Hurricane Harvey SURVIVOR


On August 30th at 11:21am, my two month old son Creed, my mom and myself were rescued from the rising waters of Hurricane Harvey after a 10hr wait via boat.

This by far was the scariest thing I’ve encountered. We knew it was coming. We expected “high winds and lots of rain” per the weather report but no one expected this!

We awaited 10hrs with water that rose to our knees within our home before rescue arrived. The images of looking out the window and seeing water reaching the windows and covering our above the ground pool, will never escape my memory.


Having to remain calm so my baby wouldn’t feel my anxiety was a challenge but I’m grateful to God that I overcame. We went from church (which also flooded), to shelter (which also flooded), to a friends home, to finally arriving at my brothers home once he was able to drive 1hr 30mins but of course that took more than 3hrs to come get us after taking back roads, and driving through water a couple days after.

We lost EVERYTHING. From my grandmothers home, which was also the home I grew up in, our vehicle, and material possessions inside the home are all gone BUT thank God we are alive!


Check out the lovely wrap given by a stranger turned friend from Facebook. She heard I lost my wrap in the storm so she so graciously gave me hers.


I am so grateful for the outpour of support from friends near and far that have reached out and collected items for my baby and me via social media. We are still awaiting assistance from FEMA which I know is a lengthy process due to the thousands like me that are displaced.

I ask that you all join in prayer with me as we persevere through this catastrophic event. I refuse to give up. I know this too shall pass and will still be used for the good.

Many Blessings,

Coach K

Testimony Tuesday

Have you ever reflected on your test and recognized the awesome testimony that came from it?

Check out my transparent testimony on how I had to SEEK God and His purpose for me versus doing my will.



If you haven’t registered yet, do so right now!!! <— Tickets are going fast! Be sure to get yours today!


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I Ain’t Too Proud to Beg… for Jesus that is

So a friend and I were discussing over the weekend how we like to switch up secular lyrics with those of the word from Jesus.

I’m sitting in Starbucks getting some work done and I became inspired by a song that came on Pandora. “I Ain’t too Proud to Beg” by TLC.

Ok, I know your first thought is girrrrl… you were able to convert the lyrics of “I Ain’t too Proud to Beg” into words of light, love and encouragement from God?! I gotta finish read this!


Well, let me share with you. As the song came on, I began to tap my feet to the beat, nod my head in rhythm and while a grand smile emerged, I began to type out my inspiration. I thought of my current season. The bible states “to every thing there is a season” Eccl. 3. Two specific versus from this chapter stuck out to me that reference my current season.

“A time to tear down and a time to build, as well as a time to be silent and a time to speak.” I can’t help but take the words of TLC and change them as a cry out to God, boldly stating “I ain’t to proud to beg for God’s direction as I rebuild. I ain’t to proud to beg while I speak up declaring the promises He has shared with me. I ain’t to proud to beg for what God called my own!.”

Can I get a yes and Amen?

beg logo

The definition of beg, is “to ask (someone) earnestly or humbly for something.”

I am earnestly and humbly asking God to strengthen me through the peaks and the valley. I humbly ask for Him to comfort me as my confidence is restored and boldly declare aloud those things He already promised me.

Told you this was going to be good. 🙂

The bible says “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7. I’m earnestly asking, seeking and knocking even in the midst of the storm, transition or simply stated “the world being the world.” Trust, I can find a message in just about anything due to the way my GODFIDENCE™ is set up. *BIG SMILE*


Have you ever changed up the lyrics of a song from the secular world to fit into #TeamJesus? I would love to hear your experience.

If you haven’t experienced it yet, look for the messages soon to come. Trust, when you are tapped into His frequency, it will come in anything.

Be Inspired. Speak Life. Stay Confident!

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Wisdom Wednesday! Words from Oprah


How many times have you stressed about becoming successful? Stressed about becoming successful in your start up, in your marriage, or even in your battle with health? This quote right here from the lovely Ms Oprah sheds light on what we should really focus on.


  1. the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
  2. the meaning to be found in words or events.

The quality of being worthy of attention; importance… this is some deep *ish to consider.

So many in the social arena today gain attention attached with the price of selling their bodies, faux lifestyles, peace of mind and even souls.
When considering doing something that works toward being significant is much greater than that. How does your actions, offerings and services better the world for future generations to come? How do you impact or re-write history positively?

Really think on this.

Personally, I know what I am doing is BEYOND me, therefor it serves great significance. Simply stated, I do what I do because I KNOW this is my God-given duty. I know this is my God-given destiny and because of being obedient to His will for my life, I am a blessing to many. I am significant in my business. I am significant in my actions and speaking. Because of this, success overflows from me


Be blessed & and be sure to SHARE how you are working toward being significant below!!

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Who Are You?

Who are you? A question that I’ve witnessed plague so many due to insecurities, disappointments, and unfulfilled goals/dreams. But did you know that you can speak words that hold power and can literally change your life if you are open to it?


The tongue is the most powerful tool on your body… use it to your advantage! Discover the power of starting your day saying “I Am” and fill in the blank after those words to describe who you desire to be if you are currently non there.

Examples are:



Try it and share your experience below. Remember… You are what you say you are so give some self-love and speak greatness!

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