Happy New Year!!!

It’s 2015 and you’ve made it through!


Now the question is… what will you do with it?

You’ve celebrated last night to bring in the New Year and now it’s time to get to it! Remember…

every moment count

Some have written out goals, made resolutions or even created vision boards but above all of this, you need to underscore the importance of doing what you said you are going to do each and every day this year. You must APPLY action toward whatever that goal is. Break it down into digestible chunks to set yourself up for success and not failure. Ways to achieve this is to not speak so broadly of your goals but get specific on one action that will eventually make a huge impact.

Here’s an example:

Your goal is to lose 30lbs by March but keep it off for the entire year, well your digestible “APPLY IT ACTIONABLE” would be to commit to working out 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. (This is how you will be able to see your goal come to fruition)

Apply It Action


What’s better than the “Apply it Actionable” ? The answer is an accountability partner! Do you have one? If not, reach out to a friend that you know will hold you accountable or better yet, make the public your accountability partner by sharing with the world via social media what your goals for this year are. I have a good friend who wrote an article on “Power Moves” versus the mundane resolution list and I absolutely love it! Check it out here: 5 Power Decisions for Women to Make in 2015 it’s by Jasmin Brand. Be sure to follow her work. Lot’s of greatness to come in 2015!

With that being said, I will share my 5 power moves and conclude with wishing each of you well as you journey through what will be an amazing year!

2015 is all about me Paying it Forward! With this being said, below are my 5 power moves with most being ways I will pay it forward so that I will not only impact my life but the lives of others!



1. Social Media Takeover! The obsession with big butts, flashy cars and materialistic nonsense is over-rated and out-dated! Let’s get back to inspiring those to become better individuals, inspire them to go after their God-Given talents and become who they are destined to be! I plan on doing this by taking over social media with my inspiration initiative. Be sure to follow me as I give uplifting, positive yet entertaining words of wisdom on a daily basis while also being transparent about my life. (Why be transparent? Well, who wants inspiration from someone who never faces or have faced any issues or failures??? What’s the inspiration in that?!) FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER

2. Daily Affirmations: I will share with the world 365 daily affirmations to assist on your journey to becoming great! Each affirmation will be posted on Instagram and here on my blog. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and I will definitely follow you back! #teamfollowback


3. InstaMotivation: Follow me on Instagram for 15sec video inspiration! It will post every Monday for what I consider #MondayMotivation or what I’m known for saying… “TGIM!” This will assist in keeping you charged for the week to come.

4. Invest in Me! Per Jasmin’s power moves I’m stealing this one. It’s necessary for me to give back to myself as I give to others. Besides, if I’m not the best me, how can I offer you the best? Being transparent, last year started off really great with my book and business launch but as my granny took ill and I went there to be her right hand aide, I allowed stress and depression to take over and gained 27lbs in 4 freaking months! SO NOT COOL! I’m back on the track of gaining my health back and it’s not just because it’s a new year, it’s because I owe it to myself! How will I do this, well my bitesize chunk is 30 minutes of cardio each day for 5 days a week along with better food choices as I travel the world. 🙂

and lastly…

5. Give my gift to the world! Although I do many speaking engagements and I’m a Life Coach, I want to impact more and I will do this by offering free training and workshops throughout the year. Be sure to look for them! Below are the months to expect free virtual workshops:

  • February (28 Days to a Confident YOU)
  • April
  • June
  • September
  • November

Please share your goals with your “Apply It Actionable” for this upcoming year… I would love to be an accountability partner for you!

Loads of Love,

The Confidence Coach


Virtual Workshop Coming Soon!

November is my birthday month and I am giving away great things during this month! The first thing I want to give is the opportunity for each of you to receive extensive coaching, strategic tools and daily motivation from me at an incredibly low cost!

Can you believe we only have 60 days until 2015!!!!???! Have you completed those things you set out to do this year? Well if not or maybe you have but still have some more to go… this workshop will help you! It will kickstart you to living your dreams NOW versus awaiting the New Year to launch.

Click the pic below for more details!





KCL Thought of the Day



Follow me on social media (I’ll follow back):

Facebook: KishasChicLessons

Istagram: KishasChicLessons

Twitter: KishaSpeaks

Tuesday TEN

10 Reasons to support my NEW BOOK “Texas and The City”

1. It’s published by a freaking awesome and upcoming author… ME 🙂cropped-img_0583.jpg

2. I’m offering multiple ways for you to win a FREE autographed copy! Check out numbers 3-6 for details!9781499005301_p0_v1_s260x420

3. Follow @KishasChicLessons on Instagram instagramIcon

4. Repost pic with contest details Giveaway2

5. Tag me when you repost TAGYourIt

6. Post on other social media sites for more chances to win!!

www.facebook.com/KishasChicLessons fb_icon_325x325

www.twitter/KishaSpeaks twitter_logo1-Copy


7. Read the reviews from those who’ve read it on Amazon!! photo 2


8. More reviews!! Thanks Carla!photo 1

9. Check out one more:  (thanks Natalie!)photo 2

10. Lastly because I support you:-)

Texas and the City: The Journey Less TraveledTexas and the City: The Journey Less Traveled by Kisha Simmons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews



Tuesday TEN

Ten points to help brand ______Inc!

Fill in the blank with your name:-)  Kisha INC!

1. Know your brand (Determine what your brand is…Who are you and what do you represent)


2.Create it! Take a lesson from KLL  2 (Write it down, make it plain & clear so you can run with it!)

3. Put it out there! Share it with the world! (No one will ever know the greatness you have to offer if you don’t ever share it to the world! Utilize your free marketing opportunities via social media and networking)

Just to name a few great social media platforms:

4. Look to grow smart versus fast!… Trust, it will last much longer:-)

Take a cue from  Wonderland BakeryIt’s been stated “The Wonderland team took the brand from a sparkling logo to a comprehensive fairytale theme complete with a group of fantastical characters. That set the stage for a very memorable brand that ignites all the senses,”

5. Research those that excel in Personal Branding. It’s always great to review those who’ve been successful and apply lessons from them!

Some top Personal Brands I can think of are:

6. Live, Breathe and Manage your brand daily! Lisa Quast stated it best: “Don’t create a mismatched brand by conveying different or competing attributes in various social media outlets, such as tweeting negative opinions about gowns worn at the Oscars and posting comments on LinkedIn about your vacation when you’re trying to brand yourself as a savvy cross-functional project team leader. Doing so will create audience confusion about who you are and what you do.”

7. What’s your niche? (what are you offering that currently is a void in the marketplace?)

8. Maintain it once created (keep people interested in you as a brand. Why do they want you? What’s new, exciting and interesting to share about you as the brand? Being YOU Inc is an everyday task!) Don’t let your brand go stale.

9. Find a good mentor! We are all in this together. Never feel you are alone. Reach out to those successful in personal branding and ask for guidance, support and accountability.

10. Remain true to you! Always choose to be authentic!

If you have any additional tips in personal branding please share!
