Happy New Year

May you release anything from 2017 that wasn’t serving you and be renewed to receive all of Gods blessings in 2018!

Share what you are releasing below!!!

I release not owning my power! I release the hurt from that negative relationship and I am renewed in Jesus name!

TGIM! Know the power of I Am!

Tuesday Testimony – SOAR

Check out one of our guest speakers Antoinette Staples share her testimony about what it means to soar!


Be sure to join us for Seek Speak Soar Empowerment Brunch this Saturday, November 5th.



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5 Ways to Live Confidently

Hey There!!


Check out my published article in Nia Magazine!

Super excited about it. Pray it blesses you.

ORIGINAL POST HERE: http://www.niamagazine.com/5-ways-to-live-confidently/


“With confidence, you have won before you have started” – Marcus Garvey

When you think about those people who are successful and you aspire to be like, such as Oprah, Martha Stewart, Farrah Gray, the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or even the power music couple Jay-Z and Beyonce’, what is the common character trait that they possess?

The answer…CONFIDENCE!

Each believe and have firm trust in not only their talent, but also themselves. And because confidence is contagious, we as viewers believe in them.

It’s been stated that the number one reason people never take the leap of faith to do those things they love and become who they are destined to be, is: a lack of confidence.

You’ve always wanted to quit the corporate life and start your own company but you say you can’t because you don’t have the money to do so. Well, here’s a newsflash – the lack of money is not the real issue.

A lack of confidence is.

Many of those moguls did not have the money to start their brands but they definitely possessed the confidence. I still remember Farrah Gray’s story shared on Oprah of how he sold painted rocks at the age of six and became a young millionaire with other business ventures by age fourteen; just because he knew he could.

With the quote that began this article, the young Farrah Gray won before he began! It’s time for you to do the same.

Here are 5 ways to Live Confidently. Now.

1. Know Who You Are

When you know who you are, and are accepting of who you are, you are not easily broken when someone else challenges you to be something different. This, I will admit, doesn’t happen overnight, but once you know who you are it becomes unshakeable.

Identify your strengths and opportunities, then learn how to celebrate your strengths in all that you do. If you don’t know what they are, start by completing a simple exercise: list five things that you do really well along with the top five things you know and love about yourself.

2. Know That Confidence Already Lives Inside of You

Reflect on moments from early childhood. The times before you became self-aware and were told you couldn’t do something.

I reflect back to the days when I wanted to climb trees simply because the boys were doing it. Everyday I would climb higher and higher. When the boys told me I couldn’t do it, I climbed higher to make fun of them. But when my granny told me that was not lady-like, I began to question myself.

Remember: you already possess confidence. You just need to re-ignite the fire inside to allow it to show through.

3. Kick Fear and Take the Risk!

That’s right, kick fear in the face and just jump. Take the risk now. You will not know the outcome until you actually do it. Assuming is just another way for fear to take control.

Taking a risk involves not always feeling safe and that is okay.

4. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Embracing the unknown and accepting uncomfortable situations is a key to living confidently. It goes perfectly with #3.

You have to accept that you can not plan everything. You do not know the outcome of all situations and sometimes, you will be challenged and uncomfortable. This is all a part of life. So live!

You have to step out of the familiar predictability of your comfort zone.

If you focus on the endpoint and not the process, you become more welcoming of the discomfort.

5. Begin and End with a Smile

It’s one of the simplest things in life to do that offers a large return. Smiling tricks the brain in thinking you are happy. And guess what? When you smile, you instantly become happy. It releases endorphins and reduces stress.

Step out and live confidently NOW. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, so live boldly today.

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GIVE BACK! Our Teens deserve it!


I’ve been teaching a course at church entitled Teen K.I.C.K.

TEEN CK Course

This week we completed and shared our vision boards. These girls were so empowered to share their desires for the future.

Here are some pics from tonights event:

This is just a taste of what will occur during my first Teen K.I.C.K. Conference August 27th!

I have been charged by God to give back to our youth and that’s exactly what I will do.

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This conference is for teen girls only. The focus is on building and igniting each girls confidence to live boldly as Christ intends for them.

The young sophisticated confidence in our girls is dying.My God-given purpose is to enrich and empower while reviving what the enemy intended to die.

Will you help support this conference in being the very best possible?

Please check out here for more info and donate today!!


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Monday Motivation… Get Coached!

Looking to give your confidence the kickstart needed to open that small business, kickstart your career or even just kickstart your life?

Well, here is your opportunity!


