Brunch with Me?

I’m so excited to share my upcoming event entitled:

Seek-Speak-Soar Empowerment Brunch


Joined by some amazing women of God, this event is sure to be one that will empower you for greatness! Purchase tickets today!!

This brunch is created to enrich, evoke, and empower women and their teens within the community to confidently seek God for His purpose over their life, teach them to speak aloud the promises He shared in a positive affirming way and soar greatly into the predestined journey after proper planning.


Cherisse Plair is the founder of 3 Words Ministries, a ministry with a mission to equip people with the right tools to build a strong foundation based solely on the word of God.

Antoinette Staples is the founder of W.E.N.G.S. and is on a mission to Encourage, Inspire, and Empower women all over the world. 

This event is going to be power packed and will inspire not only the women of this generation but also the teen girls of our future.

If you are interested in becoming a Sponsorship Partner, please click the coordinating package and sign up today!!

Platinum Partner Pay NOW          Gold Partner Pay NOW          Silver Partner Pay NOW

If you have a small business and would like to highlight your business as a vendor at the event, WE WANT YOU!!


With this community event bringing many women and teen girls together, we are extending vendor opportunities to local business owners. If you brand aligns with God’s message of women & teen empowerment, we want you! For a small fee of $40, you can secure a table during Seek Speak Soar Empowerment Brunch 2016. Vendor opportunities are limited so please act fast.


If you are interested in just joining for this amazing teaching, purchase a ticket for you and be sure to purchase one for your teen girl too! BUY NOW 

You can check out more information here: ——>SeekSpeakSoar<——


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Invest Where Necessary


One of the best ways to protect your growth is by investing in yourself!

Invest physically, spiritually, financially and mentally.

What does it mean to invest in yourself? Well simply stated, it means to care more about your God-given purpose greater than the many life distractions that may come your way. Listen, God never said it would be easy but I do know from personal testimony that it is definitely worth it!


When you care more, you will invest in proper eating and exercise to perform at your very best. You will spend more time with Christ to understand your divine purpose. You will invest financially to receive the education necessary and you will take the time to invest mentally as what you think, you shall become.

When you know you are worth it, you stand a little taller and you also care just a little bit more.


If you are in need of more confidence, invest in it! Take a course that will help you get what you need!


I’ve decided to make it easier for you. It only cost $20 and requires you to show up and be ready to receive the tools and empowerment to take necessary steps to kickstart your confidence.

Will you join me? If you have not registered, sign up today:

Hope to see you there!

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GIVE BACK! Our Teens deserve it!


I’ve been teaching a course at church entitled Teen K.I.C.K.

TEEN CK Course

This week we completed and shared our vision boards. These girls were so empowered to share their desires for the future.

Here are some pics from tonights event:

This is just a taste of what will occur during my first Teen K.I.C.K. Conference August 27th!

I have been charged by God to give back to our youth and that’s exactly what I will do.

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This conference is for teen girls only. The focus is on building and igniting each girls confidence to live boldly as Christ intends for them.

The young sophisticated confidence in our girls is dying.My God-given purpose is to enrich and empower while reviving what the enemy intended to die.

Will you help support this conference in being the very best possible?

Please check out here for more info and donate today!!

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Monday Motivation… Get Coached!

Looking to give your confidence the kickstart needed to open that small business, kickstart your career or even just kickstart your life?

Well, here is your opportunity!


Confidence K.I.C.K.start™ 

This interactive presentation will help you:

K. Know who you are and who you are destined to be

Get to the Core (assessment to find your purpose)

Who are you destined to be (How are you impacting and changing the world positively?)

• I. Ignite what already lives within

Discover what’s within

Feed, Nurture, Grow the gift

• C. Confidently speaking because body language speaks louder than the words

Speaking Non-verbally

Speaking Eloquently

• K. Keep it moving! Don’t let one life situation erode the confidence you’ve built

Overcoming obstacles


Join me July 19th & July 21st for this Continuing Education Course offered at Lamar Institute of Technology. I want to help you kickstart your confident living!


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Revive Your Passions


We are 6 months into the year and 6 more remaining.

How are your goals going for you? Are you hitting those milestones you set?

