So today marks the day that I get revived!

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I invited others to join me on this journey for the next 21 days and you can join us too.

This #Revive21DayChallenge is to strengthen, add energy to, or bring life to three areas in our lives. Those three categories are Prayer, Physical Activity, & our Purpose.


What do you need to focus on UNINTERRUPTED?

Inspired by P Daren’s “Power Hour,” I am challenging myself and others to REVIVE for 21 days.
-20 mins of prayer
-20 mins of movement/workout
-20 mins of completing a goal EACH DAY (1 HR UNINTERRUPTED!)

When broken down in increments, it makes it more obtainable.

I’m sure there is something God has been calling you to focus on that you have not truly been consistent with. Come join our private FaceBook REVIVE 21 Day Challenge Group and get revived together!

I went LIVE today, so be sure to check out the video once you join.

See you there!

-Coach K

Are you joining us in Mexico?

Hey Hey Hey!!!

On January 24th, myself and a group of 20 other women met up in Costa Rica for #VisionVacay2k18

Check out some pictures from our retreat:

We had such an amazing time that we are doing it again!

August 2nd-5th, Kingdom KICK Retreats will meet in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.. Will you join us?


Your cost will include the following:

  • Transportation to/from Puerto Vallarta Airport (PVR) (40 miles)
  • Private Villa Stay
  • Chef Prepared Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Daily Workout
  • Daily Mindful Prayer & Meditation
  • Harvest Circle Workshop (yearly vision board review & 4th quarter planning)
  • Kingdom Cleanse Release Celebration
  • Complimentary Basic Guest Room Internet Access
  • Saturday Group Yacht Excursion


***Total Package Pricing With Flight Is From Houston, Tx Only 

Here’s the payment schedule 
Payment #2 is $250 or $350(incl. Flight) due March 1, 2018
Payment #3 is $250 or $350(incl. Flight) due April 1, 2018
Balance due May 1, 2018.

You can check out some photos from our private villa below:

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If you are interested in joining us… click below! Spaces are limited and it’s filling up quickly!


If you have any questions… please reach out! If you want to find out more about this retreat or our future retreats, click —> HERE <—

Hope to meet you there!

-Coach K

Hurricane Harvey SURVIVOR


On August 30th at 11:21am, my two month old son Creed, my mom and myself were rescued from the rising waters of Hurricane Harvey after a 10hr wait via boat.

This by far was the scariest thing I’ve encountered. We knew it was coming. We expected “high winds and lots of rain” per the weather report but no one expected this!

We awaited 10hrs with water that rose to our knees within our home before rescue arrived. The images of looking out the window and seeing water reaching the windows and covering our above the ground pool, will never escape my memory.


Having to remain calm so my baby wouldn’t feel my anxiety was a challenge but I’m grateful to God that I overcame. We went from church (which also flooded), to shelter (which also flooded), to a friends home, to finally arriving at my brothers home once he was able to drive 1hr 30mins but of course that took more than 3hrs to come get us after taking back roads, and driving through water a couple days after.

We lost EVERYTHING. From my grandmothers home, which was also the home I grew up in, our vehicle, and material possessions inside the home are all gone BUT thank God we are alive!


Check out the lovely wrap given by a stranger turned friend from Facebook. She heard I lost my wrap in the storm so she so graciously gave me hers.


I am so grateful for the outpour of support from friends near and far that have reached out and collected items for my baby and me via social media. We are still awaiting assistance from FEMA which I know is a lengthy process due to the thousands like me that are displaced.

I ask that you all join in prayer with me as we persevere through this catastrophic event. I refuse to give up. I know this too shall pass and will still be used for the good.

Many Blessings,

Coach K

Invest Where Necessary


One of the best ways to protect your growth is by investing in yourself!

Invest physically, spiritually, financially and mentally.

What does it mean to invest in yourself? Well simply stated, it means to care more about your God-given purpose greater than the many life distractions that may come your way. Listen, God never said it would be easy but I do know from personal testimony that it is definitely worth it!