Confidence K.I.C.K.start™ 

This interactive presentation will help you:

K. Know who you are and who you are destined to be

Get to the Core (assessment to find your purpose)

Who are you destined to be (How are you impacting and changing the world positively?)

• I. Ignite what already lives within

Discover what’s within

Feed, Nurture, Grow the gift

• C. Confidently speaking because body language speaks louder than the words

Speaking Non-verbally

Speaking Eloquently

• K. Keep it moving! Don’t let one life situation erode the confidence you’ve built

Overcoming obstacles


Join me July 19th & July 21st for this Continuing Education Course offered at Lamar Institute of Technology. I want to help you kickstart your confident living!

SIGN UP TODAY: http://www.lit.edu/workforce/programs/3/courses

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Revive Your Passions


We are 6 months into the year and 6 more remaining.

How are your goals going for you? Are you hitting those milestones you set?

Statistics show many hit a plateau at the halfway point. Right before you hit the mile marker, only having 10lbs to your goal weight, gaining more clients, right before the business boost… the plateau comes and this post if for those who are experiencing this.

Here are 10 ways to revive your dreams and passions to have an even stronger back half of the year as you did in the beginning!

First please note,

“It is never too late or too soon to be true to yourself and to live your dream!”



  1. Take the opportunity to REFLECT! Look back over your first half. Was it everything you hoped, planned, sought it to be? Celebrate your wins, and hone in on your opportunities. That’s right, celebrate your wins first! You got those 3 clients you said you would. You lost 15lbs vs 10lbs. You joined the support group you said you would or took the opportunity to travel a bit… whatever it is, celebrate the win you had, reflect on what could have been better and lets start moving fot2rward.
  2. Get Quiet. Find a place where there are no distractions or disturbance. Get in a seated comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly, deeply and in perfect rhythm. Doing this allows you to turn inward and hear clearly what God has for you to do going forward. We must learn to quiet ourselves so we can hear clearly. Sometimes our plans are not the plans God has for us and requires us to quickly change the direction we are going… do so! The reward of doing what HE wants vs. yourself will always be greater.
  3. Turn within. Listen to the voice speaking within. Allow this voice to restore and revive your passions for life. Let it be the driving force of what to do next and be bold enough to activate your faith by putting action behind the voice. Know it is the God in you speaking louder than the you in the world. What will you do with it?
  4. t3Say bye to the nay sayers. You are your only limit!!! —–> Stop sharing your eagle dreams with chickens. <—– click to tweet! They are not where you are. They will not understand your purpose for those specific actions and will only speak negatively to encourage you to go opposite of what you know you should be doing. Those who speak down on the things you do only do so because they were not brave enough to act upon the wild dreams God gave them. Say “boy bye” or “bye Felicia” and keep it moving!
  5. Walk out the feeling. Yes… your intuition, God-voice may lead you down a different path that your first half vision and that’s ok. Follow the feelings. Your vision may change from success coach to teen coaching and you must follow it. Nothing is a coincidence… take those God-driven ideas and act upon them.
  6. Sporty womanChallenge Yourself. Are you up for the challenge to revive? At times when stress enters our world, our passion begins to die but if we deal with our stress differently, we can allow the passion to live on. Welcome balance into your life. Do not become overly consumed with one thing… Give time to you, breathe more and challenge yourself to deal with it differently so you can continue this journey! Challenge yourself and when you hit a milestone celebrate you. t5
  7. Get a mentor! We all need others. Find a mentor that will uplift, encourage and hold you accountable to completing the goals you set forth. Join a community of change agents and those with similar dreams so you can feed off their energy. Trust me, it works! Iron sharpens Iron.
  8. Be a mentor 🙂 Yes… when we give, we receive in return that very thing we are searching for so help someone else out and watch it challenge you even more.
  9. Be true to you! No one knows you better than YOU. Be true to who God created you to be. Don’t get caught up with what others are doing in the industry. There is only one you and the world needs your uniqueness!
  10. Give thanks! Gratitude always reaps gratitude. When you receive the restoration to your dreams, vision, passions… give thanks to it! Be grateful of the answered prayers. Be grateful for those things you received in the first half of the year and the many great things to follow in the later half!


Be sure to share how you will revive your passions below!

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Boss UP!


How do you Boss Up?

In a world where we have we literally have access to more than one billion people each day through social media, it is the perfect time for you to Boss UP in your entrepreneurial efforts!

Whether it be a product or service, platforms such as FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram gives you the option to advertise for FREE in any innovative way you can dream of.

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No, you do not need to use all platforms, but I do suggest you chose the platform that work best for your business and boss the heck out of it.

