Confidence = Success… Get Some!


(article via LinkedIN)


5 Ways to Live Confidently NOW

“With confidence, you have won before you have started” ~Marcus Garvey

When you think about those people who are successful and you aspire to be like such as Oprah, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, Farrah Gray, the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or even the power music couple Jay-Z and Beyonce’, what is the common character trait that all of these people posses? The answer…CONFIDENCE!

Each believe, and have a firm trust in not only their talent but also themselves. And because confidence is contagious, we as viewers believe in them simply because that person has a strong belief in themselves.

It’s been stated that the number one reason people never take the leap of faith to do those things they love in life and become who they are destined to be is because of the lack of confidence. You’ve always wanted to quit the corporate life and start your own company but you say you can’t because you don’t have the money to do so. Well, here’s the newsflash, having the lack of money is not the real issue. Having the lack of confidence is.

Many of those moguls listed above did not have the money to start their brands but they definitely possessed the confidence. I still remember Farrah Gray’s story shared on Oprah of how he started selling painted rocks at the age of six and became a young millionaire with other business ventures by age fourteen just because he knew he could. With the quote that began this article, the young Farrah Gray won before he began because of his confidence! It’s time for you to do the same.

Here are 5 ways to Live Confidently NOW.

1. Know who you are. When you know who you are, and are accepting of who you are, you become not easily broken when someone else challenges you to be something different. This I will admit doesn’t happen overnight but I will also admit, once you know who you are it becomes unshakeable. Do this by identifying your strengths and opportunities then learn how to celebrate your strengths in all that you do. If you don’t know what those things are, you can start by doing the simple exercise of listing out five things that you do really well along with the top five things you know and love about yourself.

2. Know the confidence desired, already lives inside of you. Reflect back on moments from early childhood. The times before you became self aware and was told you couldn’t do something… those times are the times you possessed more confidence than you do currently. I reflect back on the days I wanted to climb trees simply because the boys were doing it. Everyday I would climb the tree and everyday I would get higher and higher. When the boys told me I couldn’t do it, I climbed higher to make fun of them. But when my granny told me that was not lady-like, I began to question myself and became more self aware. Remember you already possess the confidence, you just need to re-ignite the fire inside to allow it to show through.

3. Kick fear and take the risk! That’s right…kick fear in the face and just jump. Take the risk now. You will not know the outcome until you actually do it. Assuming is just another way for fear to take control. Taking a risk involves not always feeling safe and that is okay.

4. Become comfortable, being uncomfortable. Embracing the unknown and accepting uncomfortable situations is a key to living confidently. It goes perfectly with #3. You have to accept that you cannot plan everything. You do not know the outcome of all situations and sometimes, you will be challenged and uncomfortable. This is all a part of life. So LIVE! You have to step out of the familiar,  predictability of your comfort zone. If you focus on the endpoint and not the process, you become more welcoming of being uncomfortable.

5. Begin and end with a Smile. It’s one of the most simple things in life to do that offers a very large return. Smiling tricks the brain in thinking you are happy and guess what… When you smile, you instantly become happy. It releases endorphins and reduce stress. And it’s the number one seller for any product or service you choose to sell and this includes selling yourself as a brand.

Step out, and live confidently NOW. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow so live boldly today.

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Do it with Passion!


It’s amazing how much success follows the person that chooses to do it with passion… (of course I’m talking about sharing your talent with the world)

When studying why people like Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson and even Jessica Alba become successful million and even billionaires are largely due to them following their passions.

They chose to not only stand behind something that they were passionate about but also to master the craft! From tv to basketball, technology and creating more green products… they chose to be the best at it.

If you are looking on ways to allow your passion to turn into success, study those before you like Steve Jobs who didn’t give up on his dream because it was unsuccessful the initial release… he mastered the craft, re-introduced the product and success followed.

SO… here are some questions for your to consider:

What is your passion? How are you giving it to the world currently? and lastly, How can you give it on a grander scale?

Share your thoughts below.

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Tuesday TEN – 10 ways CONFIDENCE will benefit you

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With my 28 Days to Confidence FREE Workshop kicking off February 1st, I’m dedicating this Tuesday TEN to how confidence will benefit you and why it’s important to build up yours!