When you care more, you will invest in proper eating and exercise to perform at your very best. You will spend more time with Christ to understand your divine purpose. You will invest financially to receive the education necessary and you will take the time to invest mentally as what you think, you shall become.

When you know you are worth it, you stand a little taller and you also care just a little bit more.


If you are in need of more confidence, invest in it! Take a course that will help you get what you need!


I’ve decided to make it easier for you. It only cost $20 and requires you to show up and be ready to receive the tools and empowerment to take necessary steps to kickstart your confidence.

Will you join me? If you have not registered, sign up today:

Hope to see you there!

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GIVE BACK! Our Teens deserve it!


I’ve been teaching a course at church entitled Teen K.I.C.K.

TEEN CK Course

This week we completed and shared our vision boards. These girls were so empowered to share their desires for the future.

Here are some pics from tonights event:

This is just a taste of what will occur during my first Teen K.I.C.K. Conference August 27th!

I have been charged by God to give back to our youth and that’s exactly what I will do.

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This conference is for teen girls only. The focus is on building and igniting each girls confidence to live boldly as Christ intends for them.

The young sophisticated confidence in our girls is dying.My God-given purpose is to enrich and empower while reviving what the enemy intended to die.

Will you help support this conference in being the very best possible?

Please check out here for more info and donate today!!

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Monday Motivation… Get Coached!

Looking to give your confidence the kickstart needed to open that small business, kickstart your career or even just kickstart your life?

Well, here is your opportunity!


Confidence K.I.C.K.start™ 

This interactive presentation will help you:

K. Know who you are and who you are destined to be

Get to the Core (assessment to find your purpose)

Who are you destined to be (How are you impacting and changing the world positively?)

• I. Ignite what already lives within

Discover what’s within

Feed, Nurture, Grow the gift

• C. Confidently speaking because body language speaks louder than the words

Speaking Non-verbally

Speaking Eloquently

• K. Keep it moving! Don’t let one life situation erode the confidence you’ve built

Overcoming obstacles


Join me July 19th & July 21st for this Continuing Education Course offered at Lamar Institute of Technology. I want to help you kickstart your confident living!


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Revive Your Passions


We are 6 months into the year and 6 more remaining.

How are your goals going for you? Are you hitting those milestones you set?

Statistics show many hit a plateau at the halfway point. Right before you hit the mile marker, only having 10lbs to your goal weight, gaining more clients, right before the business boost… the plateau comes and this post if for those who are experiencing this.

Here are 10 ways to revive your dreams and passions to have an even stronger back half of the year as you did in the beginning!

First please note,

“It is never too late or too soon to be true to yourself and to live your dream!”



