Shop & Speak Empowerment Soiree

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Lemonade, Tea, Me & Bey


Beyonce’ dropped yet another amazing visual album and the world stopped… then carried on. 🙂


Although I absolutely loved her transparency, ability to showcase she is as human as the rest of us and creativity, I am using this forum to share how you too, can turn the lemons in life into lemonade and proudly carry on!

Here are the top 3 lessons (yes there were more) I learned from Lemonade, were able to relate with and so can you:

  1. NO ONE IS EXEMPT TO EXPERIENCE THE TRIALS IN WHAT WE CALL LIFE! In the words of the one who was once my “husband in my head” and now painting clouds purple as he passed on to glory, Prince “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life.” Truth is, we ALL go through it. But only a few will choose to grow through it. Beyonce’ shared her trial and how she’s grown and you can too. Whatever that thing is whether it’s marital problems, infidelity, insecurities, childhood trauma, or even health scares, sweetheart, you are not the first nor will you be the last. Pick up your bed and walk free. Cry, become angry, scream, pout, question and do whatever you need to let it out, but most of all, be sure to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
  2. DON’T ALLOW IT TO “INTERRUPT YOUR GRIND!” Simply stated, *ish happens. Keep it moving. Bey shared how distractions, even those considered to be your husband can interrupt the plans God has for you if you are not careful. Do things in His will and never lose sight of the end prize. I have to be transparent and share, I fell into this trap for almost a year and when I heard those words “interrupting my grinding” all I could do was jolt up from the lying down position I was in and say in my Kevin Hart voice “wait… I wasn’t ready!” But the truth is, I needed to hear that. NOW… it’s about what I will do with that boost of inspiration. Come on now ladies, get in formation and follow suit! Don’t let anyone or anything interrupt the plans He has for you. Know your purpose and never stray away from it. If you get coins along the way, that is just an added blessing 🙂
  3. FORGIVENESS, FREEDOM AND MOVING ON! When life hands you lemons, make the best lemonade, forgive those who’ve done you wrong, own your freedom and once again, keep it moving! Forgiveness is the key to it all. Many times, why we get stuck is because we forget to forgive. Forgive the one whose wrong you, forgive what has happened to you and forgive yourself for what you’ve done to you including the extended pity party you threw. Own your freedom and let NO ONE take it from you. From family to social media to being captive to un-forgiveness, take your freedom back! “Freedom, freedom, I can’t move! Freedom, cut me loose!” 


So this is the Lemonade and Tea from me with learnings from Bey!

What are yours?

P.S. If you are needing some help in turning your lemons into lemonade, reach out to me, The Confidence Coach today for your FREE 30 minute Consultation!


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Be sure to share your learnings below!

Fashion-Food-Fitness Bloggers WANTED!


Are you a queen or king fashionista? Do you stay up on current trends, know what’s hot and what’s not… Are you able to share great tips in an inspiring and uplifting way? Are you a foodie at heart and love sharing health tips to the boss babes? Or maybe you are a yoga/fitness/mediation junkie with positivity exuding from you…

Well, we want you!


We are looking for bloggers who would like to expose NEW content through our blog on the topics of fashion, food, fitness and female empowerment. It is a great way to share your expertise with the world and get seen on multiple platforms.

Requirements include: 

  • NEW content only (not published on any other website or publication)
  • Clear point of view on topic of discussion
  • Promote female empowerment in all content (positive vibes only! This blog is created to share insight and inspire creativity and wellness among readers)
  • Understand that this currently is not a blog for pay opportunity but does grant you the opportunity to showcase your work on additional platforms, gain partnership for future endeavors and credibility for all work published as you will have a personal signature that will link back to your social media and websites

If you are interested, send samples of your best work, relevant to current style trends to with “F4 BLOGGER” in the subject!

Look forward to working with you!

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CHIC TIP: Business


I know the title may have you curious, which is why I am excited to share how awakening your dormant goddess personally can help you professionally.


Cleopatra… one of my favorites! A completely powerful, feminine, world known goddess and last active pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt. After her reign, Egypt became a province of the then-recently Roman Empire. (read more here)

She was an important part of pharaohs power. I use her as the epitome of goddess and an example of awakening your dormant goddess to help you professionally as she seduced, reigned and was well respected. She was confident in her actions… in the way she walked and she commanded attention without speaking a word.


When you feel confident personally, it spills over into whatever your professional titles are. Confidence allows you to stand taller, believe in yourself and abilities while also gaining the buy in of those around you. Want to know ways to awaken this dormant goddess? Read below for tips on how to awaken your dormant goddess personally so you can rule professionally!
1. Recognize she already lives within – as a “Kings Kid”, recognizing who you belong to spiritually gives you clarity to what you’ve inherited in the natural life. Even if you don’t currently possess the confidence to do those things you desire… know for you to have the thoughts, that it already lives within… you just need to fuel and nurture her.