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Below I will share some tips that will assist you in becoming the marketing social media maven along with showcasing some of my favorite bosses on different platforms that you can learn from also.

1. Who is your target audience? 

Know your target audience in order to offer the right content! some tips are:

— The younger generation and even teenagers go for the Vine, Snapchat, YouTube, Tumblr, and Instagram.

— Soon-to-be-wives and moms are all about Pinterest for the photos and DIY’s.

— It’s stated young parents and grandparents alike can be found on Facebook.

— If you focusing on Business owners and leaders, find them on LinkedIn.

— Influencers and bloggers love Twitter, Tumblr and now even Instagram.

2. Be consistent with your message and your handle.

Don’t make it difficult for people to find you or know what it is you offer. My handle across all platforms is @CoachKSpeaks . What’s yours?

When you know what you are offering, you need to stick with that message across the board. Maybe it’s offering advice to young entrepreneurs or fashion tips… whatever it is, you need to be consistent with the message.



3. Network! 

Want to get discovered? Well, follow those you admire, compliment, get to know and support in order to receive the support!

4. Repurpose current content.

I’m sure you currently have lots of content that have been used on your blog or social media accounts. It’s time now for you to streamline the pipeline to repurpose the content already used. Update with current graphics. Delete those things that are not of relevance to the message you’ve committed to and start posting as it’s new.

5. Ride the wave

What is currently being discussed on social media right now? Study the hashtags and ride the wave to receive some recognition and supporters. Examples are on Instagram, #MotivationalMondays have over 4million posts which means it’s being used frequently. If you are a coach, USE THIS HASHTAG and watch your likes and followers increase with your consistency. It’s great to create hashtags when you have specific challenges going on or you already have a large following over 10k but until then, nothing is wrong with riding the wave.

Here are a few of the #bossbabes I follow and appreciate when it comes to consistent messaging and marketing.

stacia True #BossBabe! Over 150k followers and it continues to grow daily. Dr. Stacia is consistent with sharing free success and business coaching to her followers with a touch of her lifestyle for inspiration of where you can be if you utilize the awesome tools she offers.

The colors she use are vibrant and consistent throughout her page.

On FaceBook her message continues with more content. You will find blog links, quick tips and even some posts from Instagram with a longer detailed post.

When you go to her other pages such as twitter, or youtube channel you will find the same or more content shared.




Another Boss! Simple yet highly impactful. Charlotte of Confessions of a Clean Foodie does an amazing job staying consistent with her message of clean eating with dynamic photos on Instagram!

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My dear friend and once stylist to Bad Girl RiRi (as in the only Rihanna), Nini is crushing it on FaceBook. She shares amazing fashion moments from her daily life and gives style tips for all.

These are just three of many I admire on social media. Are there any that you follow and would like to learn from? Share below but most of all, TAKE NOTE!!


Another favorite, Hilary Rushford who is also crushing the game on Instagram with almost 100k followers, shared phenomenal advice about proper marketing on Instagram. In her words, with the algorithm going on Instagram, this is the year for you to choose to crush it or step aside. I’m taking some of her tips and plan to crush it. Will update my stats as they increase. 🙂

She grew her following of 40k+ in just one year!

Be sure to check her out for awesome advice.  <——- FREE INSTAGRAM CLASS HERE

Share your learnings and lets Boss Up together!

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Lemonade, Tea, Me & Bey


Beyonce’ dropped yet another amazing visual album and the world stopped… then carried on. 🙂


Although I absolutely loved her transparency, ability to showcase she is as human as the rest of us and creativity, I am using this forum to share how you too, can turn the lemons in life into lemonade and proudly carry on!

Here are the top 3 lessons (yes there were more) I learned from Lemonade, were able to relate with and so can you:

  1. NO ONE IS EXEMPT TO EXPERIENCE THE TRIALS IN WHAT WE CALL LIFE! In the words of the one who was once my “husband in my head” and now painting clouds purple as he passed on to glory, Prince “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life.” Truth is, we ALL go through it. But only a few will choose to grow through it. Beyonce’ shared her trial and how she’s grown and you can too. Whatever that thing is whether it’s marital problems, infidelity, insecurities, childhood trauma, or even health scares, sweetheart, you are not the first nor will you be the last. Pick up your bed and walk free. Cry, become angry, scream, pout, question and do whatever you need to let it out, but most of all, be sure to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
  2. DON’T ALLOW IT TO “INTERRUPT YOUR GRIND!” Simply stated, *ish happens. Keep it moving. Bey shared how distractions, even those considered to be your husband can interrupt the plans God has for you if you are not careful. Do things in His will and never lose sight of the end prize. I have to be transparent and share, I fell into this trap for almost a year and when I heard those words “interrupting my grinding” all I could do was jolt up from the lying down position I was in and say in my Kevin Hart voice “wait… I wasn’t ready!” But the truth is, I needed to hear that. NOW… it’s about what I will do with that boost of inspiration. Come on now ladies, get in formation and follow suit! Don’t let anyone or anything interrupt the plans He has for you. Know your purpose and never stray away from it. If you get coins along the way, that is just an added blessing 🙂
  3. FORGIVENESS, FREEDOM AND MOVING ON! When life hands you lemons, make the best lemonade, forgive those who’ve done you wrong, own your freedom and once again, keep it moving! Forgiveness is the key to it all. Many times, why we get stuck is because we forget to forgive. Forgive the one whose wrong you, forgive what has happened to you and forgive yourself for what you’ve done to you including the extended pity party you threw. Own your freedom and let NO ONE take it from you. From family to social media to being captive to un-forgiveness, take your freedom back! “Freedom, freedom, I can’t move! Freedom, cut me loose!” 


So this is the Lemonade and Tea from me with learnings from Bey!

What are yours?

P.S. If you are needing some help in turning your lemons into lemonade, reach out to me, The Confidence Coach today for your FREE 30 minute Consultation!


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Be sure to share your learnings below!

Put a little effort! TGIM

Hey there you!!


This is an oldie but goodie so I had to re-share this throwback!

Hope you enjoy:-)

Oh and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!

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Be sure to connect with me on social media:

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Guarantee Yourself!


When was the last time you guaranteed you?

I was listening to Eric Thomas today for my daily personal development and I feel in love with something he said. He shared how we demand our money back on a specific thing when it states “30-day money back guarantee” and doesn’t deliver on it’s promise, but we don’t even do the same thing for ourselves. When was the last time you went hard for yourself? For your craft? How often do you stand behind your words, keep promises and follow through to your God-given purpose? It’s time to start now!!

Confidence is about being certain of something. A guarantee is a formal promise or assurance of something. I pose the question today of “Do you, guarantee you?”

Check out this great click from the Hip Hop Preacher and share what will you do differently today to focus follow through on what God has asked you to do with your life!!

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Share below how you will guarantee yourself!

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STOP Comparing! #TGIM wk3

May this message touch who it’s supposed to touch.

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Be blessed!

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What are your Goals?


This quote is so true.

I can speak from experience, when I share those things that I consider my goals, it seems I’m more prone to completing them. It shares as a level of accountability even if no one is saying anything to me. It is also considered to be a part of the “Law of Attraction” as what we put out, we can be sure to receive in return. So with that being said, what I share, opens the door of opportunity to assist the goals being accomplished.

You never know who is watching and with #PositiveVibesOnly believe that God strategically places people to cross your path at the right time in the right season. One of your goals may be to speak at an upcoming Women’s Conference. By sharing this as your goal publicly. someone may read it and extend the opportunity. #ijs

I dare you to try it!

SHARE your goals below and let’s become accountability partners. In the midst, you just may receive an opportunity or two.

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Monday Motivation! TGIM wk2

Today’s #MotivationalMoment pose the question:

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Be sure to comment, share, like and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!

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TGIM! I’m Back! How BIG is your faith?

Hey Hey Heyyyyy!!!!


TGIM is back!

Check it out below, share and comment! Let’s kick off our Monday with motivation.

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Power of the Park – #IvyPark

Let’s kick this off celebrating the brilliance of Beyonce’ .

Yes, I said it and no it’s not worship… it’s celebration. It’s inspiration. It’s empowerment. Now, let me share with you why.

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It’s been 37mins that the cover of Elle was shared via internet. 35mins since Bey posted via instagram pics of the shoot and introduced #IvyPark as a hashtag and new instagram page… check out these results:

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yea… 25k of us already are followers and there is only ONE picture posted!

The cover of Elle is not only breaking news but literally breaking the internet!


And not only is it Elle for US but UK also!


Now let’s share the brilliance of Beyonce’ , business mindset and branding!

Beyonce’: Known for music that gets you moving physically and sometimes mentally as well due to what some consider as the recent controversy of her lyrics and video to Formation.


The celebrated truth is that she is unapologetically her. She chooses to be who she desires and does not ask the permission of you. Regardless of any backlash received, she is still doing her and refuses to address any of it. This alone is a brilliance many of us strive for our entire lifetime.

When was the last time you did something that caused a reaction but you kept moving not caring what anyone had to say?