  1. Take the opportunity to REFLECT! Look back over your first half. Was it everything you hoped, planned, sought it to be? Celebrate your wins, and hone in on your opportunities. That’s right, celebrate your wins first! You got those 3 clients you said you would. You lost 15lbs vs 10lbs. You joined the support group you said you would or took the opportunity to travel a bit… whatever it is, celebrate the win you had, reflect on what could have been better and lets start moving fot2rward.
  2. Get Quiet. Find a place where there are no distractions or disturbance. Get in a seated comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly, deeply and in perfect rhythm. Doing this allows you to turn inward and hear clearly what God has for you to do going forward. We must learn to quiet ourselves so we can hear clearly. Sometimes our plans are not the plans God has for us and requires us to quickly change the direction we are going… do so! The reward of doing what HE wants vs. yourself will always be greater.
  3. Turn within. Listen to the voice speaking within. Allow this voice to restore and revive your passions for life. Let it be the driving force of what to do next and be bold enough to activate your faith by putting action behind the voice. Know it is the God in you speaking louder than the you in the world. What will you do with it?
  4. t3Say bye to the nay sayers. You are your only limit!!! —–> Stop sharing your eagle dreams with chickens. <—– click to tweet! They are not where you are. They will not understand your purpose for those specific actions and will only speak negatively to encourage you to go opposite of what you know you should be doing. Those who speak down on the things you do only do so because they were not brave enough to act upon the wild dreams God gave them. Say “boy bye” or “bye Felicia” and keep it moving!
  5. Walk out the feeling. Yes… your intuition, God-voice may lead you down a different path that your first half vision and that’s ok. Follow the feelings. Your vision may change from success coach to teen coaching and you must follow it. Nothing is a coincidence… take those God-driven ideas and act upon them.
  6. Sporty womanChallenge Yourself. Are you up for the challenge to revive? At times when stress enters our world, our passion begins to die but if we deal with our stress differently, we can allow the passion to live on. Welcome balance into your life. Do not become overly consumed with one thing… Give time to you, breathe more and challenge yourself to deal with it differently so you can continue this journey! Challenge yourself and when you hit a milestone celebrate you. t5
  7. Get a mentor! We all need others. Find a mentor that will uplift, encourage and hold you accountable to completing the goals you set forth. Join a community of change agents and those with similar dreams so you can feed off their energy. Trust me, it works! Iron sharpens Iron.
  8. Be a mentor 🙂 Yes… when we give, we receive in return that very thing we are searching for so help someone else out and watch it challenge you even more.
  9. Be true to you! No one knows you better than YOU. Be true to who God created you to be. Don’t get caught up with what others are doing in the industry. There is only one you and the world needs your uniqueness!
  10. Give thanks! Gratitude always reaps gratitude. When you receive the restoration to your dreams, vision, passions… give thanks to it! Be grateful of the answered prayers. Be grateful for those things you received in the first half of the year and the many great things to follow in the later half!


Be sure to share how you will revive your passions below!

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Get connected1



I’m currently teaching Confidence K.I.C.K. as a LifeTeam at my local church and I’m loving every minute of it! I’ve taught this class for college freshman and even online but this class is different. This class is more intimate. Because of the small setting, I am able to gain more engagement and through this, I can see first hand when someone has an aha moment, revelation or becomes excited from the learnings.

I make my courses very interactive, which is a way to push them out of their comfort zones. One of the great things from this type of teaching is seeing the reactions and receiving the feedback in the end of how comfortable they’ve become because of this form of teaching.


Confidence, is the best make-up one could wear and it’s something that we ALL possess. Most just have not tapped into it. 🙂

Once you realize you’ve possessed this all along and then decide to tap into it is always a great outcome. Try it out and see!


If you need some assistance along the way, reach out to me and receive a FREE consultation where I will share how I can help you tap into this type of confidence in order to go after the dreams God has for you!

KSP sig

Monday Motivation – Confidence

confidence:a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something


This #MotivationalMonday is all about #LivingIntentionally with confidence! Confidence is the key to getting *ish done!

From owning your own business to raising 3 kids under the age of 5… Confidence in knowing you can do it, will allow you to do it and do it well.


What could you do if you possessed the confidence to do so?

Do you need a boost to help you get there? Well, if you are in the Port Arthur, Tx area… get coached for FREE!

Triumph Coach1

Starting the week of February 8th, I will host a FREE 8 week course on Mondays entitled “Confidence K.I.C.K” to help you kickstart your confidence and go boldly after your dreams!

Email me for more details:

Remember… Confidence is the key to unlock God’s full potential already placed inside of you!

Go get it!!

KSP sig

Chic Empowerment Reads 2016


I plan to read a MINIMUM of 2 books a month this year (yes, I’m sure I’ll read more if not 2 a week), and I thought it would be great to share the top 10 books on my reading list!

Be sure to share what you are reading too and maybe I can add those to my list of reading. I love books that inspire, true stories, books that make me laugh and that also add value to my life by helping me live my absolute best. What are your favorite reads??

1. Kingdom Woman – Chrystal Evans Hurst & Tony Evans (Already began reading this one and it’s amazing!! I decided to host a LifeTeam at Triumph entitled “Kingdom Woman” since this book has been so good to me.) Interested in attending the FREE LifeTeam, sign up here!

kingdom woman

2. #Girlboss – Sophia Amoruso (Bought this one as a birthday gift in November but didn’t get around to reading it yet so I put it on the list for this year. Starting it next week.)


3. Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design – Laurence G. Boldt (Recommended by savvy boss babe Myliek Teele so I needed to add it to my list as well)

zen life

4. Misguided by Love, Redirected by Faith – Ericka Ellis (my friend 🙂 ) Coming out this April and I can’t wait to read it!!! Met this beauty while residing in Dallas… Her story is inspirational so I know this book will be too!


5. Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy – Mallika Chopra A suggestion by V12 Yoga studio owner and a Dallas City Influencer, Veronica Torres Hazley so adding it to my list!

living with intent

6. Daring Greatly – Brene’ Brown


7. The Virgin Way – Richard Branson Inspirational Entrepreneur who I admire. Can’t wait to read about is out of the box thinking for business. 


8. 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life – Andrea Owen Read through this one day while at the book store and it seems fun!


9. Success through Stillness – Russell Simmons I’ve read his other books Do You and Super Rich and was inspired by both so it’s only fitting to add this book to the shelf as well. 


10. Grit to Great – Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval The power of grit is what will move you to success… Can’t wait to read more.


This is a part of my personal development plan. Reading is always great was to pour in personal development. What do you do to invest in you? What books are on your list this year?

KSP sig

Are you In?

Original post found on

E3 Challenge Banner

It’s 7 days into the year… how are things going for you? Do you feel you need a boost to help start your year in the right direction? Would you like FREE coaching as you get your internal and external health in order to live your very best life?

well… get it here!

Check out both coaches share what to expect from us during this 10 day challenge.

You will receive meal plans, fitness tips, quick meditation moments and much more to encourage you to be successful on your wellness journey beyond the 10 days! Below are just a few clean eating options that are full of flavor!

You’ll learn how to do minute meditations… yes ONE MINUTE that will impact your day positively and much much more!

If you are interested, reply “I’m in” and we’ll add you to the private FB group!

KSP sig

Meditation Is Key

Hey All!

Focusing on #Wellness for the month of January as a way for us to live intentional!

mediation fast

As stated in previous post, this week is all about Mental Health! Yesterday we focused on the importance of breathing… today is about meditation. And before you say, “ain’t no body got time for that” I will rebut saying “YES YOU DO!”


Contrary to popular believe, you can have an effective meditation moment in as little as 60 seconds… that’s only 1 minute of your time!

The above video showcase how you can meditate in literally a minute. Meditation is a great tool to use throughout your entire day. While at work, before starting your day or even when you are ready to go to sleep are all great times to take a moment to mediate.


As a personal testimony, mediation has helped me with creativity, to release stress and to be able to overcome some of my biggest obstacles. if it helped a workaholic, control freak like me, I know you can benefit from it as well!


Be sure to try it out today and share your experience below

KSP sig

Live Intentional – Wellness

Happy January 4th everyone!!

Jan Wellness

As stated in the previous post, each month for 2016 will have a specific focus in order to #LiveIntentionally ! This month is all about wellness.

For January week 1 – It’s all about Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

With this definition, I will share tips each day this week that will help reduce the stresses of life and will help you work productively.

Today is all about breathing


Breathing is one of the quickest easiest ways to relax, release stress and gain clarity to become more productive.


Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate . For the fancy noses out there, try pranayama breathing, a yogic method that involves breathing through one nostril at a time to relieve anxiety. The technique’s supposed to work the same way as acupuncture, balancing the mind and body (and possibly eliminating the need for a tissue).”



Try this today and share your experience. Remember, every tip ties back to Living Intentionally. When we take the time to just breathe, we give ourselves to enjoy more things in the moment. We open ourselves up to give our best selves and because of this, we will do things with intent that will cause our lives to blossom!

Breathing opens yourself to God’s blessings.

Job 33:4“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Recognize the breath God has given you and live intently, on purpose and on fire for what HE has for your life!

