Power of the Park – #IvyPark

Let’s kick this off celebrating the brilliance of Beyonce’ .

Yes, I said it and no it’s not worship… it’s celebration. It’s inspiration. It’s empowerment. Now, let me share with you why.

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It’s been 37mins that the cover of Elle was shared via internet. 35mins since Bey posted via instagram pics of the shoot and introduced #IvyPark as a hashtag and new instagram page… check out these results:

ivypark inst

yea… 25k of us already are followers and there is only ONE picture posted!

The cover of Elle is not only breaking news but literally breaking the internet!


And not only is it Elle for US but UK also!


Now let’s share the brilliance of Beyonce’ , business mindset and branding!

Beyonce’: Known for music that gets you moving physically and sometimes mentally as well due to what some consider as the recent controversy of her lyrics and video to Formation.


The celebrated truth is that she is unapologetically her. She chooses to be who she desires and does not ask the permission of you. Regardless of any backlash received, she is still doing her and refuses to address any of it. This alone is a brilliance many of us strive for our entire lifetime.

When was the last time you did something that caused a reaction but you kept moving not caring what anyone had to say?

bey gif

Carry on 🙂

Now “back to business”: Bey reminds us to keep our business mindset up. Look at what she’s done over the past 60 days:

  1. Performs epic routine, song and nationally talk about performance at Superbowl Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.16.21 AM
  2. Launch NEW song and Formation clothing line at the same time… capitalize on the opportunity Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.07 AM
  3. Teases with Elle cover and NEW active wear line Ivy Park 14 days prior to it’s launch date in stores! Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.18.57 AM

Not only is she about her business, she works it quietly then drops it effortlessly. This is something to learn. Know how to just WORK!

Stop talking about it and just work about it! 

Tweet: Stop talking about it and just work about it! ~CoachK #formation #slay #businessbabe

And on to Branding: The power of branding award goes to Beyonce’ . With the introduction of a clothing line 14 days to launch date, introduction to new instagram page and having 25k followers in less than 30mins, this shows the power of right content and being visually appealing to the eye.

Truth is, her branding works because:

  1. Beyonce’ is clear about her unique value proposition
  2. She knows her goal (simply to dominate and inspire along the way)
  3. Bey knows her target audience
  4. She is loyal to herself first
  5. Pays attention to the details
  6. Stays relevant

These are just a few of what makes her branding work. She stays relevant by knowing her audience (Intro to getting your Summer Body ready with Ivy Park), what’s going on in the world today (Formation) and keeping trendy with a unique flare!

If you disagree, I’m sure it’s more of a personal dislike versus respecting the truth and hustle. Either way, your opinions are welcomed.

I’m inspired by #IvyPark Not simply by the brand or Beyonce’ but the immersive experience received when watching the trailer. It inspires me to reflect back to what my park is. This has ignited a fire and I’m ready to burn it up!

new signature

Life Lessons 5


Don’t fall for the traps of social media, magazines and television that states there is a specific kind of beauty. You are uniquely beautiful, made in His image and He doesn’t make any mistakes. Love who you are! Know your worth! Accept your flaws and don’t let go!

KSP sig

Happy New Year!!!

It’s 2015 and you’ve made it through!


Now the question is… what will you do with it?

You’ve celebrated last night to bring in the New Year and now it’s time to get to it! Remember…

every moment count

Some have written out goals, made resolutions or even created vision boards but above all of this, you need to underscore the importance of doing what you said you are going to do each and every day this year. You must APPLY action toward whatever that goal is. Break it down into digestible chunks to set yourself up for success and not failure. Ways to achieve this is to not speak so broadly of your goals but get specific on one action that will eventually make a huge impact.

Here’s an example:

Your goal is to lose 30lbs by March but keep it off for the entire year, well your digestible “APPLY IT ACTIONABLE” would be to commit to working out 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. (This is how you will be able to see your goal come to fruition)

Apply It Action


What’s better than the “Apply it Actionable” ? The answer is an accountability partner! Do you have one? If not, reach out to a friend that you know will hold you accountable or better yet, make the public your accountability partner by sharing with the world via social media what your goals for this year are. I have a good friend who wrote an article on “Power Moves” versus the mundane resolution list and I absolutely love it! Check it out here: 5 Power Decisions for Women to Make in 2015 it’s by Jasmin Brand. Be sure to follow her work. Lot’s of greatness to come in 2015!