Statistics show many hit a plateau at the halfway point. Right before you hit the mile marker, only having 10lbs to your goal weight, gaining more clients, right before the business boost… the plateau comes and this post if for those who are experiencing this.

Here are 10 ways to revive your dreams and passions to have an even stronger back half of the year as you did in the beginning!

First please note,

“It is never too late or too soon to be true to yourself and to live your dream!”



  1. Take the opportunity to REFLECT! Look back over your first half. Was it everything you hoped, planned, sought it to be? Celebrate your wins, and hone in on your opportunities. That’s right, celebrate your wins first! You got those 3 clients you said you would. You lost 15lbs vs 10lbs. You joined the support group you said you would or took the opportunity to travel a bit… whatever it is, celebrate the win you had, reflect on what could have been better and lets start moving fot2rward.
  2. Get Quiet. Find a place where there are no distractions or disturbance. Get in a seated comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly, deeply and in perfect rhythm. Doing this allows you to turn inward and hear clearly what God has for you to do going forward. We must learn to quiet ourselves so we can hear clearly. Sometimes our plans are not the plans God has for us and requires us to quickly change the direction we are going… do so! The reward of doing what HE wants vs. yourself will always be greater.
  3. Turn within. Listen to the voice speaking within. Allow this voice to restore and revive your passions for life. Let it be the driving force of what to do next and be bold enough to activate your faith by putting action behind the voice. Know it is the God in you speaking louder than the you in the world. What will you do with it?
  4. t3Say bye to the nay sayers. You are your only limit!!! —–> Stop sharing your eagle dreams with chickens. <—– click to tweet! They are not where you are. They will not understand your purpose for those specific actions and will only speak negatively to encourage you to go opposite of what you know you should be doing. Those who speak down on the things you do only do so because they were not brave enough to act upon the wild dreams God gave them. Say “boy bye” or “bye Felicia” and keep it moving!
  5. Walk out the feeling. Yes… your intuition, God-voice may lead you down a different path that your first half vision and that’s ok. Follow the feelings. Your vision may change from success coach to teen coaching and you must follow it. Nothing is a coincidence… take those God-driven ideas and act upon them.
  6. Sporty womanChallenge Yourself. Are you up for the challenge to revive? At times when stress enters our world, our passion begins to die but if we deal with our stress differently, we can allow the passion to live on. Welcome balance into your life. Do not become overly consumed with one thing… Give time to you, breathe more and challenge yourself to deal with it differently so you can continue this journey! Challenge yourself and when you hit a milestone celebrate you. t5
  7. Get a mentor! We all need others. Find a mentor that will uplift, encourage and hold you accountable to completing the goals you set forth. Join a community of change agents and those with similar dreams so you can feed off their energy. Trust me, it works! Iron sharpens Iron.
  8. Be a mentor 🙂 Yes… when we give, we receive in return that very thing we are searching for so help someone else out and watch it challenge you even more.
  9. Be true to you! No one knows you better than YOU. Be true to who God created you to be. Don’t get caught up with what others are doing in the industry. There is only one you and the world needs your uniqueness!
  10. Give thanks! Gratitude always reaps gratitude. When you receive the restoration to your dreams, vision, passions… give thanks to it! Be grateful of the answered prayers. Be grateful for those things you received in the first half of the year and the many great things to follow in the later half!


Be sure to share how you will revive your passions below!

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Start where you are!


Today is the last Monday of 2015 and 2016 will be here in a few days! During this time many of us are planning our New Year Resolutions.


Many await the New Year to change those bad habits or embark on something new. The number one resolution is always to lose weight, get healthy and in shape and by February or March, those resolutions die. Even I have fallen into this resolution on more than one occasion. But this, I will follow through with anything I set out. This year I plan to live a year of intention!


I plan to live on purpose and every goal I set will be done with intention. I don’t want to make resolutions that are a repeat from previous years and never completed. I do believe when living with intention those goals do come true because it’s not a fad… there is accountability attached and the goals are broken down into bit size chunks that make them more obtainable! Will you join me in living with intention?


Share what your list of intentions are for this new year and I dare you to go further with sharing what you are doing TODAY to ensure your goals come to past. Remember, you must start where you are. Rome wasn’t built in a day! But with dedication, accountability and INTENTION, your goals will be completed!