KSP sig

Master your Strengths


While doing weekly planning, I start by completing these questions:

  1. What are the top three priorities for the week
  2. What am I proud of and grateful for from the previous week
  3. What are my strengths… simply for personal development

I know you make look at my list and question why I do it this way. Well, I’ve recognized as an extreme organizational control freak, creating long to do lists do not always reap positive results. I’ve learned by shortening the list to the top three gives the opportunity to fulfill giving my best and give me the opportunity to stop, smell the flowers, have small celebrations and actually live and grow through the process versus just doing.

I believe in all work in life we should always showcase gratitude by ,recognizing what we’ve come from, learned, grown from and proud of. I did this on a continual basis when hosting my “TGIM Monday Motivational Moment” sharing Kisha’s Life Lessons. You can check out more here:

I also use my chic tools to help set my day and week up for success. Download them for FREE here:

Chicly Complete

I also believe it’s important to include personal development throughout each work week. This allows my to continue to grow. When looking for personal development I like to focus on my strengths to become a master at it versus focusing on my weaknesses. The reason for this is firstly, Focusing on the weakness isn’t always as inspiring and rarely produces outstanding results.

I believe it’s important to master your strengths because:


  • Developing the awareness of WHEN to use a particular strength and when NOT to use it creates leverage in how you grow.
  • Developing the awareness of HOW MUCH to use a particular strength and in what specific circumstances you should use it.
  • Developing actual skill in using a particular strength puts you as the best in the field you desire to be in.

What are your strengths and how will you master them?

Real leaders not only recognize their strengths, they know the power in outsourcing their weaknesses. If you are not good at redesigning your website and you know that is a task that needs to be complete to take your blog to the next level… reach out to those that are the masters in that area.

Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on that either. There are plenty of talented college students or freelancers waiting for the opportunity to showcase their work… take the risk and outsource your weakness. This doesn’t make you lazy… it makes you smart and a great business leader. It gives you the freedom to master and showcase your strengths and one of them is knowing when and where you need help. 🙂

KSP sig



Hey There fellow follower, supporter, creative being and fashionista…



The New Year is fast approaching and with a new year, there are new things to come! Kisha’s Chic Lessons is currently looking for writers who are passionate about helping others in the areas of Fashion, Fitness, Food and Finance!


Are you a queen of any? Do you stay up on current trends, know what’s hot and what’s not… Are you able to share great tips in an inspiring and uplifting way?

Well, we want you‼️ We’re looking for the fashion blogger who would like to expose NEW content through

It’s a great way to share your expertise with the world and get seen on multiple platforms.

If you are interested, send samples of your best work, relevant to current style trends to with “F4 BLOGGER” in the subject!

Look forward to working with you.

KSP sig

Love Change


REPEAT: ” I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations”

Remember, change is inevitable but growth is optional. We ALL will experience change and for some it may be a daunting task but if you speak positivity in the midst of and even before, you can prepare yourself for anything that comes your way.

It’s not about what you go through but how you choose to deal with those things you encounter.



God’s word says “be confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He give us what we ask for.” 1 John 5:13-15

When I dive into this message, a few of things stand out to me. Three particular things are

  1. We should be confident (certain that something will happen or that something is true) knowing that God hears us
  2. Whenever we ask for anything that pleases (to make (someone) happy or satisfied) Him
  3. Then know He hears (to listen to (someone or something)) us and will give us what we ask for

Being confident or as the dictionary states, “certain that something will happen… is telling us that we shouldn’t question IF He heard our prayer. BUT that we must recognize that those requests are granted when they are pleasing to God and not against His will. This is how we will know He hears us and will grant our requests.

When I’m praying about a particular situation and wondering if God hears my cry, I remember the dissection of this scripture.  It’s important to not always focus on what we need for ourselves but to recognize if what we want for ourselves, lives and those around us is in God’s will and pleasing to Him.

Food for thought,

KSP sig

Confessions of a Confidence Coach!

Hey there, guess what…

birthday calm

And as usual, I like to reflect on my past year but this year, I’m doing it a little different. I’ve decided to not only reflect on this past year but to reflect on my entire life! I call this my:

Confessions Base

Confessions of a Confidence Coach!