With that being said, I will share my 5 power moves and conclude with wishing each of you well as you journey through what will be an amazing year!

2015 is all about me Paying it Forward! With this being said, below are my 5 power moves with most being ways I will pay it forward so that I will not only impact my life but the lives of others!



1. Social Media Takeover! The obsession with big butts, flashy cars and materialistic nonsense is over-rated and out-dated! Let’s get back to inspiring those to become better individuals, inspire them to go after their God-Given talents and become who they are destined to be! I plan on doing this by taking over social media with my inspiration initiative. Be sure to follow me as I give uplifting, positive yet entertaining words of wisdom on a daily basis while also being transparent about my life. (Why be transparent? Well, who wants inspiration from someone who never faces or have faced any issues or failures??? What’s the inspiration in that?!) FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER

2. Daily Affirmations: I will share with the world 365 daily affirmations to assist on your journey to becoming great! Each affirmation will be posted on Instagram and here on my blog. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and I will definitely follow you back! #teamfollowback


3. InstaMotivation: Follow me on Instagram for 15sec video inspiration! It will post every Monday for what I consider #MondayMotivation or what I’m known for saying… “TGIM!” This will assist in keeping you charged for the week to come.

4. Invest in Me! Per Jasmin’s power moves I’m stealing this one. It’s necessary for me to give back to myself as I give to others. Besides, if I’m not the best me, how can I offer you the best? Being transparent, last year started off really great with my book and business launch but as my granny took ill and I went there to be her right hand aide, I allowed stress and depression to take over and gained 27lbs in 4 freaking months! SO NOT COOL! I’m back on the track of gaining my health back and it’s not just because it’s a new year, it’s because I owe it to myself! How will I do this, well my bitesize chunk is 30 minutes of cardio each day for 5 days a week along with better food choices as I travel the world. 🙂

and lastly…

5. Give my gift to the world! Although I do many speaking engagements and I’m a Life Coach, I want to impact more and I will do this by offering free training and workshops throughout the year. Be sure to look for them! Below are the months to expect free virtual workshops:

  • February (28 Days to a Confident YOU)
  • April
  • June
  • September
  • November

Please share your goals with your “Apply It Actionable” for this upcoming year… I would love to be an accountability partner for you!

Loads of Love,

The Confidence Coach


Tuesday TEN ~ Enrich your life!


1. Take a moment and Give Thanks for Today! – Humility will enrich your life daily.

Give Thanks

2. Stay active! Keeping the blood flowing will increase longevity, creativity and this will flow into better living.


3. Read something good! From funny to inspirational… any reading even for 20 mins will enrich your life. And if you’re interested in a good read try Texas and The City


4. Give something of yourself to someone else. Share your gift with the world.

5. Turn off the distractions for at least one hour! Social Media, Cell Phone, TV… all of it. Shut it down for one hour of your day and you will be amazed how much you will accomplish and how great you will feel.


6. Be true and honest with yourself. Be true about what’s working or not for you in your life, and be honest about whatever change is needed.


7. Write about it. Keeping a daily journal is a great enrichment choice. It allows you to reflect on the greatness of your day and is also used as a tool to review in the future to reflect back on what you’ve overcome!


8. Treat your body well. Drink lots of water, eat well and keep yourself healthy. This will keep you energized to live your best life each day!


9. Be creative! Paint, take photos, decorate your home, draw, color in a coloring book or even take up pottery making… Doing something creative each day will enrich your life!


10. S M I L E There is always something to smile about! Share it with the world… it will make a difference in your life! Join the movement and share why you smile: www.chicsmileproject.tumblr.com



Do you have other ways you enrich your life daily? Be sure to share!


FREE TOTE GWP at Texas and The City Book Signing in Dallas!

College GWP


Be sure to RSVP on FaceBook and share on Instagram!!

KCL Thought of the Day



Follow me on social media (I’ll follow back):

Facebook: KishasChicLessons

Istagram: KishasChicLessons

Twitter: KishaSpeaks