Are you in need of a coach that will help you get there? Well, look no further. I’m transparent… I’ve been where you are and I’ve overcome. I’ve coached many that are living a life with intention and I would love to coach you too!

Sign up today for your FREE consultation! 


What are your goals for the upcoming year?

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Start Today!

Can you believe we have only 44 days until our new year of 2016??


So many times we wait until the new year to make a resolution or necessary changes to see different results in our lives.

But, did you know that only about 8% of those who set resolutions actually follow through with them? Speaking of your dreams without planning and action remains just a dream. No matter how great the dreams may be, action is required to make them a reality.


I want to help you change those dreams into goals and accomplish them. So I say, choose to start NOW… don’t wait until the first of the year but put action to it today. If you put action to it today, you are setting yourself up for more future success!


Email me today at for your FREE consultation. Together we will:

  • Take the pressure off
  • Discover who you are and what you desire
  • Create implementation goals that allows you to succeed
  • Establish a reward system
  • Implement accountability for the year to come and going forward

Reach out TODAY and let’s get started on those goals NOW!

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What does your heart say?


Life Lessons 5


Don’t fall for the traps of social media, magazines and television that states there is a specific kind of beauty. You are uniquely beautiful, made in His image and He doesn’t make any mistakes. Love who you are! Know your worth! Accept your flaws and don’t let go!

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Dare to Dream and Go after It!

Original post from E3Retreats!


How often do you just sit back, relax and dream? Dream of where you would like to be in 5 years, 1 year, or even in the next 5 months? So many times we become so busy with daily routine that we forget the importance of dreaming!

woman relaxing in a hammock on tropical beach

When we give ourselves time to dream, we open ourselves to the possibility of more… the possibility of seeing our lives in a different light and that can increase the will and want to go after what we dream about!

There is infinite possibilities each and every day for you to chase your dreams and live out your purpose. It’s up to you to take charge!

Remember… you have a unique gift that the world needs so why not share it?! What is that thing you once dreamed of becoming as a child? Did you follow your dreams or were you sidetracked? As long as you are still alive, you still have time to make those dreams come true!


If you need help in reviving your dreams, join E3Retreats this fall in Galveston, Tx for a weekend retreat filled with daily life coaching and meditation with Coach K, fitness and nutrition training with Coach G and meals prepared by our private chef!


You don’t want to miss this! Only $50 to reserve your spot!


We hope to see you there!

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4 Strategies to Boost Your Brand & Your Confidence

I absolutely LOVED this article on Self Help Socialite by Danielle Mercurio that I had to share!

You can view the original post here.


“The moment you decide you’re ready to start your own business and work for yourself, is absolutely thrilling! There is the wave of possibilities, ideas, and most of all freedom.  But once the buzz of excitement settles, the daunting doubts and fears arise. How will I actually make money? How will people find me? Am I really good enough to make this happen?

For every triumph, it’s natural for concerns to follow suit. Whether starting a new business or stuck in an overwhelming cycle of entrepreneurship, it’s valid to have the highs and lows, however it’s all about how you choose to look at it.  The setbacks you encounter can be perceived as a challenge to keep you small or as an opportunity to set you forth into greater knowledge and expansion.

Whether looking to transition from your full time job or exploring new ways to elevate your business, I can’t wait to share 4 strategies to boost your brand and allow your confidence to soar along the way!

1) Have a plan.

Sure, it sounds simple enough, but however detailed are the next steps you’re taking with your business? It’s easy for us to conjure up the big picture of what we want, however trying to actually get there is where we get overwhelmed and scattered.

Create the ideal vision of your business and start to scale backwards, step by step.

It’s more manageable to catch up to your goals when you have smaller ones leading up to it.

2) Be okay with your plan taking a new turn.

After creating a structured plan, leave some space for other opportunities to be presented too!

Sometimes we get so focused on what we think we want, that we don’t actually see that there may be another way.

Be open to a potential new venture and explore what it is about you and your business that is enticing to the prospect client/situation. Notice if it feels energetically aligned. If so, how can you implement this into your plan going forward?

3) Create a menu.