Each day throughout my birth month I will share thirty-five life lessons I know to be true from my thirty-five years on this earth. I will blog about it, podcast, vblog or whatever I feel to share the message. This is my way of giving back to the masses. I’ve decided my 35th year will be the year of transparency. My hope during this process is that my life lessons will help you to reflect, share your truth or even allow you to gain an aha or piece of inspiration from my life to continue on your journey.

Here is Life Lessons #1:


Throughout my life there have been times where I’ve shined brightly, showcasing my talents and being a bodacious leader. Then there have also been times I did not. I dimmed my light so those around me could be comfortable. My lesson is… “you should never dim your light for the comfort of others.”

Each of us were given a specific gift. In Ephesians 4:1 “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” This to me shares we are ALL giving a specific calling and it’s our duty to walk worthy in it no matter what others say. Never allow your light to be dimmed simply because it makes others uncomfortable. You are not living for them… your life is for HIM and that’s what matters most.


“The ‪#‎bible‬ is the ‪#‎answer‬ key to it all”
This is soooooo #true for me. No matter what the situation may be, I can ALWAYS find the answer in the B I B L E📖😘
Stay ‪#‎prayedup‬ and know ‪#‎godsgotthis‬ ‪#‎nothingtohardforgod‬‪#‎nevergiveup‬ ‪#‎trusttheprocess‬ ‪#‎read‬ it helps! ‪#‎morningmotivation‬‪#‎wordsofwisdom‬ from ‪#‎CoachK‬ ‪#‎activateyourfaith‬ ‪#‎bossbabe‬

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Fashion-Food-Fitness Bloggers WANTED!


Are you a queen or king fashionista? Do you stay up on current trends, know what’s hot and what’s not… Are you able to share great tips in an inspiring and uplifting way? Are you a foodie at heart and love sharing health tips to the boss babes? Or maybe you are a yoga/fitness/mediation junkie with positivity exuding from you…

Well, we want you!


We are looking for bloggers who would like to expose NEW content through our blog on the topics of fashion, food, fitness and female empowerment. It is a great way to share your expertise with the world and get seen on multiple platforms.

Requirements include: 

  • NEW content only (not published on any other website or publication)
  • Clear point of view on topic of discussion
  • Promote female empowerment in all content (positive vibes only! This blog is created to share insight and inspire creativity and wellness among readers)
  • Understand that this currently is not a blog for pay opportunity but does grant you the opportunity to showcase your work on additional platforms, gain partnership for future endeavors and credibility for all work published as you will have a personal signature that will link back to your social media and websites

If you are interested, send samples of your best work, relevant to current style trends to with “F4 BLOGGER” in the subject!

Look forward to working with you!

KSP sig



Happy Saturday


Just a friendly reminder to have a fabulous, exciting, loved Saturday!

Speak into the Atmoshpere


Dare to Dream and Go after It!

Original post from E3Retreats!


How often do you just sit back, relax and dream? Dream of where you would like to be in 5 years, 1 year, or even in the next 5 months? So many times we become so busy with daily routine that we forget the importance of dreaming!

woman relaxing in a hammock on tropical beach

When we give ourselves time to dream, we open ourselves to the possibility of more… the possibility of seeing our lives in a different light and that can increase the will and want to go after what we dream about!

There is infinite possibilities each and every day for you to chase your dreams and live out your purpose. It’s up to you to take charge!

Remember… you have a unique gift that the world needs so why not share it?! What is that thing you once dreamed of becoming as a child? Did you follow your dreams or were you sidetracked? As long as you are still alive, you still have time to make those dreams come true!


If you need help in reviving your dreams, join E3Retreats this fall in Galveston, Tx for a weekend retreat filled with daily life coaching and meditation with Coach K, fitness and nutrition training with Coach G and meals prepared by our private chef!


You don’t want to miss this! Only $50 to reserve your spot!


We hope to see you there!

KSP sig

Preparation is key

I was watching a speech Denzel Washington gave a group of young actors and was completely moved. He said “Between goals and achievement is discipline and consistency.” WOW! This is so true. Any successful boss babe, mogul or entrepreneur will share they did not receive achievement without consistency and discipline. It plays a vital part in your success or lack thereof.