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Carry on 🙂

Now “back to business”: Bey reminds us to keep our business mindset up. Look at what she’s done over the past 60 days:

  1. Performs epic routine, song and nationally talk about performance at Superbowl Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.16.21 AM
  2. Launch NEW song and Formation clothing line at the same time… capitalize on the opportunity Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.07 AM
  3. Teases with Elle cover and NEW active wear line Ivy Park 14 days prior to it’s launch date in stores! Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.57 AM

Not only is she about her business, she works it quietly then drops it effortlessly. This is something to learn. Know how to just WORK!

Stop talking about it and just work about it! 

Tweet: Stop talking about it and just work about it! ~CoachK #formation #slay #businessbabe

And on to Branding: The power of branding award goes to Beyonce’ . With the introduction of a clothing line 14 days to launch date, introduction to new instagram page and having 25k followers in less than 30mins, this shows the power of right content and being visually appealing to the eye.

Truth is, her branding works because:

  1. Beyonce’ is clear about her unique value proposition
  2. She knows her goal (simply to dominate and inspire along the way)
  3. Bey knows her target audience
  4. She is loyal to herself first
  5. Pays attention to the details
  6. Stays relevant

These are just a few of what makes her branding work. She stays relevant by knowing her audience (Intro to getting your Summer Body ready with Ivy Park), what’s going on in the world today (Formation) and keeping trendy with a unique flare!

If you disagree, I’m sure it’s more of a personal dislike versus respecting the truth and hustle. Either way, your opinions are welcomed.

I’m inspired by #IvyPark Not simply by the brand or Beyonce’ but the immersive experience received when watching the trailer. It inspires me to reflect back to what my park is. This has ignited a fire and I’m ready to burn it up!

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March Planning

Start your month off strong by using this form to get you started!

Download your FREE ——->  Monthly Planner <——–

Monthly Planner

Say it with Action


Say it with your action!

One of the most powerful and motivational acts one can do is be a person who lives what they speak. A person who shows love through action, show trust through action, belief through action and being obedient to the direction and order God has for them through action.

You never know who you are inspiring through what you DO, not just what you say you are doing or what you will do. In the words of Nike, “just do it!”

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Get your PLAN on!

First day of a new month! What are your plans for February??

Be sure to write them down and make them plain so you can run with it! Use this handy tool to capture your goals.

Click the pick or download here —–>Feb Planner

Feb Planner

Be sure to share pics on how you are using it for a chance to be featured!

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Monday Motivation – Confidence

confidence:a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something


This #MotivationalMonday is all about #LivingIntentionally with confidence! Confidence is the key to getting *ish done!

From owning your own business to raising 3 kids under the age of 5… Confidence in knowing you can do it, will allow you to do it and do it well.


What could you do if you possessed the confidence to do so?

Do you need a boost to help you get there? Well, if you are in the Port Arthur, Tx area… get coached for FREE!

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Starting the week of February 8th, I will host a FREE 8 week course on Mondays entitled “Confidence K.I.C.K” to help you kickstart your confidence and go boldly after your dreams!

Email me for more details: BookCoachK@gmail.com

Remember… Confidence is the key to unlock God’s full potential already placed inside of you!

Go get it!!

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#FabFridays- Sexiness, more than what you wear!


Modest is the new sexy!

The bare-it-all is truly over-rated and although there is greatness in the woman who is comfortable in her own skin, there is equal greatness in those that can show sexiness without the need to bare it all.

Did you know there was such a thing? Let me share how to do that.


Sexy is shown though:

  1. The eyes – SMIZE!!! (Tyra-ism which means to smile with your eyes)smize1
  2. Smile on your face! A smile is so welcoming, warm, enchanting and yes even sexy at times. Keeping your lips exfoliated, soft and kissable along with your teeth properly cared for… get a brighter whiter smile ladies (and gents) and then add the right shade of lipstick and welcome sexy! Some top choices for lip colors are the right nude for you and red. A red lip is always sexy!

    3. The Hair – How you wear your hair can be sexy as well and it will not require you to be barely there either.

    4. Create it with Color – All black dress with a pop of red, wearing all red or maybe even wearing the royal color purple can showcase sexiness.blackjadore redredwhite

5.  Own YOUR style. when you confidently wear whatever your choose, sexiness can equate to it simply because you believe you are. Below are some modest fashionistas (1. Anam Shahid 2. Nadira Abdul Quddus) that have great style and can also be considered sexy.

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What are some ways you showcase sexiness without baring it all?

Please share!

