A sample of tomorrow

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Confidence K.I.C.K
It’s been stated by Mark Twain that “In order to succeed in life you need two things; ignorance and confidence.”

This course is going to help you gain the latter of the two… confidence.
What is confidence? It’s “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.”  Many studies have shown that those with confidence accomplish way more than those that do not possess confidence at all. Confidence also is “generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.”

When you possess the confidence within one self, you have firm trust that you can and will accomplish anything.
You can compete in your first ever triathlon. You can open your dream publishing corporation, run for president or even become a stylist to the stars. With self-confidence… nothing can stop you. And you know the beauty to this… EVERYONE possesses confidence. That’s right, everyone. The issue comes because not everyone has tapped into their self confidence and realized what lives within to go after their dreams. Confidence K.I.C.K will help you unlock that confidence that lives within and propel you to go after what’s rightfully yours.

Each day for the next 28 Days you will receive the tools necessary to unlock the confidence that lives within. I will share guided meditations that will allow you to tap inward to unlock your confidence, envision empowerment with affirmation statements, assist you in redefining failure, go deeper in understanding what confidence is, and even give you confidence activities to assist you along your way.

Here is the day by day breakdown:

What is Confidence K.I.C.K. & How it Benefits you

Know who you are & Who are you destined to be

3 What are your needs from confidence?

Posture… got it?

5 What Meditation got to do with it?!

6 Say, Believe, See 4 Minute Guided Meditation

7 Affirming it All with Envision Empowerment

8 Ignite what already lives within

9 Feed, Nurture & Watch It Grow

10 Say NO Confidence Activity

11 What does HE see

12 I am…I am…I am 4 Minute Guided Meditation

13 Confidence Consistency & Redefining Failure

14 Party for one…yes you’ve won!

15 Confidently Speaking

16 Body Language Diary

17 Articulate Eloquently

18 Speaking in Gibberish Activity

19 I speak life 4 Minute Guided Meditation

20 Strength Speaks Confidence Activity

21 Confidence in That Affirming Attitude

22 Give, Give, and Give again

23 Keep it moving!

24 Embrace your Uniqueness

25 Use Criticism as a Learning Experience

26 Chakra Confidence 4 Minute Guided Meditation

27 Do it Proud Confidence Activity

28 Spread the love

There is still time for additional participants. Spread the word with someone you know and let’s help bring confidence to all who are in need.

Let’s partner together and give your Confidence the K.I.C.K needed to become who you are destined to be!
Sign up HERE!!!