One of the reasons why my business struggled initially was because I was being too confined on my offerings.

When I broadened my services, my clientele grew as well!

To explore what else you’re able to do, create 3 lists; the first of everything you’re good at or have training in and the second of what you absolutely love to do. Start to mix and match and use the third list to write out offerings that you feel confident people would want and are willing to  pay for. Find a cohesive thread that makes it easy to talk about having multiple services with potential clients or while networking that demonstrates variety without feeling scattered or misaligned.

4) Find your people.

Building an audience that you love and loves you back is a key aspect of your business. So where do you find them? Social media is a great platform to build a following, however if your message isn’t consistent and relatable, you’ll just be another avatar taking up space in the social media ethers. Ask yourself, what part of your business provides the most value? When people reach out to you, what do they want to know most? Use this information to lock in the expertise that you can put out.

People love clear and fast content that relates directly to them!

For example, you can create a Facebook group that engages people in your field of knowledge, create Instagram posts that inspire or even jump on Periscope to discuss how to solve a particular point! The more you connect with others that appreciate what you do, the more your confidence will accelerate and you’ll have more faith in the work you are doing.

The biggest key factor in starting your own business is to start today!

We often don’t get where we want with our business because we are spending too much time for everything to “line up”. Staying still or waiting creates a stuckness, which leaves us feeling stagnant and discouraged.

Starting where you’re at, even if it’s one small step, creates movement and builds momentum. It’s also in that motion that you are provided with clarity and guidance as to where to move next!

In the spirit of the present moment, what’s one small takeaway from this piece that you could start right now? I’d love to hear from you on exactly where you’re getting stuck and support you in taking action!”

Hope you enjoyed! Share your thoughts below!

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Share Your Story


Choose a side…



Hey There!
So I previously shared my retreat with you and guess what… We are now offering it at an extremely low price!
We have been truly blessed with the overwhelming demand and because of it we are able to get more rooms at a cheaper rate! Come join #E3Retreats in #CostaRica this fall!
Promo pay button
You can now book and save over $500!
Please check out the new rate and share with everyone you know!
new PRICE flyer
​*Those already booked have received a refund of residual cost.
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Who Are You?

Who are you? A question that I’ve witnessed plague so many due to insecurities, disappointments, and unfulfilled goals/dreams. But did you know that you can speak words that hold power and can literally change your life if you are open to it?


The tongue is the most powerful tool on your body… use it to your advantage! Discover the power of starting your day saying “I Am” and fill in the blank after those words to describe who you desire to be if you are currently non there.

Examples are:



Try it and share your experience below. Remember… You are what you say you are so give some self-love and speak greatness!

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9th reason to #MeetMeInCostaRica

Per my E3Retreats Blog:

Rise and Shine! Here is reason #9 on why you should join E3Retreats in Costa Rica this fall!

Yes it’s true! When you try something new or have group support, your fitness rises to the next level. Think about it! Have you ever taken a yoga class or bootcamp? When you are working along side other fellow #fitbuds, it pushes you to go a little further, stretch just a little bit more and try a little harder. You are guaranteed to walk away with your fitness game being moved to the next level!

Sign up today to receive the Limited Time Only Special PROMOTIONAL Offer!

retreat promo

What are you waiting for??? Click the button below and secure your spot today:

Promo pay button

See you in Costa Rica!

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Hey There!

So over the past few days I’ve been giving reasons to #MeetMeInCostaRica on my other blog:

I thought it only fair to share with my loyal friends here as well. I’m so excited to host my first retreat this fall and I want YOU to be a part of it! Check out some of these amazing reasons you should join us there:

retreat promo

It’s an awesome savings!! This Yoga Promo will continue through July 15th and from there will arise back to it’s original price. Get in now and save BIG!

Promo pay button

Please help spread the word through social media and be sure to tag me!!! I’ll be sure to follow back 🙂

This retreat will allow you to grow by being challenged, teach you how to meditate like a monk in 15 mins or less, have 3 meals a day prepped and ready for you to eat, teach you proper nutrition for your body type, give you the break you deserve and aid in mental health as well!


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Hope to see you there!