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5 Podcasts every #BossBabe should give a listen


I’m a big advocate of personal development which = self investment. One of the ways I invest in myself is listening to other inspiring and kick ass boss babes that have started from the bottom now they here! Women who struggled and still made it inspire me to keep pushing.

Below are my Top 5 Female Podcasts that will positively affect your life, business and even relationships! Be sure to share who you listen to that keeps you motivated.

  1. Myliek Teele of My Taught You

Myliek is the founder of CurlBOX and has transparently shared her story. She speaks openly on how she started before she was completely ready without even having enough packaging… literally sending product in basic brown boxes. She speaks on her fall with a DUI while starting her company and how she rose to being one of the best in the game right now! Her authenticity is what I love about her! One of my favorite podcasts of hers is one that was posted just recently entitled “Maintaining Momentum”. Give it a listen and be sure to follow her work.


2. Courtney Sanders of Think & Grow Chick!

Courtney’s gift is to give to other female entrepreneurs. She focus on helping business owners like myself, unlock the full potential to think & grow into our purpose. She shares openly about the unsuccessful launch of her business back in 2009 and talks candidly about the steps she took to succeed and how you can do the same thing. Click her pic below to follow her podcast. One of my favorites is entitled “Do You Boo: Defining Your Own Success vs. Learning from the Best”

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3. Sophia Amoruso the original #GirlBoss 

Another fabulous and open book entrepreneur! Sophia is the founder of Nasty Gal but literally came from rags to riches by personal poor choices. She dropped out of school and found herself dumpster diving, hitchhiking and stealing prior to finding her purpose and creating Nasty Gal. She recently launched #GirlBoss Podcast late 2015 and I’m already loving her interviews and candid conversations.

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4. Jess Lively of The Lively Show

This inspiring lady is all about encouraging you to live with “value-based intention.” Her podcast has over 2 million downloads and is true boss babe status! “The Lively Show is designed to uplift, inspire, and help you add a little extra intention to your everyday.” From topics of wellness to career and business, Jess Lively covers it all. One of my favorite interviews is with Nicole Balch that gives business advice. Be sure to check out more by clicking her photo below.

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5. Koereyelle of The Single Wives Club

Koereyelle “Confessions of a Werkaholic” podcast series interviews various boss babes around the US sharing their learnings. Not only is this a great addition to my podcast listening pleasures, her “Mindset Mondays” are equally informative. So this one is not really a podcast but must not go unmentioned. Koereyelle offers weekly “Mindset Mondays” conference calls and shares her personal advice, learnings and motivation for savvy ladies everywhere. Sign up to get a part of the action here! The one I received this past Monday entitled “Pray then Prepare” was phenomenal. Don’t miss out on her great advice.

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Are you listening to these ladies already? Who else out there in the podcast world is worth a listen? Please share below!!

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Chic Empowerment Reads 2016


I plan to read a MINIMUM of 2 books a month this year (yes, I’m sure I’ll read more if not 2 a week), and I thought it would be great to share the top 10 books on my reading list!

Be sure to share what you are reading too and maybe I can add those to my list of reading. I love books that inspire, true stories, books that make me laugh and that also add value to my life by helping me live my absolute best. What are your favorite reads??

1. Kingdom Woman – Chrystal Evans Hurst & Tony Evans (Already began reading this one and it’s amazing!! I decided to host a LifeTeam at Triumph entitled “Kingdom Woman” since this book has been so good to me.) Interested in attending the FREE LifeTeam, sign up here!

kingdom woman

2. #Girlboss – Sophia Amoruso (Bought this one as a birthday gift in November but didn’t get around to reading it yet so I put it on the list for this year. Starting it next week.)


3. Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design – Laurence G. Boldt (Recommended by savvy boss babe Myliek Teele so I needed to add it to my list as well)

zen life

4. Misguided by Love, Redirected by Faith – Ericka Ellis (my friend 🙂 ) Coming out this April and I can’t wait to read it!!! Met this beauty while residing in Dallas… Her story is inspirational so I know this book will be too!


5. Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy – Mallika Chopra A suggestion by V12 Yoga studio owner and a Dallas City Influencer, Veronica Torres Hazley so adding it to my list!

living with intent

6. Daring Greatly – Brene’ Brown


7. The Virgin Way – Richard Branson Inspirational Entrepreneur who I admire. Can’t wait to read about is out of the box thinking for business. 


8. 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life – Andrea Owen Read through this one day while at the book store and it seems fun!


9. Success through Stillness – Russell Simmons I’ve read his other books Do You and Super Rich and was inspired by both so it’s only fitting to add this book to the shelf as well. 


10. Grit to Great – Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval The power of grit is what will move you to success… Can’t wait to read more.


