digestible chunks to set yourself up for success and not failure. Ways to achieve this is to not speak so broadly of your goals but get specific on one action that will eventually make a huge impact.

Here’s an example:

Your goal is to lose 30lbs by March but keep it off for the entire year, well your digestible “APPLY IT ACTIONABLE” would be to commit to working out 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. (This is how you will be able to see your goal come to fruition)

Apply It Action


What’s better than the “Apply it Actionable” ? The answer is an accountability partner! Do you have one? If not, reach out to a friend that you know will hold you accountable or better yet, make the public your accountability partner by sharing with the world via social media what your goals for this year are. I have a good friend who wrote an article on “Power Moves” versus the mundane resolution list and I absolutely love it! Check it out here: 5 Power Decisions for Women to Make in 2015 it’s by Jasmin Brand. Be sure to follow her work. Lot’s of greatness to come in 2015!

With that being said, I will share my 5 power moves and conclude with wishing each of you well as you journey through what will be an amazing year!

2015 is all about me Paying it Forward! With this being said, below are my 5 power moves with most being ways I will pay it forward so that I will not only impact my life but the lives of others!



1. Social Media Takeover! The obsession with big butts, flashy cars and materialistic nonsense is over-rated and out-dated! Let’s get back to inspiring those to become better individuals, inspire them to go after their God-Given talents and become who they are destined to be! I plan on doing this by taking over social media with my inspiration initiative. Be sure to follow me as I give uplifting, positive yet entertaining words of wisdom on a daily basis while also being transparent about my life. (Why be transparent? Well, who wants inspiration from someone who never faces or have faced any issues or failures??? What’s the inspiration in that?!) FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER

2. Daily Affirmations: I will share with the world 365 daily affirmations to assist on your journey to becoming great! Each affirmation will be posted on Instagram and here on my blog. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and I will definitely follow you back! #teamfollowback


3. InstaMotivation: Follow me on Instagram for 15sec video inspiration! It will post every Monday for what I consider #MondayMotivation or what I’m known for saying… “TGIM!” This will assist in keeping you charged for the week to come.

4. Invest in Me! Per Jasmin’s power moves I’m stealing this one. It’s necessary for me to give back to myself as I give to others. Besides, if I’m not the best me, how can I offer you the best? Being transparent, last year started off really great with my book and business launch but as my granny took ill and I went there to be her right hand aide, I allowed stress and depression to take over and gained 27lbs in 4 freaking months! SO NOT COOL! I’m back on the track of gaining my health back and it’s not just because it’s a new year, it’s because I owe it to myself! How will I do this, well my bitesize chunk is 30 minutes of cardio each day for 5 days a week along with better food choices as I travel the world. 🙂

and lastly…

5. Give my gift to the world! Although I do many speaking engagements and I’m a Life Coach, I want to impact more and I will do this by offering free training and workshops throughout the year. Be sure to look for them! Below are the months to expect free virtual workshops:

  • February (28 Days to a Confident YOU)
  • April
  • June
  • September
  • November

Please share your goals with your “Apply It Actionable” for this upcoming year… I would love to be an accountability partner for you!

Loads of Love,

The Confidence Coach


Tuesday TEN

With less than six months remaining in the year of 2014, I thought it best to speak on

10 ways to create an inspirational and empowering vision board!

This will not only focus on how to create an empowering vision board but also tips on how to utilize it to receive the biggest impact.



Jack Canfield stated it best when he said “Your brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmations and images of your goals, you are destined to achieve them!” You can check out more HERE.

I’m a firm believer of this and I’ve been creating vision boards since I was nineteen. It has played such an impactful part of my life. I’ve seen many things listed on my vision board come to pass.

Here are my Top 10 reasons to create vision boards, how to create it and best practices on making this come to pass by the end of this year.

1. Top reason to create a vision board is because it is a tool to help you clarify and maintain focus on specific life goals. 


vision board2

Ways to create a vision board are:

2. Write out what you want to accomplish within the remaining six months of the year. 


3. Decide on your theme Will it be specific to one area? Such as, do you want to focus these last six months in becoming published? Make a board just for steps to complete writing your book and publishing. If you want to focus on becoming truly healthy before the end of the year… create a board that inspires you to do so.


4. Gather materials to create vision board. (Scissors, inspiring photos from internet or magazines, as well as glue sticks, tape, construction paper, etc.)

Magazine Clippings

5. Paste strategically on your board. Some choose to paste in order of importance, some choose to place in sections of career, personal, financial and spiritual. Some even choose to paste as a collage covering every piece of your board. One way is not correct over the other. It’s your board… paste as you see fit. Just note it does require care on how you place your photos as it will play on your emotional state when viewed to assist you in accomplishing your goal.

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vision board2

Things to do after you are complete with creating the vision board:

6. Once complete put your vision board in an area where you can view it each day. I’ve had my vision board in my office, in my room and even in my bathroom all at different points of my life. Put it in a place that without trying, you will see it EVERY SINGLE DAY! This will be your constant reminder to accomplish the things you’ve written.

office vision board

bedroom vision board

7. Make it your screensaver! Don’t limit it to only being visible in your home. Take a picture, save it and add it as your screensaver. Please note this is not to become obsessed with it but as a quick glimpse to remind you of where you are going as well as remind you to celebrate the things you’ve accomplished on it thus far.



How to make it manifest:

8. Share with an accountability partner and make a party of it! Nothing better than sharing this project with someone who want to accomplish certain things prior to the end of the year and will inspire you to complete your goals as you inspire them.


9. Know you are worth it! Belief in yourself will help your dreams come to life. Know you are worth it and NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!


10. Don’t procrastinate… do it NOW!



Be sure to share once you’ve completed!

Go forth and create the vision you know you are destined to have.
