Tuesday TEN


This is your year! I’m sure you’ve heard this multiple times already in the first 12 days of the year. Well, not only do I believe in this statement, I am going to share with you a great way to invest in yourself that will assist in this being “YOUR Year!”

your year

One of the best ways to invest in yourself and your passions is to get educated in the field you are passionate about, find a great mentor/accountability partner and spread your gift to the world.

Using myself as an example, last year was great. I published my first book, had a book tour where I sold out 4 out of 5 places and was booked for multiple speaking engagements all within 4 months of me leaving my full time day job to pursue my passion of being an author, Life Coach and Motivational Speaker. My new career of pursing my passions was looking great! Then things came to a halt due to me taking on full time care of my granny. Now with a new year in place, I’m back to pouring into my passions. One way I am pouring into my passion is to attend Marshawn Evans Daniels  upcoming Make Money Speaking Tour and I’m sharing 10 reasons why you should attend also!



1. What better way to learn than from someone who’s done the work! Marshawn has a proven track record of building her brand and living out her purpose.



2. Marshawn has published multiple inspiring and informational articles for world known companies



3. She is known for her many appearances in media outlets

4. Godfidence Business School is “WHERE WORLD-CLASS SPEAKERS GENERATE A WORLD-CLASS INCOME™” so why not learn from the Make Money Speaking Tour



5. The testimonials shared via website are enough to inspire anyone to partake in services

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 2.47.58 PMScreen Shot 2015-01-11 at 2.52.26 PM 6. Marshawn is offering the opportunity to learn “the business and branding secrets of speaking for pay” at a very low cost of $45!



7. Marshawn’s motto just makes sense:


8. Marshawn offers amazing and insightful advice via social media so just imagine what you will get when in her presence!


9. Her Brand Class is just a peak of brilliance that you would get from Make Money Speaking!



10. She is a woman of faith! Marshawn is not afraid to share her faith and because of this, God continues to reward her.

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Please be sure to check out Make Money Speaking Tour dates and invest in yourself by attending.

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Wear It Wednesday

Halloween will be here in 3 days! Do you have your costume yet?

If you are one of those who usually awaits the last minute or don’t have the time to do it until last minute and still looking for ideas, I’ve compiled some below!


These costumes are those that are inspired to spending minimal amounts of money, in some cases none because most of us have these things lying around the house to create these frugal costumes!

Go Nostalgic! 

I’m sure everyone has that old bag of clothes from the nineties stuck in the attic somewhere (and for some still in the closet) that you can pull out and create these looks from!

Fresh Prince and his wacky cousin Carlton! With Alfonso currently showing his dancing moves on Dancing with The Stars, this would be fitting to pay tribute to him.


Or try Dr. Evil and Mini Me… literally 🙂 Make it a family affair with this look by just getting out the blue jean button down and bandana to tie around the head. Then be sure to add stick on numbers to the front to get the whole prison look.


Or make it plain yet powerful with Sticky Stickley from Nickelodeon


Looking for more fun… try these:

Buy a roll of tulle under $5 at Hobby Lobby for more than enough and create a large loofah! And don’t forget to get the string! Watch the DIY video HERE for how to create.


Become Rosie the Riveter by putting on your spouse blue collared shirt, sleeves rolled and a red bandana.


Throw on a lampshade, cut a box and cover it with a sheet for “One Night Stand


Or make it sexy and even become a pop star for a day:

Become Fifth Element with white tube tops and tape. Make it a group effort to become Korban, Dallas and Leeloo.


Do you have a sexy red dress? Become Jessica Rabbit with a red dress and just buy some purple gloves!


Through on your black leotard or body suit, buy some cat ears and become a sexy kitten!

Lastly… so many looks from the infamous Beyonce’ from this past year you can become. If you have the items at home… recreate and become Sasha Fierce!

Rock the short bangs and a wig as Bey in Paris


Make it sexy On the Run with your black body suit and let your man be Jay-Z 🙂


Hope this sparked some ideas! Be sure to share what you plan to be.


What they are saying about Texas and The City

It’s now been 3 months since I introduced Texas and The City to the world. I kicked off a book tour throughout Texas in August and so far it has been going great.


In less than two weeks I will conclude the Texas and the City Barnes and Noble Book Tour throughout Texas in Houston and I’m so excited to round it up in H-town at the Barnes and Noble on Westheimer.



To hear the stories from different readers on how my book inspired them is completely amazing! I feel overwhelmed with joy because this is exactly what I sought out to do. Check out some of the comments here:

A TxandCity


Ashlyn TXandCity

Some comments from Amazon readers:

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Some pics from book signings:










More amazon posts:

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Have you gotten your Texas and The City copy yet? If so… share what you love about it. If not… purchase TODAY at discounted price HERE!!!


FREE TOTE GWP at Texas and The City Book Signing in Dallas!

College GWP


Be sure to RSVP on FaceBook and share on Instagram!!