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So here is day 2 and also the second reason you should join E3Retreats in Costa Rica this fall:


What more inspirational way to learn than with those who’ve experienced their own transformational journey! As stated in our first #TransformationThursday post, Genese shared her journey from “chubby girl, to physically and mentally fit!” Here is a small part of Genese personal story:

“I firmly believe God allowed this to be my journey so that I could lead others to realize the strength they already possess.  I still love food, but it does not control me.  I don’t live for my next meal.  I no longer get any satisfaction from being full to the point of experiencing feelings of guilt and shame.  I have learned self-control and I have given my body over to God!” READ MORE HERE.

If you want to learn from the best who have experienced their own transformation, join E3Retreats in Costa Rica this fall! This amazing promo price will only be available for a limited time so act quick and bring a friend to save more!


Promo pay button

Hope to see you there!

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KCL Proverb


Chic Affirmation

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KCL Proverb


KCL Proverb


Enough said!

In Pursuit of Happiness


Are you pursuing what excites you? If not, why?

No more excuses… life is too short to be living anything less than extraordinary so if you are not awakening with excitement to fulfill your purpose and living a life a passion, you are not fully living.

Let’s make today and each day after the days we live to be our BEST SELVES!


P.S. If you are looking for a rockstar confidence coach to assist you in living your best self, hit me up for a FREE consultation and let’s pursue what excites you together!

Click —–> HERE <—–

A sample of tomorrow

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Confidence K.I.C.K
It’s been stated by Mark Twain that “In order to succeed in life you need two things; ignorance and confidence.”

This course is going to help you gain the latter of the two… confidence.
What is confidence? It’s “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”  Many studies have shown that those with confidence accomplish way more than those that do not possess confidence at all. Confidence also is “generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.”

When you possess the confidence within one self, you have firm trust that you can and will accomplish anything.
You can compete in your first ever triathlon. You can open your dream publishing corporation, run for president or even become a stylist to the stars. With self-confidence… nothing can stop you. And you know the beauty to this… EVERYONE possesses confidence. That’s right, everyone. The issue comes because not everyone has tapped into their self confidence and realized what lives within to go after their dreams. Confidence K.I.C.K will help you unlock that confidence that lives within and propel you to go after what’s rightfully yours.

Each day for the next 28 Days you will receive the tools necessary to unlock the confidence that lives within. I will share guided meditations that will allow you to tap inward to unlock your confidence, envision empowerment with affirmation statements, assist you in redefining failure, go deeper in understanding what confidence is, and even give you confidence activities to assist you along your way.

Here is the day by day breakdown:

What is Confidence K.I.C.K. & How it Benefits you

Know who you are & Who are you destined to be

3 What are your needs from confidence?

Posture… got it?

5 What Meditation got to do with it?!

6 Say, Believe, See 4 Minute Guided Meditation

7 Affirming it All with Envision Empowerment

8 Ignite what already lives within

9 Feed, Nurture & Watch It Grow

10 Say NO Confidence Activity

11 What does HE see

12 I am…I am…I am 4 Minute Guided Meditation

13 Confidence Consistency & Redefining Failure

14 Party for one…yes you’ve won!

15 Confidently Speaking

16 Body Language Diary

17 Articulate Eloquently

18 Speaking in Gibberish Activity

19 I speak life 4 Minute Guided Meditation

20 Strength Speaks Confidence Activity

21 Confidence in That Affirming Attitude

22 Give, Give, and Give again

23 Keep it moving!

24 Embrace your Uniqueness

25 Use Criticism as a Learning Experience

26 Chakra Confidence 4 Minute Guided Meditation

27 Do it Proud Confidence Activity

28 Spread the love

There is still time for additional participants. Spread the word with someone you know and let’s help bring confidence to all who are in need.

Let’s partner together and give your Confidence the K.I.C.K needed to become who you are destined to be!
Sign up HERE!!!

Chic Affirmation


Tuesday TEN – 10 ways CONFIDENCE will benefit you

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With my 28 Days to Confidence FREE Workshop kicking off February 1st, I’m dedicating this Tuesday TEN to how confidence will benefit you and why it’s important to build up yours!

