Chic Empowerment Reads 2016


I plan to read a MINIMUM of 2 books a month this year (yes, I’m sure I’ll read more if not 2 a week), and I thought it would be great to share the top 10 books on my reading list!

Be sure to share what you are reading too and maybe I can add those to my list of reading. I love books that inspire, true stories, books that make me laugh and that also add value to my life by helping me live my absolute best. What are your favorite reads??

1. Kingdom Woman – Chrystal Evans Hurst & Tony Evans (Already began reading this one and it’s amazing!! I decided to host a LifeTeam at Triumph entitled “Kingdom Woman” since this book has been so good to me.) Interested in attending the FREE LifeTeam, sign up here!

kingdom woman

2. #Girlboss – Sophia Amoruso (Bought this one as a birthday gift in November but didn’t get around to reading it yet so I put it on the list for this year. Starting it next week.)


3. Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design – Laurence G. Boldt (Recommended by savvy boss babe Myliek Teele so I needed to add it to my list as well)

zen life

4. Misguided by Love, Redirected by Faith – Ericka Ellis (my friend 🙂 ) Coming out this April and I can’t wait to read it!!! Met this beauty while residing in Dallas… Her story is inspirational so I know this book will be too!


5. Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy – Mallika Chopra A suggestion by V12 Yoga studio owner and a Dallas City Influencer, Veronica Torres Hazley so adding it to my list!

living with intent

6. Daring Greatly – Brene’ Brown


7. The Virgin Way – Richard Branson Inspirational Entrepreneur who I admire. Can’t wait to read about is out of the box thinking for business. 


8. 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life – Andrea Owen Read through this one day while at the book store and it seems fun!


9. Success through Stillness – Russell Simmons I’ve read his other books Do You and Super Rich and was inspired by both so it’s only fitting to add this book to the shelf as well. 


10. Grit to Great – Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval The power of grit is what will move you to success… Can’t wait to read more.


This is a part of my personal development plan. Reading is always great was to pour in personal development. What do you do to invest in you? What books are on your list this year?

KSP sig

Tuesday TEN – Texas And The City Edition

10 reasons to attend Texas and The City Book Signing in Dallas this Saturday!!



1. I’m a local self-published author!


2. Free GWP Tote for College Students!

College GWP

3. It’s an inspirational tale! Read more HERE.


4. It’s at one of the prime Barnes and Noble in Dallas,Tx!


5. I’m an author that loves connecting with people!


6. It’s not just a book signing, it’s a discussion as well…sharing details & answering questions.


7. This will be one of the best book signings you’ve attended! Sharing laughs, inspiration and free gifts!

photo 1

8. Get your book signed!


9. Don’t forget about the FREE TOTE!!!!

College GWP

10. and as stated in number 1… I’m a local SELF-PUBLISHED AUTHOR!!! Support me in bringing my book more forefront.




RSVP HERE!!! Facebook BN Event.

Tuesday TEN

Tuesday TEN

Ten ways to invest into YOU!

After speaking with a friend, I had to share more in detail. These are just quick ways to invest more into YOU. Remember your value is worth far more than anything else you are surrounded with. Here are ten ways to invest in YOU!

1. BE HUMBLE Never forget where you came from. Simple reflections each day are the best moments of investing in you. Give thanks, remember when and be humble.

2. Get to know YOU Get to know who you are and what you are destined to be. Know this… purpose is a powerful thing and when you know YOUR purpose… you can release greatness! “Be yourself; everyone is already taken” ~Oscar Wilde

3. Develop your skills Take some additional courses, research and even enroll in workshops to consistently develop your skills. Consistent learning is a great investment for oneself.

4. Nurture your body Care for your body by staying active. When your body is a well oiled machine, your mind will be also. This will then aid in more creativity flowing, time prioritizing and allow you to reap the benefits of investing in you.

5. Hang with like minded individuals Get involved with positive groups of people. Iron will sharpen iron. Surrounding yourself with a positive and encouraging group of people will propel you to consistently follow your dreams, believe in yourself and invest more into YOU.

6. Create a morning ritual Perfect time for productivity. This investment can add so much to your life. More exercise, quiet time, reflection time, or even affirmation time… these are all additions from one investment that pours back into YOU.

7. Get lost in a good book. Simply stated… Knowledge is power and this investment will improve creativity and understanding.

8. Become debt-free! Nothing more rewarding than not having the stress of debt!

9. Celebrate YOU We sometimes become so caught up in the task, next task or big project that we forget to take a moment to celebrate our success. So starting today… Celebrate you and all of your awesomeness!

10. Hire a coach! Whatever your struggle area may be, the right coach will pay off tremendously. A coach will support, encourage, challenge and constantly empower you along your journey of greatness. Looking for the right one… Hire Me!