This is a part of my personal development plan. Reading is always great was to pour in personal development. What do you do to invest in you? What books are on your list this year?

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Ignite your Sense of Smell

So we are on Day 4 of #LiveIntentionally and since the focus of January is Wellness, I’ve broken each week down for digestible chunks that set you up for success in completing!

This week is all about Mental Health and today we are talking about how igniting your sense of smell increases positive mental health. Did you know there are over 200 versus in the bible that speak on the use of oils and fragrant incense? And I say… if it’s healing and greatness in the bible… than it’s something of a necessity for you and I!


Did you know smelling flowers before going to sleep can lead to more positive dreams?  How fascinating right?! It’s been stated that “research is increasingly showing, smells can impact on almost everything, from dreams and emotions, driving, stress and gambling, to pain, concentration, memory and romance.”

essential oils

Essential Oils are a must have for me! From needing relaxation to a morning pick me up, essential oils do the trick. Below is a list of some essential oils and benefits for your mental health.

“Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.  And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. Genesis 1:11-12

Lavender relaxing, circulation, meditative.
Pine Strengthening, stabilizing.
Angelica anorexia, relieving hopelessness.
Basil fatigue, general nerve tonic, anti-depressant, soporific, confusion, melancholy, mental clarity and concentration, reduces anxiety. (careful use prevents over-stimulation).
Bay anti-hysteric, sedative, hypotensive
Bergamot sedative for anxiety and antidepressant, stimulates appetite.
Chamomile(Roman) calming, hyperactivity, good for use with children.
Clary Sage sedative and nervine for insomnia, paranoia, panic, and hysteria.
Cypress anxiety, confusion
Everlasting grounding increases dream activity.
Juniper apathy, paranoia, confusion, anxiety, nervous trembling and paralysis, diuretic
Marjoram grief, insomnia.
Spikenard grounding



To be effective, it’s best to use these essential oils in it’s purest forms. Don’t settle for the synthetic or adulterated oils as they may be more cost friendly but will not have the same effects. If you suffer with nervous tension or anxiety attacking your mental health, try mixing these oils for a home remedy:

Nervous Tension
This blend will relax the nervous system, ease tension, and bring emotional equilibrium.
· 10 drops Lavender
· 10 drops Petitgrain
· 4 drops Roman Chamomile

This blend will profoundly relax the individual, induce sleep, and bring calm to an active mind that is preventing the correct emotional balance and total relaxation.
· 10 drops Lavender
· 10 drops Basil
· 3 drops Neroli

girl smellGet out there and ignite your sense of smell. Whether it’s with stopping to literally smell some flowers to stop anxiety, sniff some citrus to relax as it increases levels of the stress-related hormone norepinephrine, or take a wiff of coffee for a morning or mid-day pick me up (without the need to consume), smells can increase positive mental health and even heal the sick so take advantage.








Remember what the word says “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14(NKJV)

Share what scents awaken you, relax you, or just make you feel so damn happy in the comments below.

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Meditation Is Key

Hey All!

Focusing on #Wellness for the month of January as a way for us to live intentional!

mediation fast

As stated in previous post, this week is all about Mental Health! Yesterday we focused on the importance of breathing… today is about meditation. And before you say, “ain’t no body got time for that” I will rebut saying “YES YOU DO!”


Contrary to popular believe, you can have an effective meditation moment in as little as 60 seconds… that’s only 1 minute of your time!

The above video showcase how you can meditate in literally a minute. Meditation is a great tool to use throughout your entire day. While at work, before starting your day or even when you are ready to go to sleep are all great times to take a moment to mediate.


As a personal testimony, mediation has helped me with creativity, to release stress and to be able to overcome some of my biggest obstacles. if it helped a workaholic, control freak like me, I know you can benefit from it as well!


Be sure to try it out today and share your experience below

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Live Intentional – Wellness

Happy January 4th everyone!!

Jan Wellness

As stated in the previous post, each month for 2016 will have a specific focus in order to #LiveIntentionally ! This month is all about wellness.

For January week 1 – It’s all about Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

With this definition, I will share tips each day this week that will help reduce the stresses of life and will help you work productively.

Today is all about breathing


Breathing is one of the quickest easiest ways to relax, release stress and gain clarity to become more productive.


Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate . For the fancy noses out there, try pranayama breathing, a yogic method that involves breathing through one nostril at a time to relieve anxiety. The technique’s supposed to work the same way as acupuncture, balancing the mind and body (and possibly eliminating the need for a tissue).”