(Watch more below)

I begin thinking about how much preparation plays a part in being successful… in being disciplined and staying consistent. “If we fail to plan… we are planning to fail.”


Per the previous post I question you how much are you preparing for the goals you desire? Please share! I would love to help you by being your accountability partner. Tell me… what are you preparing for? What struggles do you have with staying consistent and how are you changing that with your actions today?

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9th reason to #MeetMeInCostaRica

Per my E3Retreats Blog:

Rise and Shine! Here is reason #9 on why you should join E3Retreats in Costa Rica this fall!

Yes it’s true! When you try something new or have group support, your fitness rises to the next level. Think about it! Have you ever taken a yoga class or bootcamp? When you are working along side other fellow #fitbuds, it pushes you to go a little further, stretch just a little bit more and try a little harder. You are guaranteed to walk away with your fitness game being moved to the next level!

Sign up today to receive the Limited Time Only Special PROMOTIONAL Offer!

retreat promo

What are you waiting for??? Click the button below and secure your spot today:

Promo pay button

See you in Costa Rica!

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So here is day 2 and also the second reason you should join E3Retreats in Costa Rica this fall:


What more inspirational way to learn than with those who’ve experienced their own transformational journey! As stated in our first #TransformationThursday post, Genese shared her journey from “chubby girl, to physically and mentally fit!” Here is a small part of Genese personal story:

“I firmly believe God allowed this to be my journey so that I could lead others to realize the strength they already possess.  I still love food, but it does not control me.  I don’t live for my next meal.  I no longer get any satisfaction from being full to the point of experiencing feelings of guilt and shame.  I have learned self-control and I have given my body over to God!” READ MORE HERE.

If you want to learn from the best who have experienced their own transformation, join E3Retreats in Costa Rica this fall! This amazing promo price will only be available for a limited time so act quick and bring a friend to save more!


Promo pay button

Hope to see you there!

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Meet Me in Costa Rica!



retreat promo

Click below to sign up:

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Today marks our 15 day promo in which we will also share 15 reasons to join us in Costa Rica! Here is #1:


Investing in you is so important. So many times we give to everyone else… our children, our husbands, our jobs, our friends, our family… but we forget to invest in what is our most valuable asset: OURSELVES! When we choose to take time to invest in ourselves so much is given back to us. When we take care of our personal self and health, we live longer, stress less and are able to give more to the things and people we love. If you don’t invest in yourself, you find yourself drained, stretched too thin and not having the energy to give your best self to others.

Take a week off this fall and join us in Costa Rica for a transformational journey! You will receive daily three meals, life coaching, meditation, yoga, fitness, nutritional coaching and so much more! You will walk away feeling renewed and ready to take on any obstacles thrown your way!

Join E3Retreats in Costa Rica at an amazing promotional offer of just $995! We would love to see you there!

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A Retreat for YOU


Join us this fall in Costa Rica for a retreat that will impact your mind, body and soul!

I’m so excited to host my first Yoga/Life Coaching Retreat in Costa Rica Sept. 30th – Oct. 4th. My business partner and I have a 5 day/ 4 night retreat filled with daily meditation, fitness, yoga, life coaching and nutritional coaching that will leave you walking away rejuvenated and with a new fire for life. Come get enriched with coaches that have their own transformational testimonies. Learn to embrace the many blessings bestowed upon you and evolve into the person you are destined to be!

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Check out more here at !

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Chic Affirmation


Speak it into existence!

REMEMBER: You are more than a conqueror and you are called to be something great! Your future lies in the power of the tongue. Speak great things into the atmosphere and watch God work.

Chic Affirmation


Today’s message and affirmation PLEASE REPEAT: “I now manifest the life I have imagined ” go boldly after your dreams know you possess the power to accomplish ANYTHING!

#pursueyourpassions #LiveVisionNOW #motivation #wowwednesday #chicaffirmation #lifelessons from a #lifecoach #dreamBIG and chase them! #wordsofwisdom #quotetoliveby #meditate and make this a reality😘