5 Podcasts every #BossBabe should give a listen


I’m a big advocate of personal development which = self investment. One of the ways I invest in myself is listening to other inspiring and kick ass boss babes that have started from the bottom now they here! Women who struggled and still made it inspire me to keep pushing.

Below are my Top 5 Female Podcasts that will positively affect your life, business and even relationships! Be sure to share who you listen to that keeps you motivated.

  1. Myliek Teele of My Taught You

Myliek is the founder of CurlBOX and has transparently shared her story. She speaks openly on how she started before she was completely ready without even having enough packaging… literally sending product in basic brown boxes. She speaks on her fall with a DUI while starting her company and how she rose to being one of the best in the game right now! Her authenticity is what I love about her! One of my favorite podcasts of hers is one that was posted just recently entitled “Maintaining Momentum”. Give it a listen and be sure to follow her work.


2. Courtney Sanders of Think & Grow Chick!

Courtney’s gift is to give to other female entrepreneurs. She focus on helping business owners like myself, unlock the full potential to think & grow into our purpose. She shares openly about the unsuccessful launch of her business back in 2009 and talks candidly about the steps she took to succeed and how you can do the same thing. Click her pic below to follow her podcast. One of my favorites is entitled “Do You Boo: Defining Your Own Success vs. Learning from the Best”

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3. Sophia Amoruso the original #GirlBoss 

Another fabulous and open book entrepreneur! Sophia is the founder of Nasty Gal but literally came from rags to riches by personal poor choices. She dropped out of school and found herself dumpster diving, hitchhiking and stealing prior to finding her purpose and creating Nasty Gal. She recently launched #GirlBoss Podcast late 2015 and I’m already loving her interviews and candid conversations.

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4. Jess Lively of The Lively Show

This inspiring lady is all about encouraging you to live with “value-based intention.” Her podcast has over 2 million downloads and is true boss babe status! “The Lively Show is designed to uplift, inspire, and help you add a little extra intention to your everyday.” From topics of wellness to career and business, Jess Lively covers it all. One of my favorite interviews is with Nicole Balch that gives business advice. Be sure to check out more by clicking her photo below.

jess lively

5. Koereyelle of The Single Wives Club

Koereyelle “Confessions of a Werkaholic” podcast series interviews various boss babes around the US sharing their learnings. Not only is this a great addition to my podcast listening pleasures, her “Mindset Mondays” are equally informative. So this one is not really a podcast but must not go unmentioned. Koereyelle offers weekly “Mindset Mondays” conference calls and shares her personal advice, learnings and motivation for savvy ladies everywhere. Sign up to get a part of the action here! The one I received this past Monday entitled “Pray then Prepare” was phenomenal. Don’t miss out on her great advice.

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Are you listening to these ladies already? Who else out there in the podcast world is worth a listen? Please share below!!

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