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It’s been stated when you experience a lack of confidence, it may stop you from striving for what you want. But when you possess confidence, you abandon worry, hesitation and, more importantly, you side-step fear. The focus here is on your whole being, every part of you; your thoughts, the images in your mind, your emotions, and ultimately your behavior and the actual outcomes in your life.

Below are benefits of what Confidence will do for you!

1. Happiness! When you are confident with yourself and with the life you are living, troubles may come yes… but your happiness will still stand strong. It’s been stated confident people are happier than the average.


2. Greater Success = More Money! – yes it’s true… the more confident you are the more rewards you will reap professionally which includes making the top dollars. Dr. Maya Angelou was once interviewed and asked to share her one tip of confidence for women… this is what she said: “Well first, there are some things a woman must do for herself. Admit who you are and where you are and how you are to yourself. You don’t have to do that to anyone else. But admit who you are to yourself. Have enough courage. And say, [if it’s the case] ‘I am overweight. I am underweight. I’m not using my time intelligently. I’m not getting enough rest. I’m not having enough fun. I’m not reading enough. I’m not learning enough.’ And say it to yourself. Make notes to yourself so you can improve yourself. It’s very important. It’s important because then you give off an aura of competence and people are more reluctant to take advantage of you if you appear to be competent.” Read more HERE

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3. Worry Less – Take a little lesson from the movie over a decade old…1994 hit Disney film Lion King... Hakuna Matata… It means no worries. A meerkat and warthog, a weird combination for friends confidently taught Simba to forget his troubled past and live proudly in the moment. What a great lesson in confidence. When you are more confident with who you are, you tend to worry less. You simply trust your decisions, live in the moment and accept whatever life hands you in the moment.

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4. Get heard! Confidence allows you to get yourself heard. You will speak more eloquently, a little more stern and confidently with whatever words chosen which demands attention to be paid regardless if the listeners agree or disagree with the points shared.


5. Become more attractive and have great sex appeal – I remember in early 2000’s when Jermaine Dupri was dating Janet Jackson and so many people would say… “How did he get her?” These statements were made insinuating the difference in the physical look as Jermaine Dupri looked liked the average guy to many but the truth behind it is, confidence of a person will stand out way more than their looks or lack there of and Janet saw more in him than society did.


6. Networking with a breeze – Confidence will allow you to release the fear of meeting new people which is a benefit for both personal and professional. Personally because meeting new people can lead to great friendships and even an amazing love relationship that you’ve been waiting on. Professionally as if you network freely with no hesitation it could lead to promotions within your current company, opportunities for other companies seeking someone with your particular skill or even growth in clientele for your own business.


7. So much freakin’ fun! With the benefits listed above it leads to more fun for the confident person. The less you worry, no longer care what people think of you, become more attractive, network and build more relationships, the more fun you will have. You become okay with laughing at yourself aloud and learn not to take things too seriously… oh how much fun your life will be!


8. Prioritize self-care. Confidence leads to you understanding what is needed for you and this will jumpstart true care for yourself. You understand this does not mean you are selfish but more caring of yourself even more so than you are for others. Whether its monthly massages, energy boosting yoga daily or knowing when and how to proudly say no to those things that may drain you… you will confidently prioritize self-care.


9. Increase your performance – The more confident you are, the more you will increase performance to going after your dreams. Whether an athlete, motivational speaker, promoter, actor or entrepreneur, truth is the more confident you are in yourself, the more you will work on perfecting your craft to becoming the best. Think Michael Jordan or Denzel Washington or Les Brown or Steve Jobs or Michael Jackson or Oprah… all individuals known for perfecting their craft to be the best in a particular craft.


10. Kick fear in the face! Remember this TGIM video “Focus on what your purpose is and be determined to fulfill it”… well, confidence will allow you to take that quantum leap into the purpose you are supposed to be living. Regardless if you have enough money in the bank, regardless of the naysayers, regardless of what it may look like to others, you will face your fears head on, master them and keep it moving.


If you would like FREE training on how to possess this type of confidence sign up for my 28 Days to Confidence. A 28 day guide of meditation, daily activities, affirmations and deeper understanding to becoming the confident person that you are supposed to be.



KCL Thought of the Day


KCL Thought of The Day


KCL Thought of The Day