2. Practice as you are… not just where you wish to be – when you first recognize she already lives within, it’s easier to practice as you are. Be transparent about where you are on your journey and practice just as you are in those very moments. You will then meet who you wish to be and the two will become one.

3. Treat yourself to great tantric practices – It’s been stated an empowered, sexually awakened, divinely feminine Tantric Goddess, radiates love, life and sensual energy. She can then be more powerful than anything on this earth. “Tantra combines sexuality, sensuality and spirituality and celebrates the sacredness of sex, which through practice helps to develop a heightened awareness within the mind, body and spirit.” (read more about it… study and apply!) Statistics state sex will release stress, boost your immune system, and overall makes you feel good which then allows you to feel good in the business you do and be healthy enough to complete any tasks needed.

4. Have fun with it! – As you tap into the goddess that lives within, liberate her and have fun with your exploration. Do not be ashamed of tapping into your personal power… this will benefit you professionally because you will not take everything too seriously but understand how to utilize your power to the advantage of you and your business.

I would love to hear how you will use these tips to awaken your dormant goddess and also your experiences professionally once she’s awoken.

KSP sig

Throwback Thursday Tribute

Throwback Thursday Tribute

Celebrating Throwback Thursday by highlighting a style icon who has reigned in Music, Television, Style and an overall personal brand! Queen Latifah is more than just a name, she is a CoverGirl, she is a envelope pusher and she is a living legend. 

All hail to the Queen!

The multifaceted hip hop pioneer entered our world beat boxing for Ladies Fresh in 1988 and then dropped her first album All Hail the Queen in 1989 at the young age of 19.

Dana Owens aka Queen Latifah has been one of the top crossover success stories of Hip Hop. She has not only crossed over into Hollywood, her works have been noted and awarded! She’s earned a “Golden Globe award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, two Image Awards, aGrammy Award, six additional Grammy nominations, an Emmy Award nomination and an Academy Award nomination.”

Check it all out on Wikipedia!

One of my favorite characters played by the Queen is Cleo from Set it Off 🙂 Her ability to completely transform into any role from character in Set it Off to Steel Magnolia’s or Chicago is remarkable.

Latifah changed the game when she not only became a CoverGirl but embarked on Queen Collection with CoverGirl.

Her red carpet looks are always classy and perfectly fitting for a queen. It showcases femininity and strength at its best from flowing floor length masterpieces to structured knee length frocks.

Now with her own talk show… The Queen enters our lives in a new light. “The hourlong talk show, produced on Sony‘s movie lot in Culver City, ranked as the second most popular debut of a talk show since “Dr. Oz” went on the air in 2009, according to preliminary audience totals released Tuesday.” Which was stated on the

Queen Latifah, I marvel at your greatness and wish you continued success in the brand which is you! Here’s a tribute to a Queen highly deserving of it all.



Tuesday TEN

Ten reasons why I love me some Janelle Monae!

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The “easy breezy beautiful…Cover GirlJanelle Monae is a Grammy nominated artist that is currently signed to Wondaland Arts Society and Bad Boy/Atlantic Records. She’s known for her alternative and contemporary R&B style along with a taste of Neo-Soul. It’s an eclectic mix. Her inspirations actually are heavily influenced by Nona Hendryx’s blend of funk and rock. This Chic CHICK has a numerous amount of talent and below are the TEN reasons I love Janelle Monae.

1. She Maintains strong femininity while rocking menswear tailored styled suits
1. She maintains strong femininity while rocking menswear tailored styled suits

2. Her Song and video below Q.U.E.E.N is AMAZING!!!! “While you keep selling dope we gonna keep selling hope!” Simple yet brilliant lyrics! another line I love… “Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am!”

3. Because I can’t get her lyrics out my head!!! “She who writes the movie owns the script and the sequel. So why ain’t the stealing of my rights made illegal?” You better preach Electric Lady!!

5. She's the perfect beauty edition to ConverGirl
4. She’s the perfect beauty edition to ConverGirl

5. Her dance moves are filled with energy. She’s not only mastered the infamous James Brown footwork, in my opinion she does it even better than the legend himself. See for yourself below:

6. Although her signature look involves black and white tailored suits with red lips... She looks even more stunning in variety of colors
6. Although her signature look involves black and white tailored suits with red lips… She looks even more stunning in variety of colors
7. Another look in color... simply stunning
7. Another look in color… simply stunning
8. Now back to her black and white... She has done photo shoots with Karl Lagerfelt and says he is her personal inspiration for her style.
8. Now back to her black and white… She has done photo shoots with Karl Lagerfeld and says he is her personal inspiration for her style. But pays homage to her parents as considering the look her “uniform”

9. The footwork spoke about in #5 is evident and even more relevant in #9. Her 2010 hit Tightrope still will ignite your mood and make you want to dance!

10. Her new album The Electric Lady comes out September 10th and I’ve already pre-ordered it!

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