Try this today and share your experience. Remember, every tip ties back to Living Intentionally. When we take the time to just breathe, we give ourselves to enjoy more things in the moment. We open ourselves up to give our best selves and because of this, we will do things with intent that will cause our lives to blossom!

Breathing opens yourself to God’s blessings.

Job 33:4“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Recognize the breath God has given you and live intently, on purpose and on fire for what HE has for your life!

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Start where you are!


Today is the last Monday of 2015 and 2016 will be here in a few days! During this time many of us are planning our New Year Resolutions.


Many await the New Year to change those bad habits or embark on something new. The number one resolution is always to lose weight, get healthy and in shape and by February or March, those resolutions die. Even I have fallen into this resolution on more than one occasion. But this, I will follow through with anything I set out. This year I plan to live a year of intention!


I plan to live on purpose and every goal I set will be done with intention. I don’t want to make resolutions that are a repeat from previous years and never completed. I do believe when living with intention those goals do come true because it’s not a fad… there is accountability attached and the goals are broken down into bit size chunks that make them more obtainable! Will you join me in living with intention?


Share what your list of intentions are for this new year and I dare you to go further with sharing what you are doing TODAY to ensure your goals come to past. Remember, you must start where you are. Rome wasn’t built in a day! But with dedication, accountability and INTENTION, your goals will be completed!

Are you in need of a coach that will help you get there? Well, look no further. I’m transparent… I’ve been where you are and I’ve overcome. I’ve coached many that are living a life with intention and I would love to coach you too!

Sign up today for your FREE consultation! bookCoachK@gmail.com 


What are your goals for the upcoming year?

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Master your Strengths


While doing weekly planning, I start by completing these questions:

  1. What are the top three priorities for the week
  2. What am I proud of and grateful for from the previous week
  3. What are my strengths… simply for personal development

I know you make look at my list and question why I do it this way. Well, I’ve recognized as an extreme organizational control freak, creating long to do lists do not always reap positive results. I’ve learned by shortening the list to the top three gives the opportunity to fulfill giving my best and give me the opportunity to stop, smell the flowers, have small celebrations and actually live and grow through the process versus just doing.

I believe in all work in life we should always showcase gratitude by ,recognizing what we’ve come from, learned, grown from and proud of. I did this on a continual basis when hosting my “TGIM Monday Motivational Moment” sharing Kisha’s Life Lessons. You can check out more here:

I also use my chic tools to help set my day and week up for success. Download them for FREE here:

Chicly Complete

I also believe it’s important to include personal development throughout each work week. This allows my to continue to grow. When looking for personal development I like to focus on my strengths to become a master at it versus focusing on my weaknesses. The reason for this is firstly, Focusing on the weakness isn’t always as inspiring and rarely produces outstanding results.

I believe it’s important to master your strengths because:


  • Developing the awareness of WHEN to use a particular strength and when NOT to use it creates leverage in how you grow.
  • Developing the awareness of HOW MUCH to use a particular strength and in what specific circumstances you should use it.
  • Developing actual skill in using a particular strength puts you as the best in the field you desire to be in.

What are your strengths and how will you master them?

Real leaders not only recognize their strengths, they know the power in outsourcing their weaknesses. If you are not good at redesigning your website and you know that is a task that needs to be complete to take your blog to the next level… reach out to those that are the masters in that area.

Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on that either. There are plenty of talented college students or freelancers waiting for the opportunity to showcase their work… take the risk and outsource your weakness. This doesn’t make you lazy… it makes you smart and a great business leader. It gives you the freedom to master and showcase your strengths and one of them is knowing when and where you need help. 🙂

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Hey There fellow follower, supporter, creative being and fashionista…



The New Year is fast approaching and with a new year, there are new things to come! Kisha’s Chic Lessons is currently looking for writers who are passionate about helping others in the areas of Fashion, Fitness, Food and Finance!


Are you a queen of any? Do you stay up on current trends, know what’s hot and what’s not… Are you able to share great tips in an inspiring and uplifting way?

Well, we want you‼️ We’re looking for the fashion blogger who would like to expose NEW content through


It’s a great way to share your expertise with the world and get seen on multiple platforms.

If you are interested, send samples of your best work, relevant to current style trends to kishaschiclessons@gmail.com with “F4 BLOGGER” in the subject!

Look forward to working with you.

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Love Change


REPEAT: ” I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations”

Remember, change is inevitable but growth is optional. We ALL will experience change and for some it may be a daunting task but if you speak positivity in the midst of and even before, you can prepare yourself for anything that comes your way.

It’s not about what you go through but how you choose to deal with those things you encounter.