Life Lessons 5


Don’t fall for the traps of social media, magazines and television that states there is a specific kind of beauty. You are uniquely beautiful, made in His image and He doesn’t make any mistakes. Love who you are! Know your worth! Accept your flaws and don’t let go!

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You are WORTH IT!

So many times I come across individuals who forget or have not recognized their self worth. So this is dedicated to you. Please know… YOU ARE WORTH IT!


First… A daily affirmation to help you feel good, know your worth and know you can do anything!

Youare worth overflowing happiness

You are worth receiving your hearts joy

You are worth being respected

Do not accept anything less of this!


Tuesday TEN

Tuesday TEN

Ten ways to live your BEST life!

Tomorrow is not promised… Be sure to live your BEST life NOW! Here are 10 ways to help you with that but… there are plenty more:-)

1. Be Positive! Ever tried the no complaint rule?? It’s a great project started by A Complaint Free World where you wear a bracelet to remind you not to complain. Remember, the more positive you put out there… the more you will receive in return.

2.  Learn something new! Learning is encouraging and uplifting. Learn a new craft, take a class, learn a different language or even explore a different culture… your brain will thank you!

3.  Become a Passionpreneur!!! Follow your passion and be unapologetic for following your hearts joy. What are you most passionate about? And are you pursuing this on a daily basis???… if not, why not? Think of those great people who followed their passions and done great things for this world, their careers and others. Mother Teresa, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Gandhi and many more.

4. Turn of the TV for at least 24hrs. It’s amazing the things you can accomplish, explore and marvel at when we are not completely consumed with the television. I challenged myself to go without tv for 3 months and it’s now been 1 year and 4 months! I’ve started a blog, written a book, created beauty products, and been a life coach to many! Just saying:-)

5. Kick fear in the face! Allow your courage to be showcased by conquering that thing you thought you couldn’t.

6. Help someone in a worse situation than you. Remember… there is ALWAYS someone going through something way worse than you. Get out the house and mentor a troubled youth, buy groceries for a family, spend time with the lonely at a possible nursing home, hug a child… Help someone other than yourself.

7. Be seriously silly!! Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud… do something uncharacteristic and just be silly. Don’t take everything too serious… you only live once! I love this funny photo:

8.  Go somewhere NEW! Visit a new city, town, country or even bakery… Go somewhere new and allow the adventure to begin.

9. Dolce’ Far Niente’ (The sweetness of doing nothing)

10. Love like you will never be hurt…Don’t be afraid to love and love hard. Share love with everyone. Fall in love romantically. Enjoy the time with your loved ones and let them know how much you love them. LOVE!

These are just a few ways to live your best life there are plenty more! Check out some listed HERE. Also be sure to share how you choose to live your BEST life!


Throwback Thursday Tribute

Throwback Thursday Tribute

Celebrating one of the most hip & fun yet highly educated mom’s from tv’s highest rated 80’s sitcom The Cosby ShowClair Huxtable🙂

Clair was not only a character for TV, she was who little girls and women aspired to become  and above all a fashion icon nonetheless.

She was so classy with her evening looks.

Clair was full of life, very playful but still held her ground as an assertive attorney you did not want to cross. I would marvel at the way she spoke so eloquently. She knew how to be relate-able without compromising her true self.

In a poll of Opinion Research Survey back in 2006, Clair was voted as “TV’s Favorite Mom”.

Although I didn’t have the luxury of watching this amazing show as a kid, I did watch it repeatedly in the 90’s and still to this day as an adult!! I own the entire 8 seasons. 🙂

One of my favorite Clair go off moments is when Vanessa goes to Baltimore to see the Wretched… See below:

Too many great things to share on the lovely Clair Huxtable. Her fashion sense was classy, age appropriate and with a subtle sexy unlike some of TV’s moms nowadays. We all as women can learn a thing or two from this sophisticated character who can never be forgotten.


I loved the “looks” she would give as she raises one eyebrow…

Color blocking at it’s best in the many sweaters Clair wore.

Working mom fashion at its best:

What’s your favorite Clair episode, outfit or power line?


Throwback Thursday Tribute

Throwback Thursday Tribute

Celebrating Throwback Thursday by highlighting an Icon – GRACE JONES

grace jones dolph1 765x1024 OLD: Grace Jones   Pull Up To The Bumper

Grace Jones, who entered as a model in the 70’s opened doors for many in an industry that never embraced the type of beauty she exuded in abundance. Grace was proudly unique and unapologetic! I pay tribute to Grace because not only was she a fashion icon beginning in modeling but she gracefully transition into music and film which will forever label her a legend.

My favorite memories of Grace Jones is definitely her in the movie Boomerang as Strange’, the colorful, unapologetic, wildly untamed character that still has me laughing when thinking of the infamous scene in the restaurant with Eddie Murphy and in the board room discussing “the essence of sex!”

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Overall Grace Jones is one that will forever be remembered even many years after her death. But while she is still here with us, I wanted to pay tribute to this phenomenal legend.

Hope you enjoyed!
