Master your Strengths


While doing weekly planning, I start by completing these questions:

  1. What are the top three priorities for the week
  2. What am I proud of and grateful for from the previous week
  3. What are my strengths… simply for personal development

I know you make look at my list and question why I do it this way. Well, I’ve recognized as an extreme organizational control freak, creating long to do lists do not always reap positive results. I’ve learned by shortening the list to the top three gives the opportunity to fulfill giving my best and give me the opportunity to stop, smell the flowers, have small celebrations and actually live and grow through the process versus just doing.

I believe in all work in life we should always showcase gratitude by ,recognizing what we’ve come from, learned, grown from and proud of. I did this on a continual basis when hosting my “TGIM Monday Motivational Moment” sharing Kisha’s Life Lessons. You can check out more here:

I also use my chic tools to help set my day and week up for success. Download them for FREE here:

Chicly Complete

I also believe it’s important to include personal development throughout each work week. This allows my to continue to grow. When looking for personal development I like to focus on my strengths to become a master at it versus focusing on my weaknesses. The reason for this is firstly, Focusing on the weakness isn’t always as inspiring and rarely produces outstanding results.

I believe it’s important to master your strengths because:


  • Developing the awareness of WHEN to use a particular strength and when NOT to use it creates leverage in how you grow.
  • Developing the awareness of HOW MUCH to use a particular strength and in what specific circumstances you should use it.
  • Developing actual skill in using a particular strength puts you as the best in the field you desire to be in.

What are your strengths and how will you master them?

Real leaders not only recognize their strengths, they know the power in outsourcing their weaknesses. If you are not good at redesigning your website and you know that is a task that needs to be complete to take your blog to the next level… reach out to those that are the masters in that area.

Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on that either. There are plenty of talented college students or freelancers waiting for the opportunity to showcase their work… take the risk and outsource your weakness. This doesn’t make you lazy… it makes you smart and a great business leader. It gives you the freedom to master and showcase your strengths and one of them is knowing when and where you need help. 🙂

KSP sig


Red Carpet Movie Premier

Amazing Movie premier you have to be a part of!


is a Fredrick Alanzo film that debuted October 25th in Houston, TX to a SOLD OUT Theatre of 800 guests!


This film is about:

A story of betrayal, love, redemption, and forgiveness. . . .King-Pin, Mack Biggs, played by actor and Houston’s own Jay Barnett, sets out to share the Gospel of Christ after serving 10 years of his 30 year prison sentence .  His sentencing was due to drug trafficking, money laundering & attempted murder. Now a professed Christian, Mack Biggs come home WITHOUT notice . . . to only be set up for the unexpected!  How will it affect his faith in God?  And how will he pass the test to prove to other that he has truly been delivered?

Check out the movie teaser below:


Why should you support this film?

Because it is directed by a Fredrick Alanzo who continue to use his time, gifts, and talents with God at the center of it all. Fredrick believes with Gods help he can continue to inspire, witness and lead people to a better way of life through Jesus Christ. It’s motivational and thought provoking. Watch below to see what people are saying about the movie at it’s first Red Carpet event:

Be sure to support and share on social media to help the Dallas premier be as big of a success as the premier in Houston!

Take the opportunity to meet the cast and crew this week prior to the premier! Information below:



The Parks at Arlington 18 



Virtual Workshop Coming Soon!

November is my birthday month and I am giving away great things during this month! The first thing I want to give is the opportunity for each of you to receive extensive coaching, strategic tools and daily motivation from me at an incredibly low cost!

Can you believe we only have 60 days until 2015!!!!???! Have you completed those things you set out to do this year? Well if not or maybe you have but still have some more to go… this workshop will help you! It will kickstart you to living your dreams NOW versus awaiting the New Year to launch.

Click the pic below for more details!





KCL Thought of The Day