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It’s been stated when you experience a lack of confidence, it may stop you from striving for what you want. But when you possess confidence, you abandon worry, hesitation and, more importantly, you side-step fear. The focus here is on your whole being, every part of you; your thoughts, the images in your mind, your emotions, and ultimately your behavior and the actual outcomes in your life.

Below are benefits of what Confidence will do for you!

1. Happiness! When you are confident with yourself and with the life you are living, troubles may come yes… but your happiness will still stand strong. It’s been stated confident people are happier than the average.


2. Greater Success = More Money! – yes it’s true… the more confident you are the more rewards you will reap professionally which includes making the top dollars. Dr. Maya Angelou was once interviewed and asked to share her one tip of confidence for women… this is what she said: “Well first, there are some things a woman must do for herself. Admit who you are and where you are and how you are to yourself. You don’t have to do that to anyone else. But admit who you are to yourself. Have enough courage. And say, [if it’s the case] ‘I am overweight. I am underweight. I’m not using my time intelligently. I’m not getting enough rest. I’m not having enough fun. I’m not reading enough. I’m not learning enough.’ And say it to yourself. Make notes to yourself so you can improve yourself. It’s very important. It’s important because then you give off an aura of competence and people are more reluctant to take advantage of you if you appear to be competent.” Read more HERE

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3. Worry Less – Take a little lesson from the movie over a decade old…1994 hit Disney film Lion King... Hakuna Matata… It means no worries. A meerkat and warthog, a weird combination for friends confidently taught Simba to forget his troubled past and live proudly in the moment. What a great lesson in confidence. When you are more confident with who you are, you tend to worry less. You simply trust your decisions, live in the moment and accept whatever life hands you in the moment.

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4. Get heard! Confidence allows you to get yourself heard. You will speak more eloquently, a little more stern and confidently with whatever words chosen which demands attention to be paid regardless if the listeners agree or disagree with the points shared.


5. Become more attractive and have great sex appeal – I remember in early 2000’s when Jermaine Dupri was dating Janet Jackson and so many people would say… “How did he get her?” These statements were made insinuating the difference in the physical look as Jermaine Dupri looked liked the average guy to many but the truth behind it is, confidence of a person will stand out way more than their looks or lack there of and Janet saw more in him than society did.


6. Networking with a breeze – Confidence will allow you to release the fear of meeting new people which is a benefit for both personal and professional. Personally because meeting new people can lead to great friendships and even an amazing love relationship that you’ve been waiting on. Professionally as if you network freely with no hesitation it could lead to promotions within your current company, opportunities for other companies seeking someone with your particular skill or even growth in clientele for your own business.


7. So much freakin’ fun! With the benefits listed above it leads to more fun for the confident person. The less you worry, no longer care what people think of you, become more attractive, network and build more relationships, the more fun you will have. You become okay with laughing at yourself aloud and learn not to take things too seriously… oh how much fun your life will be!


8. Prioritize self-care. Confidence leads to you understanding what is needed for you and this will jumpstart true care for yourself. You understand this does not mean you are selfish but more caring of yourself even more so than you are for others. Whether its monthly massages, energy boosting yoga daily or knowing when and how to proudly say no to those things that may drain you… you will confidently prioritize self-care.


9. Increase your performance – The more confident you are, the more you will increase performance to going after your dreams. Whether an athlete, motivational speaker, promoter, actor or entrepreneur, truth is the more confident you are in yourself, the more you will work on perfecting your craft to becoming the best. Think Michael Jordan or Denzel Washington or Les Brown or Steve Jobs or Michael Jackson or Oprah… all individuals known for perfecting their craft to be the best in a particular craft.


10. Kick fear in the face! Remember this TGIM video “Focus on what your purpose is and be determined to fulfill it”… well, confidence will allow you to take that quantum leap into the purpose you are supposed to be living. Regardless if you have enough money in the bank, regardless of the naysayers, regardless of what it may look like to others, you will face your fears head on, master them and keep it moving.


If you would like FREE training on how to possess this type of confidence sign up for my 28 Days to Confidence. A 28 day guide of meditation, daily activities, affirmations and deeper understanding to becoming the confident person that you are supposed to be.



Chic Affirmation


Chic Affirmation of the Day


Chic Affirmation


KCL Thought of The Day
